Richard Dell writes: The original insights that form the basis of this book date from 1991 and 1992 - be warned, there are more to come. I think I have always been groping towards the universal in how we think about ourselves, our religions, our spiritual journeys, our beliefs, etc. Most of the ‘insights’ - if I may so call them - reflect that attempt on my part. But I am aware that at times my own more particular belief system does poke through.
My belief is indeed that in this incarnation I am an Anglican. I do believe in reincarnation and thereby
Forty-two insights; forty-two challenges.
The original insights that form the basis of this book date from 1991 and 1992 - be warned, there are more to come. I think I have always been groping towards the universal in how we think about ourselves, our religions, our spiritual journeys, our beliefs, etc. Most of the ‘insights’ - if I may so call them - reflect that attempt on my part. But I am aware that at times my own more particular belief system does poke through.
My belief is indeed that in this incarnation I am an Anglican. I do believe in reincarnation and thereby the idea of karma. Note that I only ‘believe’. I have no way of knowing if my beliefs - any of my beliefs - are true. Most of the time I hope they are. Sometimes, though, when life gets a bit hard, I can yearn for oblivion. Life after death certainly has its attractions. Meeting old friends, reconnecting with my parents, perhaps even understanding why certain things seemed to go as I wanted and so many more didn’t. But linking up with people who I might have once hurt? Oh dear.
Yes, I am an Anglican. I have periods of being a regular attendee of church, and other times when I stay under the bedclothes claiming that Sunday is the only day when I can sleep in. I love the ceremony, the rhythm and beauty of High Church. I rarely love the sermons I hear.
So yes, I am a reincarnation-believing Anglican. But the important thing is that I respond, in ways I cannot define, to that sense of OTHER, to that sense of there being purpose and meaning within and behind this extraordinary universe we live in. No proof. No evidence that would be permissible in a court of law. But always there is that indefinable sense of something great and beautiful and embracing beyond myself. And when freed of attempts at definition, attempts at systematization, attempts to believe that we are the only ones with true answers, that puts me hand in hand with all other believers, and indeed non-believers. To stop our ancestors building a Tower of Babel in order to reach heaven, God hadn’t needed to give us a cacophony of different languages, He / She had just needed to give us a cacophony of different religions. Sadly, we seem to be better at learning and embracing each other’s languages than we have ever been at learning about and then embracing each other’s belief systems.
I will offer a simple thought that comes from my own Anglican background. Jesus said: ‘by their fruits you will know them.’ (Matthew 7:16). I know there are other interpretations, but for me this simply means that we are what we do, and what we are, not necessarily what we believe. Again, I believe (note I do not know) that whatever judgement we might face beyond the grave, no-one is going to question me regarding my belief in the virgin birth or the resurrection. They are certainly not going to question me on my understanding of the Trinity. Instead they are going to look into my heart.
Why do stars figure so much in these ‘insights’? Is it, perhaps, some sort of atavistic need to see our destinies written ‘up there’? Perhaps. But mainly because, as the words in this book formed, the stars became a tangible metaphor for the heavens. In one sense, when we look up into the night sky we are literally looking at the heavens, at the ‘starry firmament’. In another sense, I ‘see’ God / Other - call it what you will - in everything. Every grain of dust, every cell, every plant, every creature; everything, and everyone. Certainly I ‘see’ God / Other - call it what you will - in the beautiful and seemingly endless night sky.
Each Insight is preceded by a short explanation in italics. In other words, prose precedes the ‘poetry’. If the prose to some extent provides an explicable skeleton, an x-ray if you will, it is hoped the poetry eases us at least part way into the inexplicable heart.
Richard Dell
Richard Dell
Each Insight is preceded by a short explanation in italics. In other words, prose precedes the ‘poetry’. If the prose to some extent provides an explicable skeleton, an x-ray if you will, it is hoped the poetry eases us at least part way into the inexplicable heart.
We are born into a pattern of possibilities. A shape is within that pattern. It is the fluctuating, undulating shape of what we might be.
From our beginning, the ALL is already ONE in Us.
The pattern of our Birthing
Is already the pattern of our Becoming.
Our Birthing, our Being, our Becoming,
Is an unfolding undulation of Oneness:
Writ in the unfathomable ALL;
Writ in ourselves:
Our un-writeable calling.
Every Beginning encompasses the enigma of its Becoming.
Every Becoming is the fulfilment of its Beginning.
So is it with us.
The primal echoes of our Birthing,
Ring with the seasoned repercussions of our Becoming.
And, above all this,
Those primal patterns of possibilities at our birth,
Are given voice,
And are given shape,
By the songs of life that we sing.
Once, we were petitioners of God. Now, we become partners of God. That is the true meaning of our time.
This coming Age is a New Age.
This New Age is a Threshold Age.
This threshold is our beginning.
This beginning is our ending.
It is the ending of who we are, who we have become.
It is the beginning of who we must ultimately be.
It will be Us made New.
Because this coming Age, this New Age,
Marks our Coming of Age.
For ages beyond number we have been Petitioners of God.
For the ages to come, we enter into Partnership with God.
That is the meaning of who we are now,
And who we must become.
That is the meaning of our Time.
When faiths sweep all before them, it is not their scriptures that win souls. It is the Breath of God, folded within the undulating patterns of the time: awakening, proclaiming, manifesting the boundless, immeasurable seasons of the heavens.
The Spirit of God is not in the Word.
The Spirit of God transcends the Word.
For the Word is of Us.
And the Spirit of God is of God.
It is not the Word that changes lives.
It is not the Word that alters the destiny of one soul,
And of a myriad of souls.
It is the Spirit of God.
It is the transcendent and indefinable breath
Upon the mystic deep waters.
It is the call of the Unknowable from the Unfathomable.
It is the Dream of the Eternal.
It is Infinity itself reaching into our own finite being.
It is not words.
It is not texts.
It is the precious deep echoes of the Unknowable.
Everything faster, everything bigger; nothing necessarily better.
Everything to be loud.
Everything to be allowed.
Everything to be fast.
Everything to avoid being last.
Everything beyond compare.
Everything beyond repair.
Noise upon noise.
Hype upon hype.
This better than that.
That better than this.
Me better than you.
Us better than them.
You race me.
I’ll race you.
We’ll race each other,
We’ll race the other.
The race to be bigger.
The race to be faster.
The race to be louder.
The race to be zanier.
The race to be cleverer,
The race to be racier.
The race against time:
Before time runs out.
1. Astrology seen from a psychological perspective. As above, so below. That within man’s spirit, when he is born, there is set up a reflection of how the stars and planets are then. This was discussed in the Channel Four programme on ‘The New Age’. 8.2.91
2. ‘Twice Born’, ‘born again’, ‘except a man is born again’, refers to initiation. “They are…. known to every “Twice Born” (Drija, or initiated) Brahman.” (‘Secret Doctrine’, Vol. 3 p80. 9.2.91
3. Winged disc symbol of the god Ahura Mazda, seen in photo at Persopolis. This is the symbol above the door of White Eagle temple at Newlands. 10.2.91
4. I was at the end of a history class with L/IIIH. Heidi asked me about God, and about the creation of the world. Devina Ramnath, who is a Hindu, came up with a brilliant point: that the creation is still going on. 25.2.91 WW1
5. The New Age is a symbol of man coming of age. Before, man was a petitioner of God. With the New Age, man, the sons and daughters of God, enter into a partnership with God. 1.3.91 ************ Twitter
6. Art is mediumistic. All good art is, at any rate. You have only to watch a great musician. They have the faces of those in a trance. That is why art is so important. It is the pursuit of truth, as Bernard Levin so rightly points out, but truth because the artist is reaching into the inner spheres, or in secular terms, is at least reaching into his or her own psyche. Only when that is done are we dealing with art. Craftsmanship is only operating at the material level. 15.3.91
7. The above (6) does bring us to the question of philosophy. Philosophy at present is concerned with the material phenomenon of language and its phenomenal meaning, rather than its archetypal meaning. 15.3.91
8. Is it possible to achieve salvation with a deathbed conversion after a life of sin? Well, if the conversion is genuine, then yes it is—in a sense. The state of our soul at death will determine the state of our existence beyond the withdrawal from the body. So if we have finally broken through passion and anger etc etc, then we shall achieve a serene level. However, we must still ultimately face the consequences of our formerly ‘sinful’ deeds, through karma in later incarnation. 23.3.91 WW1
9. The spear of Longinus is broken—remember the sword of Aragon in ‘Lord of the Rings’. 4.4.91
10. A sense of history is vital for many reasons. It is a perversion when that knowledge is in league with hatred. E.g. The Irish; women’s studies; anti-imperialism. 4.4.91
11. Free will—this exists only in how we react and feel about events. This makes sense, because that is where the reality lies: in feelings and thoughts etc. The physical world is not reality in the truest sense; but the feelings and thoughts are; and are ultimately far more powerful. 10.4.91 ************
12. One reason the Church grew in the ‘Dark Ages’, but is not growing now, is not because they then relied on the Bible but do not now, as a visiting preacher at St Paul’s said today. It is actually because the spirit of God and of the times required it to expand. Now we are entering a ‘new time’, and it is not the Church’s time. 14.4.91
13. I wonder to what extent all the undisciplined thought forms created by us on Earth affect the nearest planes. Is Hell actually a construction of our own on this earth? 21.4.91
14. The Bible has to be re-interpreted, because man’s consciousness changes. Man enters new depths of understanding as he evolves. 30.4.91
15. Fundamentalist/Evangelicals love God, but not God’s creations; namely man and the world, etc. 2.5.91
16. Pentecostalism and ‘hysterical’ healing are close to shamanism, whilst the more established church is cerebral. Pentecostalism, so long as it is heart centred, is a step towards the inner way. 5.5.91
17. Adam/Eve. The symbolism of the ‘sin’ of congress? 6.5.91
18. This is a key question. Supposing it could be shown without a shadow of a doubt that the Bible told us to hate people and commit murder. Would we obey? If not, then clearly there is an inner sense of what is right that transcends the Bible and what is written in scripture. 8.5.91 ************ Twitter
19. Fundamentalism/ Evangelism is a perversion of Christ’s message. 9.5.91
20. Definition of a miracle: ‘Suspension of material and spiritual Law. 11.5.91
21. Lucifer’s Fall: a deliberate sacrifice: if the karma begins now, then we are about to see the commencement of the Cosmic passion for 1,000 years. This is an extraordinary moment. 14.5.91
22. According to fundamentalists, to explore the evidence for psychic phenomena is to dabble in a forbidden region labelled the ‘occult’. This attitude is rather peculiar, since the Bible is saturated with parapsychological experiences. 15.5.91
23. Is there a flaw in the orthodox Hindu view of reincarnation? Assuming we cannot be eternally damned, then if we descend to an animal or insect, we are totally without moral consciousness and therefore would be incapable of moving back into the human sphere. 20.5.91
24. ‘Love thine enemy as thyself’. The great enemy is the Devil; but Lucifer/Satan the Tester—ultimately, though we turn from his ways—we have to love him, especially for his great sacrifice. 29.5.91
25. It could be said that the start of the Piscean Age spanned 1,000 years; i.e. from Buddha, through Christ, to Mohammed. 1.6.91
26. Sex is not a moral issue. How we handle our relationships is. 19.6.91
27. A key question for every Christian since the beginning of the Christian Era, is whether he or she would recognise Christ at the Second Coming. Well, the Second Coming is upon us. Christ is here, working through all those souls who see religion as an inner path or journey. The amazing growth of the New Age movement, regardless of its shadows, is the manifestation of Christ coming once again upon our shores. 29.7.91 WW1
28. Our utilitarian buildings are a true reflection of our present view of man. All that matters is that our physical needs are met. The spirit is of no consequence at all. There is, though, a trend now back to decoration and spirit. Prince Charles is involved in this. A good example of this is the Nurses Home next door to Elton and Dagmar in Morgan Road, reading. The garden is just grass, and not even cut. For very little cost, the Hospital could provide an environment there of real beauty, with lawns, shrubs, seats and statues. It would be so cheap, yet a real environment to enhance the spirit could be created. Our world can be beautified. Perhaps one day I will make my model of a town—how a town should really look. 30.7.91
29. The prophets of Israel continually made the point that if the people of Israel lived by the Law, in other words, lived ethically, then they would prosper under God. If they did not, then there would ultimately be calamity. This had to be so, because of the bad karma that was being built up. Now we are in the same situation as ancient Israel so many times was. People do not behave ethically. Oh, they do not break the law, but you always hear people boasting about how they pulled off this deal or other. People no longer live honourably. Hence the decline of our nation. Until we restore honour and ethics to our everyday dealings, we shall not come out of our morass. Undoubtedly in the 19th century there were unscrupulous people who made fortunes, but people were expected to be honourable, and indeed there was a real code of ethics that the aristocracy and the middle classes operated by. Deals were made, but when made, a gentleman did not go back on his word. It would be interesting to make a study of this, possibly by looking at newspapers, and in particularly the financial papers. 2.8.91 ************
30. It is not just the physical environment that has to be redressed. It is the ethical as well. 2.8.91
31. The fundamentalist notion that only Christianity is correct, is a latter day aspect of the notion that only the white European’s culture etc is any good. It is a lingering manifestation of that awful superiority complex that has so bedevilled the world for so long. 13.8.91
32. David Pelham talking of the higher worlds having their seasons—seasons of feelings. Imagine an autumn of really tangible wistfulness—beautiful! 20.8.91
33. Can astrology really work without taking into account the inbuilt rhythms of Gaia? 23.8.91
34. A prospective parent made a very interesting point. The fact that Muslims were forbidden to have real things in their art, they had to concentrate on abstract matters, which led to them being interested in geometry, which led to them conceptualising, and hence the use of zero and our modern mathematics. 15.9.91
35. Is radio-active material bringing energy into the world from the other side? Is a nuclear explosion releasing energy from the other side at a cataclysmic rate? 26.9.91
36. Chakras: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lotus petals: 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 four and ten make the heart.
Note that the heart has ten petals. Also that I have always, since 1962, looked upon 16 as the perfect number base. 26.9.91
37. What is the difference between trusting a psychic about the world, and trusting a scientist who tells us what weird flickers on a monitor screen mean? 16.6.91
38. What I see is not an image inside me. I am looking through my eyes at a real world. 7.7.91
39. The New Age approach to religion does mean an end to feelings of guilt. But it does not mean an end to responsibility. Indeed, because the approach comes from within each individual, the responsibility of the individual for himself and for the environment around him or her is immense. 1.10.91 Twitter
40. The largest Jewish cemetery in the world is at Auschwitz—what a terrible thought. 6.10.91
41. The holistic approach is a healing process in all sorts of ways. It is a healing of the intellectual fragmentation of Western society that has been so extraordinary, yet also so damaging. 10.10.91
42. The only answer to the National health Service crisis is the holistic approach. 13.10.91
43. Marxism was the wrong approach, because it ultimately denied individual responsibility. There must be a new holistic political philosophy. 13.10.91
44. To what extent are the radical changes in the world over the past 2/3 years a reflection of the sixties generation beginning to enter the corridors of power? Even in places like the USSR when that generation could not outwardly manifest, they were there, spiritually charged, biding their time. 15.10.91
45. A mark of the New Age is of people taking responsibility for their lives. 18.10.91
46. “Symptoms are symbols”,--taken from Channel Four: “New Age”. 20.10.91
47. The key aspects of the New Age are:
a). Creation of rational world views, that encompass physical and spiritual—which really means multi-faceted levels and degrees of consciousness.
b). Taking responsibility for how we perceive the world, ourselves, and how our world and ourselves advance. 28.10.91 ************
48. The Quantum Field, in which matter and space are manifestations of the same reality, means that science is at last delving into sub-etheric planes—which is the reality in which the apparently un-manifest field is actually manifest. 29.10.91
49. Body, soul and spirit, as a unity is joyous. This is holistic. 8.11.91
50. Mrs Parkes, the medium, made a good point. Ouija boards and a glass act as mediums in seances, but they are non-discriminating. Only a proper medium can filter out, through choice, the mischievous spirits. 11.11.91
51. The reason why psychics and dowsers do not always get the same result, as science would require, is because just as with relativity, they are working at the extremes of physical reality. Consequently, two things affect this:-
The state of the moment. On the edge of the physical everything is affected by the quality of the moment—as in Jung.
The state of the observer—the medium and dowser. They are all at different stages. They are also affected by the moment. The observer, in relativity and quantum physics always affects the observed.
The edges of the physical are on the edge of the qualitative. (They are on the very edge of meaning, 1998). 13.11.91 ************
52. The other key aspect of the New Age is clearly holism. The approach is holistic in that it takes account of all man’s vehicles: physical, etheric, causal etc. It is holistic in that it takes account of the earth as living, and that there is a spiritual relationship between us and earth. The entire cosmos is seen as one, inter-relating, inter-playing each discreet bit with the other and with the whole. 18.11.91 ************
53. I think I now recognise what is the fundamental problem with Wales, the reason why there is so much darkness and resentment. And it is interesting to note that that darkness is not so apparent in mid-Wales. The reason is that the landscape is so scarred by mining—slate and lead especially in the north, that the ley lines have been totally destroyed or disturbed. At some point this is going to have to be made good before the land and its people can breath easily again. 20.11.91
54. In the British Arthurian legends—there is always this belief that Arthur and his knights are asleep under the hills, and that they will one day return to restore. Restore what? My God, of course! To restore Albion. What is the truth in these legends? It must be that they represent the esoteric, the hidden streams of truth that have gone underground, but which will bubble to the surface again. Also, that great spiritual leaders will eventually come into incarnation again. 21.11.91
55. The next stage for science, is not to determine ‘what’ happens, but to investigate ‘why’ something happens. Scientific enquiry appears to examine ‘why’, but it does not really. It is always telling us ‘what’. What/which mechanism activates which action. But why…? 25.11.91
56. The William Smith (Kennedy) rape case:
There is this battle of the sexes in the USA. All the emphasis is on rights; women’s rights; men’s rights. What about duties and obligations? That is what we must be taught—not men being taught to respect women’s rights—but men being taught their duties and obligations towards a different sex. 8.12.91
57. One problem with the ‘battle of the sexes’, is that women have been claiming and demanding equality. However, it is not at all clear that men and women feel the same about sex. If men have become conditioned to treat women as the same as them, it is not surprising if they overstep the mark, or misread signals? 14.12.91
58. David Pelham quoted an interesting point:- prayer is talking to God; meditation is finding and listening to God. 16.12.91
59. Hegel and Marx put their fingers on it. There does indeed have to be a thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Growth can only occur through that magical equation. That is the reason for descending into the plane of matter, for only within gravity can the antithesis operate. We have to experience the dark, the struggle, in order to grow. It is a law of the Universe. The synthesis is achieved (the true and ultimate synthesis) through the power of love (the opposite of gravity?). When one has learnt to love and welcome what one is struggling against, then the antithesis dissolves, and the synthesis is achieved. 28.12.91 ************ Twitter
- Can war be morally necessary? Yes; I believe it can be: when a war is necessary, it has to be undertaken, but the protagonists even when morally justified could well be incurring considerable karma in the process. At the same time, of course, they can be paying off karmic debt as they undergo the trials and tribulations of war. War itself is often not a prime cause anyway, but is the karmic consequence of all that went before. It can often operate as a great cathartic event.6.1.92
61. For two thousand years we have been bound by the story of St Thomas the doubter. After Thomas put his hands in Christ’s wounds, Christ said blessed are they who believe yet do not see; and thus is faith raised onto its pedestal. But note that Christ did not condemn Thomas. He did not throw him into the abyss. Now, in this scientific world, we want to be like Thomas. We now require knowledge. 20.1.92
62. Fundamentalists do not see spirituality as a journey. They see this one moment of being born again. After that there can only be the certainty and joy of being with God. This is very dangerous; for tribulations will come. Things could get desperate and guilt ridden. 31.1.92
63. The reason why a Royal Family is vital to a nation is because they represent the spiritual aspect of the nation. Indeed, they are the spiritual aspect of a nation, made manifest. The reason a monarchy seems like an anachronism, is because there is a spiritual context to a monarchy, whereas the prevailing ethos of modern nations is still materialistic. 9.2.92
64. What does the ‘New Age’ mean? It is a reversal of the Cartesian revolution. It is the reintroduction of spirituality, of the final cause, back into the mainstream. 9.2.92 ************
65. The Cartesian revolution in philosophy, with the denial of any spiritual aspect to the physical universe, and with the triumph of the idea of the first cause, led to there being nothing left for religious people other than the Bible and faith. The universe could offer nothing in man’s spiritual quest. This is being reversed now. Protestantism was in tune with the mechanistic philosophy. 10.2.92 ************
66. Love is at the centre of the universe. It is the great mystery,. There must be balance. The heart chakra is the love chakra, and is the central chakra. 11.2.92
67. The necessity for gravity in order to progress; the necessity for incarnation; thesis, antithesis, synthesis. There must be struggle. There must be polarity. 12.2.92
68. Talking last night with the development group. Rita Parks made a point that was given to her from spirit. It is a vital point. The great number of religions that have emerged over the last couple of hundred years has been deliberate. It has been done to begin the break up of the power hold of the great churches; especially of the Roman catholic church. And in this country of the Anglican. What an important point! 22.2.92
- Nazi regime “was annihilated by the rebounding force of its own terrible negativity”. (From ‘As Above, So Below’). There must be harmony—balance—without it there is destruction.28.2.92
70. The story of man is primarily the story of the evolution of his consciousness. Is that a reason why the dawning of the Age of Aquarius is so important; because Aquarius is very much linked in with the mind? It is, of course, also the point when we return in this cycle. 28.2.92
71. There is an interesting parallel here. When there is hyper inflation, governments are congratulated on their ability to print more and more money of higher and higher denominations. This is happening in society as a whole. Our world is getting increasingly hectic. Everything has to be done faster. British Rail has to be faster—not safer or more elegant. Everything is hype. Everything is terrible loud. How do we get off the psychological inflation? What stops the merry-go-round? 10.3.92
72. Mankind has had to make his own way to God. That has been his vital road. That is why general communion with the spirit world was condemned. Also, man at this stage has had to investigate and control the material plane. But that is changing now. We are turning towards the long return home. Awareness of the spirit worlds can be given out again. 12.3.92
73. The twelve apostles. Each represents a sign of the zodiac. Is Christ the sun? Judas the moon? 18.3.92
- Alchemy—and the transmutation of gold. Cold fusion would achieve transmutation!14.3.92
75. A key question is this. Why should we give ourselves, when it is apparently more to our advantage to take? There is no obvious answer to this. But in actual fact, there is a profound reason. When we give ourselves, we open out our souls and auras, and by giving we actually grow. When we are selfish, we are actually closing in on ourselves. It is a difference between explosions and implosion. I suppose those people who are powerful in terms of evil are like black holes. 20.3.92 ************ Twitter
76. The above (75) brings out a political dimension. Pure capitalism can involve selfishness, yet can be tempered through education by charity etc. Socialism actually became selfish in terms of politics and personal advancement and class warfare. Society can only function when the individuals are properly taught. Hence the New Age. 20.3.92
77. There are so many reasons why there should be monogamous marriages. But one key one is that they parallel the truth of Twin Souls. 25.3.92
78. The old myths give clear signals about the path of test and ordeal towards initiation. The importance of Christ is that he showed that at the heart of this process, alongside bravery and virtue etc. is selfless love. Christ demonstrated the key, the final key, to the mysteries. We need the ancient virtues as we set out on our quest, but the final door, the final test—that can only be opened or won, when the whole purpose of the quest is turned in on itself—when the pursuit almost becomes meaningless as the seeker stands at the door and no longer desires to pass, other than through his or her selfless love for all creation, as something done for them. The original purposes and desires of the seeker are necessarily lost at the very moment of triumph. (See (80) below) 26.3.92 ************ Twitter
79. The TV programme ‘Red Dwarf’:- last week they created two identical spaceships to their own. Only one was everything about them that was perfect—their Higher selves. The other was all their lower, negative aspects in one. We saw the higher selves, which were being created by every good thought and deed. We saw their lower selves. Now; as we ourselves act and think well, we enable our higher selves to grow. Presumably, all our negative thoughts etc do the same thing. They create elementals with a sort of life. ‘Evil’ people might well create enormous elemental monsters. Hence the monsters and dragons that people could ‘see’ in the past. 26.3.92
80. This refers to (78) above. Selflessness is vital right from the beginning of the quest. If the motive is wrong, then the left hand path can be taken. So the selfless love grows and becomes more dominant as the quest is underway. It is total by the end. Perhaps at the beginning it is a sense of needing and wanting to serve God. 26.3.92 ************
81. If ever the New Age movement is accused of dubious practises such as witchcraft, it can be pointed out that in the secular world the placenta from Russian abortions are shipped to the west for use in skin rejuvenating creams. This is ‘black’ witchcraft. New Age witchcraft is of the white—being at one with nature. Much of this modern world is black alchemy. 29.3.92
82. “Some people think that humanity cannot serve itself without worshipping Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross. This is not so. It is not the outer Christ that man is seeking, except as an example and demonstration. His great need is to find the inner Christ.” From ‘Sunrise’—White Eagle, p58. 31.3.92
83. A point made by the Bishop of Bangor, as he, Jonathan Robinson and I walked around the lake near the Grail retreat, was of great interest. I asked him how he saw the church in the future. He rightly said that it was impossible to tell. He then quoted the Bible regarding the Holy Spirit, that it is “like the wind, and blows where it will”. This is the point that orthodox Christians will have to take note of—that the Holy Spirit may have shifted to a new dispensation, namely the New Age. 13.4.92 ************
84. The 20th century has seen a dichotomy between demand-led capitalism, where there has been a free for all, and often a pandering to the lowest common denominator, and supply-led idealism of socialism, which became trapped and distorted in power. We must move to the freedom and demand-led society, but with teaching, so that the people’s demands are altered. 24.5.92
85. Christianity marked the beginning of the end of man being driven by fear of the Gods to seek propitiation. Christianity led the way to man seeking out God, and desiring communion with God:- the beginning of the road back. Yet even Christianity faltered, and fell into the realms of fear—e.g. fear of Hell. In the New Age, we are seeing fresh impetus towards the seeking of God. 24.5.92
86. The significance of the Renaissance/Reformation, may well be that we saw a fresh impetus, a resurgence of energy—small ones in the interim, e.g. Cluny and Citeaux energies in monasticism; a huge input around 1500s:- another huge one now? 24.5.92
87. Not only is the New Age not marked by a definite moment, we have to look for an evolutionary shift spanning hundreds, if not thousands, of years. E.g. Buddha through to Mohammed marked Piscean shifts. Yet even the Reformation and Renaissance would have carried Piscean as well as Aquarian shifts; and indeed Buddha/Christ/Mohammed and others would have carried Aquarian aspects, and even Arian aspects. And we also have to look for Capricornian aspects in what is happening now. Aquarius is now becoming dominant, but it will be marked by Piscean undertones for centuries, and will see enhanced Capricornian tendencies. At the same time, we should expect to see the ‘shadow’ sides of these signs: i.e. Aquarius/Leo; Pisces/Virgo; Capricorn/ Cancer. 24.5.92 ************
88. Did the 25,000 year Platonic Year start, not with Leo, but with Virgo—it would make sense in terms of Virgo being identified with birth—also with early fertility figurines—we would then see the end with Libra—and balance. We would also see the extraordinary significance of the advent of the Piscean Era, as being the turning point. With Pisces, we see man beginning for the first time to become an individual, and to recognise his own responsibility for his ‘salvation’, surely a fundamental shift, in contrast to his previous identification with his tribal and national group soul. 24.5.92
89. One thing is clear. The New Age has no meaning unless we can create meaning in ourselves. It is an inner reality, rather than something ‘outside’ that we can all wait around for it to happen. It is also an evolving process, rather than an event. It is also something that is going on within all areas of the world. Happening in Christianity, for example. If anything; it’s keynote is wholeness—holistic—rather than purely Aquarian—which does rather suggest an amalgam of all three/six signs. 24.5.92
90. Perhaps the riddle of the sphinx, and its enigmatic smile (a la Mona Lisa) is that the sphinx knows that its influence is there, that it has never been eclipsed. (Leo) 24.5.92
91. Beth (age 12) made a good point at tea, when I mentioned what had come through: that the Platonic Year runs from Virgo through to Libra. I said Libra is balance. She said it’s appropriate, because in Egyptian lore the scales judge the heart of the dead against a feather. Pretty impressive—and a fitting End. 24.5.92
92. There is an interesting paradox, in that one vital aspect of the New Age is the recognition of the validity of a multitude of roads to God. This means a remarkable diversity and divergence, but at the same time, the mutual recognition of all those roads, means a remarkable convergence and unity. 27.5.92 WW1 Twitter
93. This came in meditation. The meaning of the New Age is ‘harmony’. As in (92) above, the multitude of paths, because they recognise each other, will form a beautiful harmonic that will act like an ascending ladder, a glorious channel of beautiful, harmonic light, that facilitates the ascent of man to glorious heights, and a reaching down of the spirit to man. 28.5.92 ************
94. This also came in meditation. The holistic approaches we are developing in the world are only two-dimensional reflections of the true multidimensional Holism that we are creating in the inner spheres, where Time and Space and Being become One. We see separate Holisms, that must ultimately fuse with one another, to create a Universal Whole—that must harmonise as in (93) above. 28.5.92 ************
95. Of course, following on from (94) above, we see what was one of the hall marks of the Piscean Age, and thereby learn of how it blocked itself out (almost) from the realms of spirit. There was such an emphasis upon exclusivity, that each path could only be the correct and one and only path, that there was terrible discord. This has been breaking down into a myriad of paths, with a wider, yet less terrible discord, which is already gradually giving way to harmony. Think of the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury processing down the nave of Canterbury cathedral—unthinkable a decade or so ago. Their doctrines are still mutually exclusive, yet in their hearts they are actually already in harmony. 28.5.92
96. A danger of the alternative type New Ager is that they take responsibility for themselves, but consider themselves as only answerable to themselves. 29.5.92
97. William Jackson said that in the Bible it says that Christ will return when all the world is one. Of course the Roman Church believes that that means when all the world is Catholic. Perhaps it means when all are in harmony, as in (93) above. 30.5.92
98. In the inner planes there certainly exist wonderful devices—the very stuff of magicians as we have always imagined them. But they exist because all thoughts become manifest. They do, therefore, aid the work—e.g. the development and recording of karma, but there is a real symbiotic relationship between the devices and their ‘master’. 11.6.92
99. (98) above shows that we have the wrong idea of magicians and their devices. The magician, or their predecessors, are the creators of the devices, and the devices are always changing, evolving. 19.6.92
100. Note the New Age emphasis on responsibility, and the Spiritualists’ Charter with its emphasis on responsibility as opposed to Jesus taking on for us. This is an absolutely crucial point. 27.6.92
101. The New Age concerns consciousness. In personal development, and indeed in the general development of the race, we are striving to achieve a greater awareness or consciousness of all the strands that affect us—e.g. national, group, personal karma; auras; Guides etc. And all these strands are also conscious, as everything in the universe is conscious. It is a great interlocking web of consciousness, and we are attempting to become fully conscious within it. And that consciousness we achieve will embrace the overall consciousness to the benefit of all. 28.6.92 ************
102. Personal development is only selfish and self-indulgent if we assume that we are separate from everyone and everything. But as soon as we assume that we are all inter-linked, then it is our duty to enhance our own consciousness, as it enhances every aspect of the entire universe. 28.6.92 ************ Tweet
103. The Holistic approach is part of the consciousness of the whole. It is a symbiotic relationship. By becoming aware of consciousness in everything, we are forced to become Holistic. 2.6.92
104. When we attempt to be at one with ourselves, with God, and with the world or nature. We are turning into all the levels and grades of consciousness. Again we are being Holistic. 2.7.92
- Alternative approaches in medicine all have one key characteristic: they aim to help the body to heal itself. Mainstream/orthodox medicine introduces external agencies to do the job for the body; often with side-effects. Now, this links in totally with the distinction between the New Age/Mystical approach against ‘orthodox’ religion. Orthodox religion looks for a God transcendent (external) who like a Dues ex machina, as an external agency is able to salve our sins. The New Age/ Mystical approach is to seek salvation within—to seek the God imminent, to heal ourselves and our own souls. No wonder new agers gravitate to health stores and vegetarianism, and evangelical orthodoxy will gravitate towards orthodox medicine, and even orthodox, non-healing remedies for our ecological problems. (This was prompted by a discussion on Radio Four re homeopathy this evening, whilst I drove back from Monmouth after chairing a grail trust meeting.4.7.92
106 Christianity and the Piscean Age introduced western man to the idea of salvation, and some personal responsibility with regards to that salvation. But it is only now, with the Age of Aquarius, that western man can cope with the notion of total responsibility, and as he was to achieve ‘dominion’ over the earth, the concept of healing from within. 5.7.2
107. in the film ‘Crocodile Dundee’, Mick Dundee makes an interesting point. He is asked about his views on the Aborigines and land ownership. He said that the Aborigines do not own the land; instead, they belong to the land. They are part of it. The land is their mother. 7.7.2 ************ <><><>
108. The interlocking web of consciousness see 101 above) is multi dimensional. Its strands interlock across tie—into the past and into the future. 15.7.2
109. This came as I was waiting for meditation to begin at Newlands. The subconscious is totally unknown territory, as we go ever deeper into ourselves, this extraordinary paradox arises in that our consciousness soars into vast spaces. God is within us and without us. We find God within, and of course we are an aspect of God, but God is also without us. And how interesting to think that the awakening of the Aquarian Age in the seventeenth century was marked by the dual invention of the telescope and the microscope, so that in one bound man’s consciousness was driven deep into the inner structure of nature, and was swept out into the farthest reaches of the universe. And this is still occurring today, in that the work of sub atomic physics and astrophysics are so interlocked. 19.7.92 ************
110. All approaches are ways of tapping into our own being, of discovering the essence of our own spirit. Even secular humanism is doing this. 18.7.92
111. Orthodox religions appear on the whole, perhaps even totally, to have been started by men. One significant feature of New Age movements is that so many of them have been started by women. 18.7.92
112. The most beautiful and advanced animals are the carnivores. However, it is the role of man to complete the circle by being beautiful and advanced, but also by becoming vegetarian. 20.7.92
113. The emphasis in sub-atomic physics is on the observer. And in alchemy, the purpose is that the process of transmutation ultimately achieves the transmutation of the observer—the alchemist. In meditation, as we observe what is happening deep and deeper in our psyche, so we are transmuted. And being transmuted, what we observe also changes: the one triggering the other. 20.7.2 ************
114. Astro-physicists talk of other universes. I have never liked that idea. But of course, if the universe is by definition everything, then you cannot, by definition, have another universe on the same plane of manifestation, but you can in terms of other planes. So, if black holes exist—what level of manifestation would one be sucked through to? What would such intense gravity do to matter? Raise its vibrations rate, so that it passes out of physical existence and into the etheric? 21.7.92
115. Law of Imperfection. From Etheric healing p297. “This states that all forms in all kingdoms are in the process of development and evolutionary unfoldment and that disease or malfunction is a temporary imperfection, and death a method for refocusing energy in order to proceed. 21.7.92
116. Pre-Raphaelite painting: took pre-renaissance themes, e.g. religion, but using modern form. Actually the themes are over-laid with romanticism. There is also an extra-ordinary realism, that goes beyond the photographic, giving a extra-natural reality as we would get in visions, or in the inner planes. This is also true of the exquisite use of colour, which is just beyond the clarity of the physical plane. 21.7.2
- Ancient Egypt. For them everything; mental and of the earth, was of the ultimate reality of the universe. When stone was carved, pots made, they took on a shape that had holistic significance; the significance of the material/substance, and the significance of the shape, and the significance of the purpose. All was a glorious, naturalistic, multi-faceted oneness.21.7.92
118. Hellenism. The beginning of man’s separation from nature—leading to his eventual dominance over nature. (echoes of that?). Roman has pride, Greek has beauty. This is why Hellenistic themes were so fundamental to the Renaissance and Enlightenment and why I have always found it alien. Greek/Roman statuary cries out with pride and individuality. 21.7.92
119. All sculpture retains the purpose, the spirit of the intent that the maker put into his work, that drove his work, that distinguishes craft from art. Sculptures, thereby can live and be venerated. You cannot escape the purpose. 21.7.92
120. History, knowledge of history, must trigger reconciliation, not guilt or bitterness. Likewise, we must achieve reconciliation with ourselves, and not plunge into a personal sense of guilt or bitterness. 21.7.92 ************
- Determinism v free will. The circles of the Ages do not determine man’s destiny, but they colour it with their respective moods—as the seasons do on a smaller scale.21.7.92
- Astrology:
Pisces: a deep sea of emotion—deep waters—the pull of two forces, linked yet struggling—mind/emotion
Aquarius: a wash of reconciliation, an outpouring of spirit—the eagle flight and soaring spirit.
Capricorn: occult and mystery—coming of age—depths beyond reason.
Sagittarius: golden age.
123. Science assumes that only phenomena that are repeatable in controlled conditions are real. But this is a terrific and presumptuous assumption. 21.7.92 ************
124. We are all creators of the New Age. We all create with our ideas as to its meaning, and as to what is significant within it. All, of course, creating that harmonic tune. 22.7.92 ************ tweet
125. Glastonbury Tor. It is of the earth. There is a deep earth connection. But it is here, and no doubt at other key sites, that the Earth is linked with the sky/sun/stars; with the etheric and beyond. There are tunnels, but they are in the etheric, not the physical. The Guardians of the Tor are very earthy. This is why Glastonbury can be dark. It is so alive with nodes deep into Gaia that the feyness of Earth can disorientate, disturb, cauldron mix the unwary or unready or unbalanced. (This was seen while lying on the Tor, originally attempting to sleep after a family picnic lunch. The insights of 22nd July 92 came in Oxford, following a Sunday meditating at the White Eagle temple in Newlands.) 24.7.92
- Chalice Well. The well and gardens are ethereal, very devic. It is a part of the world that has been raised to harmony; that is not disturbing. It is a poll of peace; not of, but apart from, the earth tangle of Glastonbury—sensed in the garden of Chalice Well.24.7.92
127. Ancient monuments are sterile. They would only be alive if rebuilt, or if allowed to become overgrown and allowed to slowly decay. Archaeologists seek a form of suspended animation, keeping ruins in a particular accidental state. They are prisoners of modern science. I woke to this. 27.7.92
128. Drugs. They can open you up into a greater awareness of the cosmos. They can unlock the doors. Yes; they enable you to speak; but it is not your voice—it is not of your spirit. There is no control. It is the negation of discrimination; and discrimination is the first, the prime rule for all who embark upon the quest. 27.7.92
129. The Golden Rule: do unto others as you would have done unto you. This is multi-dimensional. It refers to feelings and thoughts as well as physical. Thus we cannot steal and justify it by saying we would not mind if someone took our things. We have to understand that the stealing hurts emotionally and mentally. We would not want to be emotionally/mentally hurt regardless of the physical act that might cause it. 31.7.92
130. A key aspect of the New Age is the recognition of unquantifiable quality—essence—in all matter. This is prana (life). This is the inner manifestation of the outer physical form. This is why meat eating affects the psyche—why mineral water is better than tap water, etc. 1.8.92
131. Evangelical Christianity and the New Age parallel each other. The evangelicals seek a personal relationship, and seek to know better, Jesus. The New Ager and mystic seek to know themselves. The evangelist seeks to lose himself in order to know Jesus. The New Ager/mystic does the same thing when on the right road by making contact with his higher self, which is non-egotistical, and in Universal. So is that what the evangelical is contacting, although he gives it the name of Jesus? 2.8.92
132 Radicals attempted to change the individual by radically changing society. This often required the use of coercion, or at best persuasion. The New Age movement will change society by individuals radically changing themselves. What an extraordinary experiment. 2.8.92
133. The New Age is not only a reconciliation of spirit and earth. It also involves the inclusion of matters ‘spiritual’ into our ordinary conceptual framework of how we understand the Cosmos. Life after death, the various planes of existence, the various spiritual bodies, allow us to understand spiritual matters, rather than their being the stuff of mystery. 3.8.92 ************
134. The New Age—a reconciliation of spirit and matter. This works two ways. The raising of our understanding of the material to being sacred. The ‘lowering’ of the spiritual to being understandable and knowable. 3.8.92
135. The significance of crop circles; Glastonbury Zodiac etc.; stands over and above whether they actually have a message for us. One great significance is the very fact that people seek these places out; that they are looking upon the Earth as having the potential for spiritual meaning; that the earth is worth listening to. 6.8.92 ************ Tweeted
136. Astrology is like 135 above—it is awareness of significance in the patterns of the Cosmos. 7.8.92 Tweeted
137. Definition of the New Age: The awakening of Man to knowledge of the sacred, holistic and inter-related nature of himself, his world and his destiny. 7.8.92
138. Definition of the New Age: The flowering of a myriad paths to God. 7.8.92
139. Three approaches to New Age: Secular; Spiritual, but own path—dangers; Spiritual and submission to God. 8.8.92
140. As above, so below: The Solar System corresponds to the structure of the atom. An element i.e. the nature of substance, is determined by the number of electrons etc. Could the same be said of our Solar System? Namely that we have a particular type of Solar System, with a particular quality that is determined by the state of our sun and the number of the planets? This would be the type of Solar System necessary for our people’s present development. 9.8.92 ************
141. By introducing the spiritual aspect to our understanding of creation, we are raising, enhancing the significance, the importance of all the natural kingdoms, from mineral to human. 12.8.92
142. Healing can be linked to the ‘human potential’ concept; i.e. the power of the psyche to control the physical. 12.8.92
143. Healing and Gaia are inextricably linked. Both involve the re-creation, or reinstatement, of psychic umbilical cords. For Gaia this involves the healing of the ancient sacred sites, e.g. removing the road that runs alongside Stonehenge, so that the energy links from earth into the inner realms at these sites can be reinstated or revived. For personal healing we need to revive the umbilical links between our various bodies: physical through to causal. This is why the Holistic approach is so vital. 12.8.92 ************
144. The reconnecting of the umbilical cords is not only a key to healing. It is also a re-birthing. Gaia and man are inextricably linked. The re-birthing, those who reconnect and undergo the re-birthing, will walk like gods upon the earth, bringing blessings to all creation. Notice the link here with being ‘born again’ and also with the ‘deep sleep’ of the initiations of the mystery cults. 14.8.92 ************
145. “Religion is a defence against religious experience.” Jung—quoted by Joseph Campbell in a video. 14.8.92
146. From Channel 4 video on the New Age: Technology has disempowered people—both literally and also in terms of their own sense of themselves being inadequate against the ability of technology to do the job better. 14.8.92
147. Point made by Caitlin Matthews on Channel 4 ‘New Age’ video: “Traditional churches are long nave with an alter at the end—this is very masculine. Church in the round is the feminine approach.” The long rod is an ancient male symbol—phallus; the circle is feminine. 14.8.92
148. Lyn, on Harlech course: “The New Age is setting a new agenda.” 14.8.92
149. We have ‘mind over matter’ operating before our eyes. Mind is non-mechanistic, yet is capable of moving an arm or a leg which operates mechanistically. The will, the ego, is non-physical, yet controls the physical body. 15.8.92
150. orthodox dualism of mind/spirit and matter has, in latter times, become fused into a form of monism. The empiricists attempt to integrate mind as a part of the physical, mechanistic world. The mystic, especially following capra’s ‘The Tao of Physics’ attempts to integrate the physical seemingly mechanistic mind into the world or framework of energy/mind. 15.8.92
151. Seen in meditation. It is clear that the healing of earth and the healing of individual men and women are inextricably linked. Only when healed people walk the earth, will the earth be healed—. 16.8.92 ************
- The socialists belief that things can only be done when the social structures of society are changed, has an element of truth, but is similar to the fundamentalist’s approach. Responsibility in one sense is placed ‘out there’. The new-ager sets a new agenda by accepting total responsibility for his or herself, regardless of their culture.16.8.92
153. During the Christian Era we had a God of Being. The corollary was a man of Becoming—always frantic and searching. Now, as we enter the Aquarian Age, we have a God of Becoming, and as a corollary man can enter into the tranquillity of the state of Being. 17.8.92 ************
154. We owe our ability to learn our lessons on the physical plane to Earth. And every single atom of our bodies is made of the stuff of Earth. We are of the Earth. 17.8.92.
155. As every atom is of the Earth, do we pick up vibrations from the locality we live in as a consequence of attaining the atoms of a particular locality? Were the Celts always fey or is it a consequence of the land they live inhabit. 17.8.92 ************
156. How appropriate that the popular view is of the New Age traveller and the so-called hippy convoys. Well yes; I am a new age traveller—for I am on a journey—a great spiritual pilgrimage. 17.8.92 ************
157. Although the Earth cannot be healed entirely until man is healed; Earth is not just waiting for us to achieve that healing. It is a symbiotic relationship, and Earth is a participant in our healing. Our own healing is enhanced by our being able to relate to Earth—to feel Her, to love Her and to learn from Her. 18.8.92
- The biologist on the Channel 4 New Age programme made the point that so many people were schizophrenics about their relationship with earth—hard nosed during the week—tramping through the countryside at weekends. We need to ease ourselves away from the schizophrenia to an holistic completeness—a long process.18.8.92
159. Orthodox Christianity appears to be a rational, secular almost empirical activity, because it is all based on scripture and reasoning from that scripture. The only non-empirical, seemingly irrational act is the leap of faith that accepts the scriptures as truth. The New Ager appears far more anarchic and irrational because he or she utilises that leap of faith throughout his belief system or structure, because he is creating that belief structure for himself. 24.8.92 ************ Tweeted
160. The reliance on ancient scripture is a sterile activity. It is the parallel to our desire to preserve ancient buildings in some static but sterile state. Scripture can only be brought alive by allowing it to either crumble away into the dust of ages, or by allowing it to grow. To allow it to grow is extraordinarily difficult, but we are not here to bury our talents in the ground. To cling to ancient scripture is to run scared of the beautiful growth that could be achieved. (See 127) 25.8.92
161. Following on from 154/155 above, we must accept that the way we treat the earth affects us directly. Because the mineral kingdom is conscious, we ‘colour’ it by how we deal with it. Consequently, our bodies, which are made up of the atoms of Earth, and thus also our brains, are ‘coloured’ by the ‘mood’ with which we infuse the Earth. 28.8.92 ************
162. Soaps on TV are enjoyed and followed partly because it gives people common talking points when at work. We no longer live in communities where the people we meet every day know everyone’s business. There is no common knowledge of people, so the soaps act as a substitute. 27.8.92
163 A point made by David Pelham. There is a complex, but well defined pattern to the planet kingdom. The tremendous variety of species is not random. Each is part of a complicated pattern or dance, each with a purpose—which includes healing. Man’s economic activity is tearing holes in that pattern. Just one plant that is made extinct, tears the fabric, and thus affects the whole. 30.8.92 ************
164. The Western industrial/liberal approach, for all its virtues, has created a society in which the emphasis is continually on rights. Consumer/demand-led economics, the Citizens Charter, are all manifestations of that. But we must balance this with a sense of Dharma—duty. The organic society is still necessary—where we belong. Thatcher set up a nihilistic state that can be frightening. Society must show that it cares. 1.9.92 ************
- Very interesting listening to a radio programme on Hildegarde, the medieval female mystic. An interview with a modern nun in which the Mother Superior said that a young nun did something similar and raced to the alter crying “Jesus! Jesus!”. The Mother Superior said “She needs an early night and a cup of hot chocolate.” The young nun later ended up as a schizophrenic. Well, hardly surprising! If your psychic abilities are denied, then that is exactly how you may well end up. How sad that the nun who recounted this story must have felt so balanced and modern, yet her Order may have been responsible for bottling up a blessed gift and destroying a young mind.2.9.92
166. If the much derided experiments on cold fusion were a form of transmutation, then there is a very good reason why other scientists have found it difficult to repeat the experiments. Alchemists repeated the same experiments over and over again, never achieving anything, but waiting for the unique moment, or perhaps for the magical moments when the planets and stars etc were correctly aligned, for the transmutation to occur. Perhaps we need to study the original scientists’ experiment notes, to ascertain the exact time, and then see what the planets and stars were doing then. Perhaps a female assistant or scientist was menstruating ‘having her moon’ as Joy Shalita used to describe it. Who knows? 3.9.92
167. Wormwood is a bitter herb. It is the name of one of the stars in the Book of revelation that brings devastation to the Earth. The herb has a growth inhibitor, so that nothing within a radius of a few feet can grow. The Russian for wormwood is Chernobyl. Not only did that partly destroy great swatches of land and rivers, it certainly has a growth inhibitor, in that for a substantial radius around it, there is a hell of a growth inhibitor, and nothing grows. 6.9.92
168. All of us have equal value. We are all jewels in God’s crown. 8.9.92
169. To build or create a dream or ideal, the shadow of that dream has to be undergone. This is Thesis—Antithesis—Synthesis. The idea or ideal—the shadow—the realisation. This is fundamental to the entire working of the Universe. This is the manifestation of some great Mystery. It is even possible that the terrible sorrows undergone by the Russians this century is a precursor shadow to some great spiritual leap forward in the centuries to come by the Russian folk that will benefit the entire creation of God. 8.9.92 ************ tweeted
170. There are two forms of sorrow. There is karmic sorrow—that sorrow that post-dates an event, and is the Universe balancing itself out; and there is the precursory sorrow, that is willingly undergone in order that some ideal may be achieved. 8.9.92 ************
171. Following 117 and 118 above, it is necessary for us to create an art form that is appropriate for the New Age. What would it be? 9.9.92
172. Note that different elements are made of identical ‘stuff’. Yet a change of quantity in terms of electrons etc, produces a different element, and thereby a change in qualities. 11.9.92
173. When sub-atomic particles shift from one point to another, without time lapse, are we observing examples of two particular phenomena? 1. A break down of newton’s law: to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 2. Elimination of space/time in the inner planes. 11.9.92
174. (171 above). The art form will be hobbit like. Particularly in terms of architecture. We need to re-establish our proper relationship with the natural world, and our art and architecture needs to reflect that. 16.9.92 ************
- The atoms of the Earth that we absorb are not so localised as they once were, because we take in foods from all over the country and indeed from all over the world.16.9.92
176. “Everything that exists, yearns to live. That’s what the cycle of life is all about. That’s the engine that drives the great biological pumps of evolution.” Terry Pratchett ‘Reaper Man’. P 70. 26.9.92
177. “Dead. That was the point. All the religions had very strong views about talking to the dead. And so did Mrs Cake. They held that it was sinful. Mrs Cake held that it was only common courtesy.” Terry Pratchett ‘Reaper Man’. P 87. 26.9.92
178. Interesting point made on radio 4 programme today. Modern science took the enchantment out of nature, and the question now is whether to resurrect or recreate the sense of enchantment. I say we definitely must. 26.9.92
179. Looking out of the study window at the house, and the air was filled with the movement of midges. I suddenly realised that life is a force that has to be. The Earth teems with life because it has no choice. Wherever and whenever a survival niche occurs, then life will burst out into physical existence. Thus wasps and scorpions are not directly the creation of god, but are manifestations of the life force that have no choice but to erupt into being. Interestingly, see 176 above—and indeed the premise of that novel. 29.9.92 ************
180. The trials and shadows are absolutely vital, because without having undergone the tests, without being honed by them, we will be incapable of surviving the ultimate test when we come face to face with God—the ‘marriage’ of the lower and higher selves. This is why drugs are so dangerous, because that ‘marriage’ is achieved artificially, and without the age-long victory over the ‘trials’ the subject, the seeker, is destroyed. 30.9.92 ************ tweeted
181. “Christ did not point man to a better morality, he pointed man to Christ himself.” This was said by a speaker at IAPS Conference topic group. Yes, Christ did. Why? Because Jesus was a man, and we had to be shown that our road to God lay within ourselves. 2.10.92
182. There is a great irony in that a great number of evangelicals do not read the Bible. What they read is a modern, sensible interpretation of the bible. Now this is fine so far as looking at the Bible from a first level, from the ‘outer’ teaching. But it means that their chances of intuitively picking up something of the inner meanings are all but zero. What a tragedy. Look at Matthew Ch 6. The interpretation (a very fair one) talks of not letting your friends know what you are doing. The original, however, talks of not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing, which at one level can be taken as your friend, yet not necessarily, or at least not exclusively, and at a deeper level can mean the two sides of the brain. 11.10.92 ************
183. Evolutionists have stressed things in the wrong way. They see all life as being involved in a struggle for survival. What I see is all of creation in involved in the pursuit of life. The survival instinct operates when fear is triggered, but it is not survival as such which drives the main and basic instincts and behavioural patterns of creation. It is the pursuit of life. The animal does not seek the survival of its genes through procreation. The animal fills the available life-space, which availability is determined by ever-changing parameters. 10.10.92….************ tweeted
184. It is not work that people need, although for many people work is the only thing that can give meaning to their lives. No, what everyone needs is purpose. Purpose may indeed be found through work, but work is a lower order activity that provides the sense of purpose. With modern technology what we do is create purpose, or help everyone to find purpose in their lives. 25.10.92 ************
185. For a religious New Ager like myself, there is no problem in ‘seeing’ the world as sacred. For others it is vital that they create the myth of sacredness and live by it. They must live by the myth that man, the various natural kingdoms, indeed all of creation is sacred. It is our only hope. 25.10.92 ************ tweeted
186. In 184 and 185 above, do we have the dual poles of a vital political programme, that should lay down the social ethos for the coming Age? 26.10.92 ************
187. Science is very successful, but not totally so. Science has never been able to predict which systems will break down. They do not work with all the data. There are meta-physical aspects, which are needed if the whole picture is to be obtained. Astrology in terms when a particular machine is made? The psychic state of the builders of a particular machine? At some point the Tao of manufacturing must be introduced. Only when workers are in a good psychic state will really reliable machines be produced. Mmm. 6.11.92 ************
188. “The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.” Albert Einstein. 14.11.92
189. Seen in meditation. The Christing of the world has already begun. All the spiritual workers on Earth at this time, whichever tradition we are working in, have taken on a part of the human race’s karmic load, as Jesus took upon Himself the karmic load two thousand years ago. Apart from the requirements of our own development, that is a reason why life can be difficult for us. The sacrifice of the Son of Man is already underway, and we are all part of it. 7.12.92 ************
190. Seen in meditation. To bring blessings down to Earth from the higher spiritual realms, there has to be an unlocking, in order for something so fine and glorious to enter into the denser realms. That unlocking is achieved by the workers of spirit—us—through the pain and shadow of sacrifice. This is the mechanism of Christing as in 189 above. 7.12.92 ************
191. Shown in meditation. There is nowhere to seek for God. God is the universe. The entire universe is the body and mind of God. Every particle and thought etc., is a microcosm of the macrocosm. And as we go higher up the planes, so that microcosmic quality the more clearly reflects and manifests the macrocosm. At the higher planes, the universal being of Everything is omnipresent and manifest and apparent in everything—thus the splendour and beauty and unalloyed joy of those planes. Here on the lower plane, the macrocosm is locked, either in the bonds of physical cohesion, or in the bonds of our dark doubts etc. 15.12.92 ************
192. 191 above links in with the fact that the higher up the planes we go, the more able we are to experience oneness with ourselves and everything else. Thus the fact that God is in everything and visa-versa means that the higher planes, where Oneness is manifest, fills those planes with bliss. 16.12.92
193. Shown in meditation. To reach the highest levels we must always remain humble, for otherwise we cannot properly serve God’s creation. But there is another integral factor here. At the highest levels, we are at one with all of God’s creation. And that means that even at the very highest we are intrinsically linked with the lowest elements. If we cut that awareness of the depths off from our consciousness then we cannot function in a strata that embraces all. In fact there is a great paradox in that as we reach higher, so our awareness of the depths is enhanced and becomes deeper and more meaningful with us. 19.12.92 ************ tweeted
194. The Grail is a symbol of the New Age. It is significant that all of the objects that were supposed to have been brought from Jerusalem by Joseph of Aramathea to Glastonbury, it was the chalice, the cup that either received the blood of Christ on Golgomoth, or that was used at the last supper, or both. The significance is that it was a vessel for liquids. The Age of Aquarius is symbolised by the water carrier—the man carried a vessel for liquids. 22.12.92 ************
195. A point made by Stephen Hawking on ‘Desert island Discs’. A black hole is the reverse of the exploding universe. The only difference is that we are on the outside of a black hole, but inside our universe. Now we all wonder what it would be feel like to be in a black hole, recognising it as a peculiar experience. What we must take on board is that being inside this particular universe is a peculiar one-off experience that we need to examine. 26.12.92
196. A key question is whether sexual crime has gone down since laws were liberalised and photos of nudity etc. was readily available. It seems to me that the ideal of being open about the body, of not being ashamed of it, of not seeing it as dirty, has been taken over and perverted by the sex industry that portrays the female body as seductive, sexually stimulating and available. This is where we have gone wrong. We might need nature magazines, but definitely not sex or girlie magazines. 5.1.92
197. Given in meditation. When we are on higher planes or levels of consciousness, we are in tune with the All—consequently we require nothing, because we have everything. That is why selflessness becomes more and more a facet of our being. The corollary to that is that we should not force asceticism and puritanism on ourselves or others. The ability to do without will grow as an inevitable consequence of our own spiritual growth. 5.1.93 ************ tweeted
198. When scientists say that psychic phenomena cannot exist because they are not testable and because they are not predictable as things in the physical world are, they seem to forget that at the finest aspect of creation—sub-atomic, the physical world itself is unpredictable. 31.1.93
199. Shown in meditation. We as individuals have to lead the inner life rather than the outer. We should be centres of God’s peace, making no arrogant claims upon the world. Likewise, the church should do the same. It should nurture the spirituality of its adherents without making arrogant claims that it is the only pathway to God. 2.2.93 ************
200. There is a sense in which the whole Cosmos is run on utilitarianism lines. Ordinary utilitarianism is essentially one-dimensional. Cosmic utilitarianism takes into account all dimensions, is holistic. It takes into account the heart and also past and future etc. 6.2.93
201. “No, I thought, growing more rebellious, life has its own laws and it is for me to defend myself against whatever comes along, without going snivelling to god about sin, my own or other people’s. How would it profit a man if he got into a tight place, to call the people who put him there miserable sinners? Or himself a miserable sinner? I disliked the levelling aspect of this sinnerdom, it was like a cricket match played in a drizzle, where everyone had an excuse—and what a dull excuse!—for playing badly. Life was meant to test a man, bring out his courage, initiative, resource; and I longed, I thought, to be tested: I did not want to fall on my knees and call myself a miserable sinner.
But the idea of goodness did attract me, for I did not regard it as the opposite of sin. I saw it as something bright and positive and sustaining, like the sunshine, something to be adored, but from afar.” From L P Hartley—‘The Go Between’. Ch.6 pp 69,70 10.2.93
202. History comes and goes just as with the individual we have reincarnation. Thus we have a group memory of our present world history, but previous rises and falls of civilisations are like dreams to us. There are whispers of them in our consciousness, but nothing hard and fast. 17.2.93
203. In less than a hundred years the various churches’ claims to have the whole and exclusive truth will be looked upon by religious people as positively Neanderthal. 19.2.93
204. Although there is a basic honesty to music such as the Rolling Stones regarding sex, it has actually been damaging because it strips away romanticism, mystery and that means it has stripped away significance. Individuals become objects. There is no doubt that we can all feel such basic ‘animal’ urges, but we should not condone or glorify it. We diminish ourselves in this process if we are not careful. 20.2.93 ************
205. The industrial revolution not only broke people away from their extended families, it accentuated the effect of this by imposing specialisation on people in terms of how they worked. People, over the last one hundred and fifty years have been conditioned to a non-holistic life and work style through extreme specialisation in both work and how we consume, which has fostered the calamitous growth of the nuclear family. 23.2.93 ************
206. The role of women as home-maker is vital. Society has been sold an illusion in terms of women’s rights and the equality of the sexes. They have been encouraged to become men (there is nothing wrong in this two way process as far as it goes—so long as there is balance—but it has gone too far). The passive homemaker, the strong mother figure, is vital to the nurturing of complete children and to the proper functioning of society. 24.2.93 ************
207. If there really is an increase in the crime of rape etc.; do we have a situation where a whole generation of men are seeking revenge on the mother who did not figure in their lives as children? Or is this just ‘wishful thinking’? 24.2.93 ************
208. Women have been sold the ideal of the slim figure, which is essentially a boy shape. Where are the motherly figures? All part of being like a man? 24.2.93 ************
209. For society to function, we should not just pursue our own rights. We have to acknowledge our duties and obligations. For women this means that if they are to bear children, then they have to accept their role as full time mothers. But there is a positive side to this if they enhance their uniqueness as mothers together in quasi covens. 25.2.93 ************
210. “The Higher Self or Ego, the Spirit of a man, contains a record of all that he has ever been. We have to recognise that through the Spirit is the most perfect part of a man, being of the inner Divine Fires, it is only perfect in embryo.
A small piece of silver is perfect silver, but it has not the perfection of a work of art. It is not a Benvenuto Cellini creation. So is the Spirit of man perfect only in essence. Time will enrich its capacity, content, form and balance.
This is what we are all engaged in doing now.”
From “The Testament of Truth’ by Clarice Toyne (1970) p171 28.2.93
211. The reason so many of our visions and dreams appear to us in symbolic form. This is because the essence of an event etc. is the part that is important to our eternal spiritual development. The outer husk of the happening—which some would look upon as the reality—actually reveals very little of the vital essence—motives, karmic links etc. Hence the vital role of symbols—they are keys to the inner reality. 28.2.93 ************ Tweet
212. Lady banner quoted in ‘The Times’. 3.3.93: “I’m not too hot on feminism. It’s families that are important, not feminism.” 3.3.93
213. If we study the pyramid so closely, re its dimensions etc., in order to discover its meaning, why do we not do that to the great cathedrals, especially Chartres? 5.3.93
214. Point made by Peter London—that the evangelical’s over-use of the name of Jesus cheapens that name. 8.3.93
215. Seen in meditation. The perfected man is a channel for God’s light to shine upon the Earth. As individuals evolve and perfect themselves, so will more light be brought into the world. Each of us channels some of that light depending upon our state of progress. 9.3.93 ************
216. Seen in meditation. On the higher planes everything has profound meaning and speaks its story clearly, so that one walks amidst infinite reality, a myriad tales within every glimpse. 9.3.93 ************
217. When we talk of ley lines, are we rediscovering some thing that was known by our ancestors, or are we in fact creating them? It is possible that man is at present involved in a necessary spiritual process of creating ley lines to help heal the planet through their visualisation. It is also possible that there is a combination of this going on, ie. That we are adding to them. It is also possible hat the ley lines exist, but that by visualising them we are automatically involved in restoring them by visualising them complete, and thus helping to heal the planet. 16.4.93 ************
218. There is a new paradigm emerging that is holistic and spiritual. Seeing the world as ‘an integrated whole rather than a disassociated collection of parts’. (Capra) Aspects of this new paradigm (but only aspects) filters through to people such as the New Age travellers. That might be unfair on them. 12.5.93
219. The great religions’ centres lie on ley lines, but the political power and emotions that have been locked into them for a over millennium have clogged the ley lines. The New Age will see a return to the groves. This was given to me in York Minster by a disciple of the Lord Matreya. 12.5.93 ************
220. Our natural desires for the opposite sex are a potential source of profound spiritual progress. If we can translate our natural desire for those we should not be physically involved with into platonic love, then mankind can leap forward. This will happen over the centuries ahead. Men and women will form beautiful platonic relationships. Perhaps the coming out of gays is even an aspect of that. This main message, not the last sentence, was given to me on the train between Manchester and Chester. 13.5.93 ************
221. “In the beginning was the word…” This is why mantras are so powerful. They not only block out the lower mind, by giving the whole mind something to focus on, they are also at a particular vibration and might have a particular meaning all of which have their effect. 20.5.93
222. There is no such thing as coincidence in the universe; there is only meaning. 1.6.93 tweeted
223. Number law, taken from a book, can’t remember which one:
- Unity –the One
- Production/productive/generation
- Perfect or utter—complete
- Physical—terrestrial—the square
- Initiate—bringer of enlightenment
- Physical fulfilment—preparation—spiritually incomplete
- Spiritual, eternal, perfection
- Rebirth
- Utter perfection
- Millennium or eternity—Messianic Age
- Physical reality, realisation, achievement
- Mankind—true men.1.6.93
224. point made by Peter London. The mind is so powerful, the universe had to be made to house it. 3.6.93 ************
225. Attacks on the New Age movement by the evangelicals allows this type of person to indulge in the sort of sarcastic and patronising criticisms that they used to reserve for ‘pagan’, ‘ethnic’, ‘heathen’ religions, and now for social reasons no longer can. 6.6.93
226. The insights of a variety of people are the revelations that the new Age movement is built upon. These revelations are the manifestations of a new unfolding of the nature and purpose of God, as Christ’s, Mohammed’s Buddha’s and Moses’s revelations were. 7.6.93
227. There is a great yearning on the part of Christians to discover and thus emulate the practices and inspirations of the early church. The great irony is that if they could get back to those times they would discover that the early church was a movement of New Agers, with new revelations. 7.6.93 ************
228. When Christians say that people must turn to God to make it to Heaven, does it actually say in the bible that this must be done before death? Can that process not continue in the life beyond the grave? 19.6.93
229. Reincarnation is necessary because the universe must always be allowed to return to balance, to equilibrium. Only reincarnation can achieve that through the equalising mechanism of karma. 20.6.93 ************
230. When people attempt to prove things logically, or from the bible, there is a real danger that they are actually demanding acceptance of, even compliance with, their point of view. This is control. What we should be doing instead is putting forward our ideas and allow others to absorb these ideas in their heart centre and accept them as their heart requires. 21.6.93 ************
231. Huxley’s ‘Brave new World’. Soma type drugs e.g. ‘Prozac’ which produce a sense of well-being, are dangerous because they deny the individual the introspective lows and negate the learning levels which the soul must undergo. 23.6.93
232. On the spiritual path it is vital to learn discrimination. As we progress we must understand that not all the people we meet are on spiritual paths. There are many who are on psychic paths. It is possible to develop the psyche whilst on the spiritual journey, but some develop the psyche without laying the secure spiritual foundations that are so necessary. 26.6.93 ************
233. Scientists talk of the survival factor as the motivating force in the universe. But that is actually the negative, the shadow, of the true force, which is the ‘life’ force. A niche is filled not because there is a survival niche to be exploited, but because life joyously fills every gap in the universe—for the universe must tee, with life. 26.6.93 ************
234. The influence of astrology. Is it digital rather than analogue? If number is at the essence of the universe, then the vibration is discrete and digital. 29.6.93
235. Numerology of the Universe. In the beginning was the Word—the Logos. In Hebrew and Greek, numbers are letters—so the beginning was meaning and number—which is structure. 29.6.93
236. Sexuality and sex is the fulfilling of life. It is a vital actuating principle for the motivating force of the universe, which is life. 29.6.93
237. As one rises up to the highest planes, consciousness of course expands at a phenomenal rate. We must understand that God experiences our joys, more poignantly our sorrows with an intensity which would leave us breathless to say the least. This is a point made by David Pelham, which I have expanded on. 8.7.93
238. As the moral standards of plays, films and books deteriorate, with increasing homage to sex and violence, we are seeing the final descent into the low nether regions of Hell. Mankind must rise up through it all. 22.7.93
239. Trivialisation of sexuality, pin-ups and degradation of women, is the shadow side of the feminine upsurge that is such a feature of the New Age. 31.7.93 ************
240. Fundamentalism is one, perfectly valid, but one of many, pathways to God. Fundamentalists have to understand that their choosing the route of obedience to the Word, is a particular and valid device or system to provide a framework for a particular spiritual path. 4.8.93
241. Mediums are often accused of producing nothing but trivial messages. But this ignores the sort of inspiration that can come through to people who would not even look upon themselves as psychic. It also ignores the main purpose of spiritualism which is just to provide proof of survival of life after death. Also, we have to sort things out for ourselves down here. It is not god’s way to work things out for us. 4.8.93
242. If gravity is the antithesis of love, the thesis. Then is it gravity that restricts the speed of light? 5.8.93
243. Seen in meditation. There is a definite hierarchical order in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. Crystals are at the top of the mineral kingdom. This is a sacred order, and much can be learnt from it. Metals are a sub order, with gold at the top. In the vegetable kingdom, flowers are at the top, with trees I should think. We should wear a crystal or mineral that matches our own development. This would be for psychics to work out. We should also choose a mineral slightly higher than our own stage, in order to speed our own development to that stage. 6.8.93 ************
244. Seen in meditation. We all have many many blocks in our psyches. We need to steadily unlock these various locks/blocks. Some are major. Many are quite small. Each unlocking frees us. Often the unlocking comes through sacrifice. 6.8.93 ************ tweeted
245. Fundamentalism appeals to intellectuals because it gives them something to study. They feel they are doing the same sort of valid exercise as in their normal studies. That is why fundamentalism took off in the reformation, because it was part of the new scientific mood that was about to burst out into the world. 7.8.93 ************
246. Seen in meditation. The stars in the sky are each different, and with a distinct and definite effect (influence) upon the planet. There is a whole story, a mystery, an insight into our planet’s purpose to be read from the stars. The mythology of the constellations are key clues to this story, though they are only part of it. The stars form a complex pattern of influences. 15.8.93 ************
247. “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit.” Quoted for me by Farouk Walji. 1.9.93
248. Stars are homeopathic. Each has its own ‘colour’, which in minute degrees affects our being as with homeopathic medicines. 26.8.93
249. Sexuality and spirituality are different sides of the same coin. That is why the sublimation of sexuality is so dangerous, but the transcending of sexuality so gloriously and spiritually powerful. The 60s were both spiritual and sexual, but it was the sexual revolution that predominated. This was seen in a brief meditation. 18.10.93 ************
250. Part of the significance of alternative / complementary healing is that it is a process of preparation. These therapies etc will not properly come into their own until we have raised the general vibration rate of our planet. They are also, of course, part of the process by which these vibrations are raised. 26.8.93 tweeted
251. In stone circles that have irregular stones, many of them very gnarled and peculiar, we have to recognise that in such ‘Druidic’ circles each and every stone has a personality, a life, a symbolic significance within the circle that is linked to its shape and its substance. Does each link with the character of zodiacal signs? 9.11.93
252. in ‘thesis, antithesis, synthesis’, healing is the synthesis. This trinity of a process is powerful and completing. Did Marx and Hegel not recognise its profound and sublime significance? 9.11.93 ************
253. We have moved into the post-industrial age, but have not accordingly moved into post-materialistic thinking. This we must do if there is to be reconciliation and balance (healing) between ourselves and between us and our planet. 17.11.93 ************
254. We are no longer interested in the pursuit of happiness. If we ever were. Now we pursue gratification—which is of the senses—be it sexual, or TV, or holidays, or consumer items etc. 17.11.93 ************
255. There is a great and fundamental irony in that as women have made their great advances in this century, we have actually seen a century in which the masculine, utilitarian, logical aspects have been exaggerated to the points of absurdity and near destruction. Womanhood should be healing. We wait for women to suffuse the world wit the female aspect. It will come. Women who get to the top, taking on male attributes have been vital pioneers. 6.12.93 ************
256. Everything these days is mundane reality. We have to paint things as they are. We are no longer allowed to cluing to any sort of ideal, for fear of it being flawed. So aspirations are not allowed. All must be mundane reality at its basest level. 19.12.93 ************
257. What blocks us from true and clear communion with our higher selves is desire. As we shed personal, selfish desire, so we clear the way to clear communion. Given in meditation last summer. 30.12.93 ************
258. Modern democracy is the reflection of modern trade. In trade, decisions are made through the medium of money. In the political arena, it is ideas that are bartered. The process is, however, essentially the same. 18.1.94
259. The sixties were marked by an upsurge of ethics and an upsurge of hedonism. The two were combined in a break away from the mores of the fifties and earlier, but they represent at their extremes two distinct and incompatible strands of that revolution. 19.02.94
260. Is it possible that all the early Kings of Egypt were laid to rest in the sarcophagus of the great Pyramid, and their bodies removed later after key conjunctions of stars and planets? It is possible, and it still could have been used for initiations. 19.02.94
261. When the time comes for us to pass through the portal of surrender, when we choose no longer to focus upon our own happiness, but upon that of others, we begin the process of achieving eternal peace and bliss. However, the irony is that we must, or cannot enter for ourselves, but can only do so out of love and concern for others who need this; for each person who manages to pass through helps to open the door of peace for the world. (Seen in meditation at St Michael’s Church, Croydon. 16.02.94 ************
262. In one key sense, the crucifixion of Jesus was inevitable. The Christ, the Lord of the World, lives and breathes all that goes on on our planet. He suffers as we suffer. Jesus was overshadowed by the Christ Spirit. This overshadowing became complete, and as total as it could be, when Jesus came to his trial. At the crucifixion we saw not only what the world did one single occasion to Jesus; we also caught a glimpse of what the world was doing all the time to Christ. When Christ truly showed Himself, we had no choice but to see him as we treated Him / our world / our fellows. (This was given in meditation at St Michael’s church, Croydon.) 20.02.94 ************ tweeted
263. The controversy in the church regarding the ordination of women, and whether it is scriptural or not misses the point. The point is that there is a wave coming through the female aspect of god which the Church and its people must respond to. 20.03.94 tweeted
264. it is possible that the awful events of the twentieth century and the letting in of evil were necessary because the body of earth had built up bad practices that required the in-rush of disease and fever in order to recreate a new and healed body. Certainly a new Europe came about after the two World Wars, although it is still light-headed, and still has not properly settled down. 01.04.94 ************
265. Is it possible that stigmata are displaying the marks of earlier incarnations? I think this might be true of some, but not necessarily all. 03.04.94
266. Entropy is a fact of the physical world, but not of the inner plane. One has only to see this in terms of our mental life which bubbles with activity all the time, ideas materialise non stop. It is the reverse of entropy. 05.04.94 ************
267. This was brought on partly by watching ‘Schindler’s List’, and also by the novel I am working on. This also links in totally with 264 above which came to me as I watched ‘The Last Emperor’. It came this morning. The six million Jews who were murdered in the holocaust were willing victims. They offered themselves as a vast human sacrifice to slough off the sins of the world. They repeated, mirrored, on a vast scale the deed of their earlier countryman, Jesus. They went like lambs to the slaughter. They offered themselves, so that global karma could be brought back into balance. And on the third year (rather than day) they rose again, in 1948, when we saw the creation of the first Jewish state Israel) for almost two thousand years. (See also 189.) 07.04.94 ************ ************
268. Following from 267 above: An article I read later, but published the same day in ‘The Times’, by William Rees-Mogg says that the key creators of the two last millennia have been the Jews and the British. He writes: ‘To a large extent the Jewish nation created the metaphysical and intellectual structure of the modern world, and the British its political and economic structure.’ It is interesting in this context that there are these legends of Joseph of Aramathea bringing the Grail from Palestine to Glastonbury. Indeed, the two myths that have dominated Western Europe have been the Jewish myth of the Bible and of Christ, and the myth of the British Arthurian romances. 08.04.94
269. Following on 267. This sacrifice of the Jews was buried very deep. Such karma had built up, and it was the turning of the Platonic Year, that the world was given over to the powers of Evil. But buried deep was this sacrifice that redeemed the world even when it was at its darkest. There are still problems in the world, but the corner has been turned—thanks to that great battle and that extraordinary and terrible sacrifice. (See also 276) 14.04.94 ************ ************
270. Oracles are at certain node points of the Earth, where the links between the various places are tight and close. Then and there may the oracles speak. Then truth from within bubbles up like oil. 14.04.94 tweeted
271. When churches split, e.g. forming house-groups, or whatever, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it is because some members of a church have learnt everything they need from a given situation and then have to move on. Those left behind either cannot face a change, or still have things to learn in the first situation. 24.04.94 tweeted as pick and mix
272. The travesty of our age is that we are so nonchalant about the most powerful things. We are casual about sex, casual about killing animals ([primitive tribes had great ceremonies to mark the fact that they had taken life; they wee in awe of it), we are casual about aborting a foetus. I am not saying that there should be absolutely no abortion, but where is the awe? Where is the realisation that something profound and terrible is going on? Where is the ceremony? Where the marks of respect? 01.05.94 ************
273. As we pollute and damage our world, we must accept the real possibility that the spoiling of our physical plane will affect for the worse all the higher planes with which it is connected. There is an interconnectedness to all existence. Our responsibility lies inwards as well as out across the physical plane. 12.05.94
274. This was revealed as I was carried high during the church service at St Michael’s and All Angels in Croydon this morning. I was very very high, and was very close to the timeless, eternal Now. Suddenly, I realised; The Eternal Now is unchanging. The only way we can possibly develop and grow in appreciation of the glorious essence of our true being and of God, is to descend into the realms of events, into the realm of Time. (Time and Gravity, to link in with Sit George Trevelyan.) But it is the realms of Time that is the key. We must descend in order to evolve in depth. That is the purpose of all the planes, and of incarnation. That is the reason. 15.05.94 ************
- This has come from reading a review of David Selbourne’s ‘The principle of Duty’.
- Thesis:-duties
- Antithesis:-rights
- Synthesis:-healing
A quote from that book: ‘For if duties without rights make slaves; rights without duties make strangers.’ 23.05.94 ************
276. (See 267 & 269) The major problem with the creation of the modern state of Israel is that it sees itself as the justification, the purpose of the holocaust. The holocaust was such a profound and yet unthinkable event, full of tragedy and evil and yet no purpose, that modern Jews feel they must defend Israel with an intensity and violence that is their way of making sense of the holocaust. They say they can never let the holocaust happen again. If they could see that that there is indeed a deep and beautiful purpose to the holocaust—namely the willing sacrifice of six million people—then they can be at peace, and Israel can enter the modern world stage without this almost psychotic need to see themselves in giving some sort of meaning to that holocaust. 08.06.94 ************ ************
277. Healing equals harmony. Harmony with nature and the world is vital.
We have:
Thesis:- endeavour and ailment
Antithesis:- search for cure (what goes in these two?)
Synthesis:- healing / harmony 17.06.94 ************
278. Note that at the same time as the Jews were sacrificing themselves for the world in the holocaust, there were other Jews creating the atom bomb—Einstein, Openheimer etc. An interesting aspect. 26.06.94
279. Given in meditation. Sinning is absolutely vital to our spiritual evolution. Death in spiritual terms is when we do nothing. Obviously we must all aim to give ourselves to others. Indeed, perhaps that is that vital aspect of sacrifice that I have been looking for: that it is the ultimate spiritual act in that it involves the denial of the Self through love of the other. At the other end of the spectrum in terms of spiritual action is the denial of the other through love of the Self. With the latter, when we move into action and sin, not only do we impose pain on another which tests them and actually quickens their spiritual development, we also have to live through the painful consequences of the karma we create for ourselves and are thereby spiritually quickened. Thus there is not a single act or event in the universe that is not spiritually significant or ultimately spiritually progressive. Perhaps this only leaves now the problem of profound Evil—but even this, at a very high level might link in, and as I have noted before at the highest level of evil this might actually involve a great sacrifice on some high being’s part, in order to allow evil and its spiritual quickening to happen. Indeed, if a race were spiritually moribund and getting nowhere, the injection of evil might be the only way to shake them forward. 01.07.94 ************ ************ ************
280. The worst type of modern architecture, particularly the block-like architecture of the sixties is mechanistic, and is a denial of the spirit of man. 01.07.94
281. Seen in meditation. Apart from all its other symbolisms and purposes, the pyramid is the perfect symbol of our spiritual journey. We have many lives, each one hopefully reaching to the spiritual heights. But to achieve those heights, we must lay solid foundations; we cannot stand at the apex without the solid base beneath us. If we do not lay the preparation, then we will not survive the heights. 02.07.94 ************
282. This came to me at the buffet of Euston station, pondering a report on the proposed bypass for Stonehenge. We are all becoming aware of the fact that there is a sacred geometry to our landscape—especially so in Britain. However if we seek to find a pattern or harmony to that sacredness and geometry we should not look for it in Euclidean geometries. It is like the key difference between Western and oriental music, they have a totally different approach to harmonics. This is just like the vision in meditation that I was given. I saw patterns in a circle that did not appear to make sense. I was of course using my Western eye. I must find our about oriental harmonics. 08.07.94 ************
283. 282 above also relates to life cycles, cosmic patterns, patterns of reincarnation, periodic tables—all are either oriental, or a blend somehow of oriental and Euclidean geometries. 08.07.94 ************
284. Scientists are brilliant at measuring, but are not necessarily so good at understanding the significance of what they discover. The medieval mind is laughed at for making relationships that appear now to be child-like, e.g. to assume that a kidney shaped flower must be good for kidneys. However, what was going on here was a realisation that there is a harmony and pattern and purpose to everything in the universe. Modern science just seems to assume that everything is random. They are wrong in this. 10.07.94 ************
285. Following from 282 & 283 above, the reason for the difference between Occidental and Oriental harmonics is that the Western approach since the time of the Greeks has been analytic, whilst the Oriental approach is more holistic. This must be looked into. 11.07.94 ************
286. (Given in meditation). Any sort of cure is a bolt-on mechanism attached at some point in time to an on-going life. Healing is quite different—healing is the process whereby a life process is brought back into balance. Healing is integral to the life process. It is not something that we bolt on. Healing is life; is the process. That is why we look upon it as natural. That is why there can be so many approaches, even, to the same problem—they are all a means to achieve balance, to bring all aspects of a life process in balance, in tune with and with the whole. And that is why healing is related to the ‘holistic’; the whole approach. 12.07.94 ************
287. (Given in meditation). In the highest reaches of Heaven, everything is touched deep with meaning. Even the flight of a bird is full of significance. This being, this doing of great import affects the lowest level of earth. Likewise, the beings and doings of Earth affects the higher spheres for good or ill. That is why it is vital that we shift our emphasis of being and doing from the concerns of the lower spheres to those of the higher. That is how we can ultimately heal ourselves and the Earth. It is vital that we are heaven driven rather than lower plane materialism driven. The more we are driven by lower considerations, the more harm we do ourselves and the world. That is why matters of principle; ideals etc. are so vital. They are manifestations of higher order considerations, and are thereby vital. That is why a naked free market is so damaging in the long run. 14.07.94 ************ ************
288. (Given in meditation). Because of the free-for-all, everything-goes-society we have today, there are an awful lot of people who are destined (at least for a shortish time for Hell. They create fetid imaginations, filled with booze, drugs, sex and or horrors, and they will live out the realities of their imagination in Hell. This will be a major soul lesson for them, though if we can show people how harmful all this is, so that they never descend to these awful sink zones of the mind and soul in the first place, then this would be an even more profound soul lesson. I also saw that Hell is creeping, or seeping into our world. The devilish models that children buy, and probably many other things, are reflections of what is in Hell at the moment, and are evidence of that seepage. We have to be terribly careful if we are to cleanse the Earth. 15.07.94 ************
289. Watching television tonight on the Moon programme, it is interesting to note—this came through very clearly in one shot—just how similar in shape the Apollo space capsule is to the pyramid. It is of course round, but in silhouette is very similar. 18.07.94
290. We live in a time that is dreadfully timid. We see it in our lax regard of morals and right action, in our wicky-wacky approach to wrong-doing. The ultimate example of this is political correctness, where people are terrified of making a statement that might contain the sting of truth. 16.08.94 ************
291. The spiral is central to all evolution; now why is that? It might be that as soon as one moves on a spiral one has to move in all three physical dimensions, as well as time of course. Is it the only symmetrical shape that does so move through all three dimensions? 26.08.94 ************
292. Given in meditation: When we start meditation we must always create in our imagination a path or doorway. Imagination is the building stuff of the inner planes, and thus to create an imaginary door we are actually creating a real doorway in the inner planes, and thus our psyche is automatically focussed upon that inner plane. 26.08.94 ************
293. Given in meditation: Light is the key to the universe; it is an actual manifestation of God’s love. It is ironic that the physical presence of God stares us in the face all the time, and we do not realise. Light works in particular ways that are unique to each plane of existence. 12.09.94 ************
294. Given in meditation in St Michael’s Church, Croydon: The holistic approach must include the spiritual. Healing is impossible without some aspect of the spiritual. The people must return to the spiritual, and the church must shake off its fetters and reach out to them with spirituality and not dogma. 11.09.94 ************
295. The orthodox approach that the fundamentalists adopt of faith and a personal relationship with God and Jesus, is potentially powerful, but is also very limiting and one-dimensional. They fail to grasp the essential unity of creation, and hence feel desperate about, and threatened by, everything that is not directly linked into that single-line relationship with their God. 18.09.94
296. Although it is frustrating to live through times that go through cycles in terms of morality and the fashions of morality, it is actually necessary for us as incarnate souls, for of course it means that within each cycle we learn something new. 19.09.94
297. If, as has been suggested, Jesus had his final incarnation as St Patrick, and if as has been suggested St Patrick had been Abbot of Glastonbury, then the power of Glastonbury, the legend of Joseph of Aramathea etc etc come into focus. It would also explain the Arthurian legends of Avalon—Arthur is Jesus, and as Olivia Warburton a child at Newton Prep pointed out: Arthur came and performed the miracle of the sword in the stone as Christ came and performed miracles; hence the power of the Arthurian Romances. 22.09.94 ************
298. There is a purpose to every life and all life; but more importantly we should see every life as a pattern. With each incarnation we repeat the pattern of our previous lives, but the pattern evolves, changes, so that an overview of our lives is like the unfolding of a beautiful flower. Of course, as we achieve mastery of ourselves, then we can determine and quicken that evolution. But our life, each life, is like a sort of repetition of our previous lives, but with subtle and vital differences. 22.09.94 ************
299. Following from 298 above; conflict can come into an individual’s life when a situation in a new incarnation clashes with the previous pattern. The entity must battle through this and thus resolve a pattern or shape in his evolution and thus move forward. 24.09.94 ************
300. Sacrifice is absolutely vital to our spiritual progress. Ultimately we must achieve a love of all others that will transcend our love of ourselves. Sacrifice is both a manifestation of that switch—is a living proof of it—is indeed selfless love in action. Indeed, there is no sacrifice when the love for all others is complete because our own needs and requirements fall to nothing. Sacrifice can also be a way, from without, of helping our inner life to jolt forward in that ultimate direction, so depending upon what stage we are at, it is either a ‘mechanical’ device to affect our own spiritual progress (as well as to help others), or is a natural manifestation of our sublime souls. 30.09i.94 ************
301. Following from 300 above; sacrifice also has the profound effect of clearing karma in the most perfect way. It is a manifestation of healing—and in that sense is not mechanistic. The karmic debt is not mechanically balanced, it is actually transcended and indeed transformed—so that the negative energy built into that karma is actually transformed into the equally powerful positive energy. It is the key to man’s rapid progress, and it is deeply linked with healing. 01.10.94 ************ ************ ************
302. Tome is the key to everything. We are in the realms of Time. If we can break through the illusion of Time, then we enter into the Realm of the Eternal Now and the All. 08.10.94
303. Seen in meditation: Radiation, which is highly dangerous on the outer plane, is an outer manifestation of the radiant energy and ultimately consciousness of the ‘matter’ of the inner planes, where matter naturally is radiant. And of course that inner radiation is safe, life enhancing and healing. 18.10.94
304. When we talk of our Higher Selves as being like a separate entity to ourselves, that is always existing in the higher planes, whilst we struggle in the lower, although there is a clear truth in that, it is also a distortion because we are trying to express a truth that encompasses All in the language of spatial and time dimensions. Thus we make the entity appear separate when it is not. 18.10.94 ************
305. The unparalleled increasing concern for safety is a reflection of society’s and individual’s diminishing faith in God and the ultimate justice and balance of the Universe. 17.11.94
- Given in a dream: to do with abortion and military death etc.
“As mankind unravels the secret of Life,
He embraces the mystery of Death.” 18.11.94
307. Space cannot be curved. If there is nothing, then that nothing cannot have any sort of quality. So what is ‘there’ to have qualities attributed to it? 19.11.94
308. Gravity is the ether. Gravity is what everything flows in. This makes the ether dynamic rather than static and neutral. Gravity is the interface between the physical and etheric planes. It is fundamental to this existence of physical manifestation. Gravity is the medium and is omnipresent. The medium of transmission is dynamic. This is the key. 19.11.94 ************ ************
309. Gravity, the dynamic ether in terms of its dynamic aspect is affected by its proximity or otherwise to manifestation of matter (mass) which is energy made manifest and static. However, in its static mediumistic aspect there is no diminishing in the capacity for transmission—thus light etc is transmitted across infinitude by the very ether / gravity that is generated by the generators of light. Where there is light there is an ultimate source of manifest matter, which will itself be a generator of the etheric / gravity medium that transmits it. 20.11.94 ************
310. Patterns are everything. The Cosmos will adapt and adjust through time in order to allow patterns to happen—as things can only occur when the patterns are there—hence the continual occurring of striking coincidences. Patterns are connections. That is why all families and relationships are important. This is why Astrology is vital and integral to the universe. 17.01.95 ************
311. Patterns are the weft and weave, the fabric of which coincidences are the loose ends. 18.01.95
312. The New Ager and the mystic breaks through the doctrine into freedom. This is a great adventure and a great release. However, there are dangers here as well. It is easy to lose ethics and basic morality. Of course there can also be a higher order of morality, but that is a knife-edge that one has to be so careful of. 25.01.95
313. One of the key moments when we become ‘adult’ is when we have children. At that point, the pursuit of our own happiness is transcended by our obligations and duties towards our child. We break that taboo at our peril. The consequences are spiritually profound. There is a meta, a global and national, aspect to this, as well as in terms of the health of our souls. 10.02.95
314. (This and the next note was lost and then found) Seen in a sudden glimpse when on the train. There is a great ceremony when spirits are created in heaven. Each is a flame, each is given to twin souls to nurture and watch over as parents for eternity. David Pelham is right—there is a great hierarchy of family love. We each belong to a spiritual family. 28.09.93 ************
315. (This note was lost and then found) When someone acts unethically, it usually means that someone has to absorb the ramifications—the karmic load. 04.10.93
316. There are clearly cultural differences between cultures in terms of attitudes to sex. The Polynesian is very different to the puritan north European. Yet there is purpose in this. The Polynesian is a beautiful kindergarten. But we have to move on from the simplest and most innocent of sensual pleasures. Thus the hypocrisies and repressions of puritan sexuality are a necessary part of our road, for it is our first stumbling attempts to rise higher in consciousness. 11.02.95
317. (Given in a dream) The process of healing as we see practised at present is only a harbinger of what must ultimately come. Present day healers are pioneers and over the decades and centuries ahead there will be a steady progress and an ever-increasing effectiveness. 22.02.95
318. ‘As above. So below’. If our individual lives reflect what is happening on a global or planetary level, then the high incidence of divorce might well be significant. As the earth enters a divide between two ages, then individuals might also be torn apart and need to seek new directions. 08.03.95
319. Marriage and then a break-up—or any relationship and its break-up—it starts with fusion which gives out tremendous energy. It ends with fission, which gives off an energy also—though it can often be destructive. 08.03.95
320. Our present society makes a grave mistake with regards to divorce. It provides the mechanism to allow divorce, but always treats it as a failure. What it does not realise, is that often there is profound purpose in a couple coming together, and great leaning in it. That purpose and learning can come to a completion. It is then necessary and natural for the union to end. 08.03.95 ************
321. “The Grail Romance is that of the god in your heart. And the Christ becomes a metaphor. A symbol for that transcendent power which is the support and being of your own life.” Joseph Campbell. 15.03.95
322. Love sickness is a real phenomenon. When two people fall in love, their souls link—it is one reason why they always seem so wonderfully in tune with each other—it is a beautiful dance of the spirit. But when a real parting comes, it is impossible for the souls to either separate or if they do separate, to heal the wound where the fusion had been. It does need time and the healing comes. If the parting is done cruelly or with betrayal, then the wound is jagged and bitter and can eat into the core of the injured party’s being. 25.03.95 ************
323. Life itself is the meaning of everything. Existence itself, as opposed to nothing, is everything. That is why suicide is so wrong, because it amounts to denying the very essence of all the Cosmos, namely life and existence itself. -8.04.95
324. On the physical plane, in order to manifest the idea, there has to be birth, life and death; there has to be the cycle, the round of change, of continual being. Nothing can be static, and thus Time exists. Time is a consequence of the necessary flux with material manifestation, as if the idea has to be recreated every moment in order for it to exist. However, on the inner planes this is not necessary. The idea, of say a plant, can just ‘be’. Thus there is no time as we know it. Things might change, but not out of necessity, instead they can change as a manifestation of their actual idea, rather than as a consequence of their physical manifestation of their physical manifestation. Events certainly happen on the inner plane, but again they are willed, rather than as a consequence of the physical parameters. Thus, as this becomes truer, the further in, or higher one goes, the Time ceases to have meaning, and eternity becomes timeless. 12.04.95 ************ ************ ************
- When Christians insist upon a literal meaning to the virgin birth, the ‘achieve’ two damaging consequences:
- They put off many people who would otherwise be believers, because these people see something illogical and even ludicrous in the notion.
They actually obscure from themselves the much more exciting, deeper and more beautiful meaning of the virgin birth, which is to do with the sacrifice of the male aspect of God, and the nurturing of the universe by the female aspect of God. 12.04.95 ************
326. Following from 324 above—each plane has a particular pitch or frequency, which determines how long an idea can exist without being remade. The physical plane, though of a lower pitch has the shortest span—thus a lower frequency can only sustain an idea as manifest for a shorter time. Even the recreating of the idea is governed by a macro pitch which conditions the actual lifetime of that idea. For minerals it is for ages. For higher organisms, the change is perhaps more than daily, and the growth, maturity, decay cycle lasts just a few years. The higher up the planes one goes, then the longer the duration, and thus the less that Time intrudes. 12.04.95 ************ ************
327. On the physical plane, the main currency is a physical thing. But as we move up the planes, then the currency changes gradually and becomes more moralistic. 13.04.95
328. During the Second World War Britain fulfilled a great spiritual destiny that saw it standing alone ion 1940. It fulfilled its destiny with the liberation of Western capitals, and was left exhausted. The Russian experience was different in that the great sacrifice is for some profound spiritual breakthrough in the future. 26.04.95
329. Following ion from 328 above—the stiff upper lip repressive nature of the British was necessary for what Britain had to do in 1940—namely dig in and stand firm. Now that we have fulfilled our destiny we can relax—the 60s was part of that process. 27.04.95
330. The generation born immediately after the war have already fulfilled part of their group destiny. During the sixties they kicked over the traces of the old order—certainly the necessary British repressed characteristic was blown apart—it was no longer necessary. We are still living through the consequences of that, with the old and new still at odds even within the same individual. That will gradually balance out. The sixties, particularly in America, was an explosion of new morality which is still having a profound effect on global consciousness. It is unusual for a generation to achieve so much so early. (see 352) 11.05.95 ************
331. Carol Vordeman who presents ‘Tomorrow’s World on TV: “e haven’t failed if we don’t succeed; we have only failed if we give up.” 25.05.95
332. I am fascinated at how trees etc can be recognisably of the same species yet each one is unique. There is that about organisms that is so wonderful. Now I see why. When we see an ancient city that has just grown, we see the product of organic growth—each part has been independent, yet is interdependent. The point is that sentient organisms grow with each part being ‘conscious’ and being ‘aware of’ each other part—especially those adjacent, so that each part reacts and inter-reacts with the other parts. The growth is internally sentient, which gives the uniqueness to each organism. That is why we love old medieval cities. Modern planned cities are sterile and barren, because they are machines, they are inert copies of some central idea. They have no life and reflect no life. 24.05.95 ************ ************
333. in modern politics, our national politicians have surrendered to Europe powers overt he things that least interest them (e.g. size of jam jars), yet which impinge most on people’s lives, and have kept to themselves the very powers that ought to be surrendered and which would not directly affect the lives of ordinary people—e.g. foreign policy and defence. We have got it round the wrong way. 21.06.95
334. Fundamentalists are essentially frightened of taking spiritual risks. They actually make excruciatingly slow spiritual progress because they are frightened of being spiritually brave. They find their formula, e.g. the Bible, and stick to that like glue, terrified of deviating from it. 21.06.95
335. Feminists identify far too strongly with their sexuality, with their physical and etheric (transient) form, rather than their spiritual being. 07.07.95
336. Following on from above (335); arch feminists, and others like them, are actually fascists, for they are identifying totally with a particular grouping to which they perceive they belong, identify with that group, become dependent upon that group, and exclude with vehemence and even hatred all other groups. 09.07.95
337. A point made by Shannon Greenspan—that as we are all connected, so as any individual makes any sort of spiritual progress, it actually moves everyone on a little (Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic resonance?). This provides hope, but also shows how important our own spiritual progress is, for we help everyone as we struggle onwards and upwards. 13.07.95 ************ ************
338. The First World War saw the beginning of the end for a civilisation that had flourished about the old European tribes which had finally culminated in nationalism. This terrible century has seen the nemesis of that approach, together with extraordinary developments. Our political system is, however, still that of the old order—the parties are our tribes. The new Age requires non-nationalism, a community of free nations, and non-partisan parties. Partisanship within and between political partiers is very childish—time for us to grow up. 22.07.95 ************
339. So often the ‘thought for the day’ preachers on the radio give simplistic and childish stories. This is because they are children. They are invariably chosen from the established Christian churches, and anyone in the twentieth century who chooses that approach has to be rather child-like. It is all, also, so anodyne. 27.07.95
340. Fundamentalists stick to the word because they are frightened of taking the risk of using their own ideas, and therefore moving forward on their own path. 29.07.95
341. Einstein’s work was more profound than anyone realised. He took the prevailing mechanistic view of the universe and injected the observer—in other words he put in place the idea of sentience within the universe; that is consciousness. So the idea of unveiling the subatomic world, the idea that the universe consists of energy and that matter is only a form of energy, was only possible through an understanding of the sentient or conscious nature of the universe. (This came during a discussion in the garden of St Gwynan with Elton Follett—and Sue was there as well.) (See 358) 04.08.95 ************ ************ ************
342. There are great efforts being put into empowering people. Counselling does that; it is almost the key agenda of our society. But we empower people, but that empowerment is in an ethical vacuum. Thus we see a vast number of people empowered to the point of receiving state benefit when they could get work, or having babies without the ability to support a family. 05.08.95
343. Following on from 342 above, empowering can also isolate people. An important point about the new spirituality; e.g. astrology, the sacredness of nature, is that we show ourselves that we are connected to everything. That is vital. 08.08.95
344. When the European community imposes statutory conformity—e.g. single currency, standard size of jam jars, they are desperately seeking for symbols of unity, presumably because they do not know how to contemplate unity of the spirit whilst the outer manifestations of the personality and statehood still display all their unique peculiarities. They are concentrating on outer things, hoping hereby to go inwards. They need to change direction, and work at the heart and spirit level. 17.09.95 ************
345. The universe displays atrophy—decay. In theory the universe must be running down. Yet life, through fertilization, continually renews itself. There is a fundamental principle here. If there is enough mass in the universe, we will either see the universe implode, or we will see it vanish through black holes. Whatever happens, there will be a mysterious creation again of energy, and the vast life cycle will begin again. 26.09.95 ************
346. Early machinery of the industrial revolution were part of an organic, breathing pattern of the time. It was a physical, ponderous, yet powerful dream of organisms writ large, made manifest. The post-industrial age has seen more cerebral machines, especially through electronics. Can we contemplate spiritual machines/ 08.10.95
347. The sun emits billions and billions of neutrinos. It sustains and creates all the energy of all the planes. It is the local generator and creator and sustainer. 09.10.95
348. A society, an economy does need to be equated to an organism, because it is nothing without the flow of consciousness / intelligence between the various parts. An economy is not an inert entity—it is conscious. Every time we act on an economy, it is just like in subatomic physics; we disturb the process. We are an observer, but the economy responds to the observation—we need to consider a quantum view of a society and an economy. 06.12.95 ************
349. This is the reason for our existence on Earth. This is our purpose on this planet. On the physical plane we all have to work to survive. This is a major restriction; it curtails everything, restricts us, often destroys us. So how do we survive? In society we can only survive by placing ourselves for hire. In other words in return for receiving what we need for survival, we offer ourselves in service to others. Thus on this plane we spend most of our time serving others—we are required to do so. This is a major lesson that is helping us to become used to serving others, for ultimately we only achieve the great spiritual breakthrough when we cease concerning ourselves with ourselves, and concern ourselves with others. Incarnation after incarnation of enforced serving prepares and trains us. And those who are not so restrained; e.g. the aristocracy face a great test, for this is their chance to show whether the lessons have gone in or not. They can choose to be totally self-indulgent or to serve, especially to serve those in their care. 10.12.95 ************ ************ ************
350. This is the reason why there is worship and praise with regards to God. It is not in fact sycophancy; it is that when we contemplate God, and tune into God, we are filled with the true essence of the Cosmos, which is indeed love. Thus we pour out that love and worship, perhaps unaware, that one day we shall be able to pour that same love and worship out into the entire creation—of spirit, man and earth. That is our destiny. 28.04.06 ************
351. Siddhartha and Buddhist enlightenment. When we experience all our past lives, which frees us from a fear of death, it takes us one stage further—it is the gate, that we have to open—for the next and all but automatic step, is that we shift from knowing and experiencing and identifying with all our past lives to the sublime state when we know, experience and identify with all creation. So we find ourselves, (our many lives) and at the same time lose ourselves to the ALL and thus TOTALLY find ourselves. 07.06.96 ************
352. here is a possibility. The generation that went through the First World War, incarnated after the Second World War. So what we see is a complete rejection of honour, duty, bowing to authority etc. It is a short term syndrome—these souls are in reaction and will learn from the spiritual ‘chaos’ and direction less, and will reincarnate again having become very strong. (see 330) 17.06.96 ************
353. The key difference between people these days is this. They are either still in an exploitative mode as with our forefathers, when they operate totally for self, regardless of the consequences for society and the planet, or they have entered into the ‘healing mode’, when they begin to accept responsibility for and guardianship of our society and planet. 15.07.96
354. The church is slack in doctrine, which is good, but often it is slack on morality, which is good in some areas, but is dreadful in others. 05.08.96
355. There is a flaw somewhere in socialism. Its aspirations were actually good and wholesome, but it missed a key somewhere, and went wrong. Where? 15.08.96
356. The fall was a vital moment or period in our evolution. It marked the moment when we separated totally from the animal kingdom and relinquished the full protection of nature spirits etc. This was because we had to grow by creating that protection for ourselves. This is the purpose in all our systems, and of course in medicine. 23.08.96 ************
357. Modern orthodox medicine is a correct approach when it is done properly. This is because it involves us taking responsibility for ourselves—we are becoming g like Gods, and this is right and proper, so long as we link that with healing, responsibility, ethics and guardianship. 06.09.96
358. It is incorrect to describe the universe as mechanical or a mechanism. Yet to do so is to come surprisingly near the truth. Although the physical manifestation of the universe obeys the laws of mechanics, that is only because mechanics is a subset of a higher order. When we look at matters such as Euclidean geometry we see a similar principle, but it is of a higher order. The point is that the universe is logical; it is of the mind. Mechanics are the physical manifestations of logic, of the order of Mind. Of course it is possible to go higher, to seek laws that transcend logic, of which logic itself is a subset—thus we enter the healing aspects of the harmonies of mind—the logic that ceases to be cerebral and emotionless, but which becomes holistic and love centred. (See 341) 01.09.96 ************ ************ ************
359. Christianity (orthodox) is adolescent. It is obsessed as an adolescent is obsessed with how it, we, have let down our Father, that we have rebelled and sinned against our Father. Yet in our lives, as we grow properly into adulthood, we become kinder to ourselves and of course we see our rebellions as necessary, and become reconciled to our Father. What is happening with Christianity is they are attempting to revert to the state of grace of childhood, when we should be growing into adulthood and partnership with God. Also, this means that they still look upon the planet as some sort of plaything given to us by God, rather than recognising our guardianship of the planet. This is the fundamental divide between orthodox religion and the new dispensation. This, I am afraid, is the battle line. 08.09.96 ************ ************ ************
360. ‘The Jews’, said Hitler, ‘gave the world its conscience.’ I would say that the profound truth that the Judaic tradition gave us was the fact that God is not arbitrary, and that justice is integral to the universe. The God of the Jews is at times severe to the extreme, but He is logical and coherent and just. Christianity’s key input has nothing to do with the Trinity or the virgin birth or the resurrection, although there are profound truths hidden in these mysteries. No, what Jesus taught was that God / Spirit, loves us and cares for us, and that our relationship with God / Spirit can be a personal and loving one. Hence, the Lord’s prayer uses the word ‘Abba’—which is the familiar mode—thus it does not say ‘Father’, it says ‘daddy’. Understanding this, we see that Muslims also, with their personal relationship with Allah are Christians. What the new dispensation of the New Age will teach is that the relationship we have with God / Spirit is one we can have, and must have, with all of creation, because Spirit is in everything, and that relationship with all of creation makes for a healing context. (See 361 & 377) 24.11.96 ************ ************ ************
361. Continuing 360 above—the new dispensation is healing. Once we recognise that God / Spirit is in everything, including the essence of our relationships with everything, then we have a healing situation. (See 377) 01.12.96 ************ ************
362. The Bolsheviks and then the Nazis continued or embraced the extreme nationalistic / materialistic attitudes and methodologies of the turn of the century nation states. They translated the attitudes from the national to the political arena—they became extremely partisan and soldierly about politics as the nation states had been about their national interests. 16.12. 96 ************
363. Linguistic philosophy: Because language, even grammar, changes, can we be sure that linguistic analysis truly reflects or probes the truth? For example: we can say that ‘we hurt’, which means that we feel emotional distress, but could we have said that a generation ago? There is no change in our condition, but the grammar has changed and thereby the analysis will lead in a different direction. 27.12.96
364. When we struggle, there is something absolutely vital; going on. The torment, the pain, the battle, is actually a microcosm of everything we have to undergo. For always we must assert the superiority of the mental, of the mind, over the emotional and physical. Ultimately, to achieve master-hood the mind and higher becomes all powerful and we can totally control matter as does a magician. 22.01.97 ************
365. The culture we have now has not seen a victory for the working class, it has actually been a victory for yob culture. The old working class had standards. Now we see yob culture in the city and in our sports. A cricket match ends with gloating by the victors. Before we had Kipling’s ‘If’ which treated victory and defeat both as impostors. This must be turned around. 19.02.97
366. When we see the fairy tale type stories like ‘Made in America’ or ‘Curley Sue’, we can argue that these are stories that do not link with reality and therefore should not be foisted on the people. But this is not so. It is vital that such films are shown, such books written. Of course we must also portray reality, but we must portray the dreams. They are not only inspiring. If we do not portray the dreams, the dreams will not come true. To portray the dream, is to keep the dream, the aspiration, alive in our hearts and souls. 09.03.97
367. Where does truth lie? And here we see where the West has gone wrong, for all its extraordinary advances. Truth does not lie within the logic of philosophical contentions, within the logic of our language. Must we forever condemn ourselves to explore nothing beyond the frontiers and horizons of our language? Where does Truth lie? Truth lies in a mother’s eye. Truth lies within the horizon-less subtexts and contours, the fathomless textures, of poetry. Truth, the real Truth, transcends logic. It is known, but not described, not confined, not curtailed by the limits of language. Always we must bring language to bear upon what we know, but only to illuminate it a little, never to confine or reduce or trivialise it. The Truth within poetry lies on the very edge of our understanding; the Truth in a mother’s eye is the Truth that, lies within the secret womb of God. 16.03.97 ************ ************
368. Following from 367 above, we begin to see something of the destiny of Russia. For they are poetry lovers. For they still carry something of ancient truths within their hearts. The new dispensation will transcend the logic, the confines of language, and perhaps only the Russians, with their terrible history, will now be able to surely tread the secret path that lies between the light and the desperate darkness. 16.03.97 ************
369. Wisdom comes from experience, but only under a certain condition. We grow wise through experience only if or when we act with honour. It is only when we do that, that the truth of any act etc is revealed to us. If we act without honour, without ethics, then we become merely a survivor or manipulator, and the true consequences of acts and situations are hidden from us. Thereby we might become some sort of pundit or adviser, but we do not become wise. 20.03.97
370. We have an interesting parallel. Mankind was loath to accept the possible existence of other worlds and therefore other people. Now, mankind is loath to accept the possible existence of races and civilisations before our own historical epoch. This desire for exclusivity is very deeply engrained in us. 03.04.97
371. When fundamentalists take the logic of the word in their Bible to extraordinary conclusions, they really need to ask themselves as to whether their Bible really does contain the unadulterated word of God. E.g. the concept of the elect and predestination as they describe it is so awful, there has to be something missing. 24.05.97 ************
372. The orthodox view of man and God being separate parallels the dualism of mind and matter being totally separate. But the holistic approach involves the recognition of the complete linking of body / mind, and likewise must see the complete linking of God / Man. 31.05.97 ************ ************
373. Holism involves not just every aspect of ourselves, but recognition of the fact that every part overlaps and connects, and that every part is itself like a hologram of the whole. 01.06.97 ************ ************
374. We live in machine cities—and so the call of the geese, with its holistic message, is lost to us, because we have disconnected and are no longer linked—we live non-holistic lives, abstractive, atomistic or broken lives. 01.06.97 ************ ************
375. Why is it that all food we eat has to grow? Yes, we need some minerals, but what we ingest has to be or has to have been ‘alive’. 04.07.97
376. When Americans help the IRA against the Plantation Ulstermen; it is known that they are themselves plantation men in America, and that the native Americans resent their presence. 13.07.97
377. Following on from 360 and 361 above, the Jewish dispensation which moved away from an arbitrary and capricious God, parallels man’s understanding of nature in that it is not susceptible to magic, but obeys certain rules, likewise, God worked by rules, and our task was to identify and obey those rules which are essentially moral. The Christian dispensation adds the loving aspect to this. Likewise, we must take this full circle and put the loving aspect into our relationship with the physical creation—thus identify the rules and laws, but have a personal, loving, caring relationship with the whole of creation. 30.07.97 ************ ************ ************
378. It is almost our duty to get excitement and adventure into each incarnation. We can only progress if we are alive. 31.08.07
379. The search for the Grail will take us to but one place: ourselves. For the Grail is within us; there all the time. 08.09.97
380. Diana and the flowers that were laid at the gates are a manifestation of a new order that is coming. 07.09.97
381. It is no good tapping into places like Glastonbury too early. If we are on our grail quest, we must prepare ourselves during the journey. The Grail castle, places such as Glastonbury, do not transform us, they merely accentuate the stage we have reached at any given time. Early on, the accentuation can be disturbing. 07.10.97 ************
382. When we ‘suffer’ from allergies, it is in fact our higher selves forcing us into a better and more pure diet; something which our lower selves should be able to achieve but have been unable to. 05.12.97
383. The more we attempt to quantify and classify sub-atomic phenomena, the more confused we shall become. What we must understand is that subatomic particles are in a state of being—it is pure being, so it can manifest in a myriad of ways—we are there in the realm of quality (meaning), not quantity. 21.12.97
384. Pop music does not represent a culture to which we should aspire. Instead, it is a reflection of our world, and should stand as a dire warning of what we have become. 24.01.98
385. When evangelical Christians deny the spirit, our links with spirit, they are merely reinforcing the mechanistic view of mankind , and ensuring the separation of body-mind-spirit which diminishes us and disempowers us. 31.01.98
386. Animals have certain natural instincts that ‘inform’ their behaviour. We also have that; for example, a pregnant woman becomes nest orientated and gravitates to certain foods. These instincts are sometimes employed to denigrate us, lower us to the level of animals. But it is all more wonderful than that. What we have to accept is that even our physical bodies, and those of animals, are conscious, and thereby are conscious participants in our journeys. Truly our bodies are temples for the spirit. 15.02.98
387. Jesus said that ‘except a man comes through me, he shall not enter the kingdom of heaven’. Christianity has interpreted this incorrectly. Christians have put all the emphasis on structures, so that belief in the man has become paramount. What they should be emphasising is the dynamics, the ways of thinking and doing, not the object of belief, but the living of the spirit; not the abiding of the word, but the living of the heart. 19.02.98
388. There is a continual inflow of love with every generation. No matter how terrible the society we have created, with the birth of every child, there is a new inflowing of love from mother to child. It invariably blossoms, and is a continuing and profound source of power for good. 26.03.98 ************
389. The proliferation of churches during the last five hundred years has seen people shift from structures to dynamics. However the tragedy of the reformation is that the people merely lost the chains of the church and instead became bound by the chains of the word, of the already ancient Bible. And of course they soon built the church structures as well. Latterly, and what frightens the establishment church, is that more and more people are at last escaping from the chains of structure and word to the dynamic of their own relationship with God / Jesus / Spirit / Cosmos etc. 12.04.98 ************
390. One advantage of having many religions, is that one religion or another will always have its shops open! Very useful! 12.04.98
391. So long as we as a nation and a people need churches and cathedrals for baptisms, weddings, funerals and great state occasions, then we have a duty to attend church and keep our churches going. 30.04.98
392. God is not to be found on some higher plane. God is not an entity, a discrete existence; God is everything, the entire universe, is in everything, is the dynamic, the experience of everything. (Understood in meditation) 04.05.98 ************
- The great mistake that theologians etc make is to argue, examine, analyse, dissect the Word. They never break through to the experience, to the dynamic that the original writers were trying to convey through their inadequate words.04.05.98
- It is a great crime, a travesty, when we encourage girls to not be subservient; when we encourage them to be masterful, powerful, masculine. It is a travesty no to encourage women / girls not to be homemakers. This is not to say that we must recreate a situation in which women cannot have careers, but we are getting things wrong when we are shifting women away from the feminine at the very time in our world history when the way of healing must come to the fore. Now that women can have careers, we need women coming to positions of power and authority as women, as natural healers, not as shrill surrogates, power and domination obsessed men. (Given as I awoke in the morning)26.05. 98
- Christianity, in terms of its teaching, is adversarial. It is against the devil, against sinners etc.01.06.98
- When we honour the dead, we not only honour those who have died, their lives and their memory, but we also honour ourselves. We are saying that the passing is of great significance, because we all have significance, because we all have meaning and purpose, status.14.06.98
- Everything has meaning, every act, every symptom—the inner workings of subatomic physics. The entire thrust of the western intellectual tradition is to separate us from meaning via quantification, but it is a dead end when not connected with the psyche, with meaning.05.07.98
- Every plane of existence, as we rise higher in terms of spiritual levels, is, provides reflects more and more meaning. That is why love transcends the mere physical act, because the emotional etc is at a higher level than the physical. Our Earth plane, the physical plane, is at the lowest level of meaning. There is much to be investigated here. What is meaning?09.07.98
- Karma is not mechanistic—it is not just Lords of Karma deciding this or that. It is built into the ‘psyche’ of the universe. As angst and stress will produce physical conditions, so will the psychic reality behind our bad actions produce ultimate physical eruptions / consequences. The fact that we live in a universe of meaning necessarily leads to that reality.16.07.98
- Marxism / Socialism puts emphasis upon the economic, upon the ownership of the means of production—which puts all the emphasis upon the material and mechanical, when the emphasis should have been on the communal, on the spiritual / mental / emotional—on the meaning.18.07.98
401. The churches have a vital role to play with regards to sectarian violence. The time has come for exclusivity to be dropped. So long as it is maintained, then there is a sense in which sectarian violence can be justified, because in theory, which sect you belong to is a matter of eternal life and death. 17.08.98
402. Certain attitudes and institutions act as blocks to the national psyche. E.g. the exclusivity of the churches; e.g. international confrontational attitudes. 24.08.98 ************
403. The universe is alive not dead. It is not in stasis. It is not a state; it is a process. There is therefore differentiation within the universe, and there is therefore good and evil, because the two are relative to each other. ‘Evil’ only disappears when stasis occurs, which it never will. 17.09.98 ************ ************ ************
404. The pre-industrial enlightenment focussed upon the mechanical, upon logic. It was the enlightenment of reason. This is the paradigm which still informs and drives our culture even though twentieth century science has gone beyond the mechanical. There is, however, a post-industrial enlightenment that is emerging—this is the enlightenment of meaning. 23.09.98 ************ ************ ************
405. Meaning is vital—it is central to the new paradigm. Meaning is the essence, the centre, of purpose. We all need meaning and purpose in our lives. We only achieve meaning and purpose when we construct a paradigm, create a culture, that is teleological; that sees that whatever happens in our lives is a function of ourselves, rather than that we are a function of what happens, that we are the effect of external causes, insignificant and puppets upon a string. Empowerment gives purpose and meaning—the teleological paradigm is vital. 23.09.98 ************ ************ ************
406. When we are in family relationships etc. we build a psychic nest, day by day, that protects us. Given as I woke at 5.55 am. 27.09.98
407. Mythology was so important in ancient times because the people then lived very much closer to the edge of the etheric—so that so much more of what they did was imbued with meaning [look at symbolism of myth here 14.07.07]. Our ever increasing materialistic culture moved us away from that, so that we do not create myths that bring us directly into ‘meaning’ anymore. But the ancients could sense the truth behind their actions and purposes, and spoke of them in myth. 08.10.98
408. The present Roman Catholic Church’s fight against ecumenicalism, and their struggle to maintain their present orthodoxy is the same as their struggle to maintain their doctrine of the geocentric as opposed to the heliocentric concept of the universe during the 15th through to 19th centuries. 17.10.98
409. Orthodox churches would maintain in all issues that protagonists should abide by the spirit of any contract or covenant rather than just the word; but when it comes to their own orthodoxy, their own word / contract / covenant, they are all adamant that it is the word alone that should be adhered to. 30.10.98 ************ ************ ************
410. I got this some months ago: We gravitate to whatever level in our world is necessary for us to feel things. Thus the coarser we are, the coarser and possibly more violent, will be our lives; for whatever happens we must be affected in our minds and spirits by whatever happens to us. Only then will we learn. More refined souls will appear to some to be having stationary, almost meaningless and certainly un-dramatic lives. But more refined souls need far less stimulus to be inwardly moved. 23.04.99
411. Given in meditation, when in communion with Lady Margaret: The reason why there is such a struggle to get anything worthwhile underway, besides factors such as karma, is because everything we create on this plane will be part of this plane and will reflect the pattern of this plane, which is a pattern convolutions and contradictions. Everything worthwhile, that is to affect this plane, will have to fight through troubles in order to emerge in tune with the realities and conditions of this plane. 23.04.99 ************ ************ ************
412. Part of the purpose of Buddhism is to achieve detachment as a means to avoid sorrow. This is important and that detachment can lead to a deeper spirituality. But there is also purpose in attachment, and spiritual purpose too, for through passion and sorrow etc. we learn to master the heights and the depths; and this too is essential to our spiritual progress. 19.05.99
413. Science can prove things about the physical world. One reason why we cannot prove things about spiritual matters is because no one else can make that journey for us. We have to do the proving for ourselves. 19.05.99 ************
414. This is a copy of the original note for 410, which I have just found: We are all born into conditions, or gravitate to conditions in which we can experience meaning. The less sensitive our souls, then the lower we sink in order to experience conditions that will affect us, get home to us. Thus many will sink to emotionally disturbing conditions, others will sink to very physical conditions—there they will be ‘touched’ ‘affected’, and will thereby learn. Others will rise to very placid, gentle conditions—for their souls are already awake and will respond to the slightest nuance. 13.11.98
415. The physical sun is the Father aspect of our local spiritual system. Our planet Earth is the female aspect. There is continual ‘communication’ between the two. Also, our need for sunlight is a spiritual as well as a physical need. Our absorption of vitamin D from sunlight parallels our absorption of ‘spiritual ‘manna’. 13.02.00
416. The atom is determined by efficient causality. But the world inside the atom, the world or realm of sub-atomic particles is determined by final causality. 16.02.00
417. The search for secret chambers in the pyramid complex of Giza may be a red hearing. There is this constant search for chambers that will offer up the secrets. But this could be a mere reflection of our supermarket culture that expects instant gratification. It is possible that the chambers have already been found and that their mysteries, as in the great Pyramid, are designed to have us think and search. For the perennial philosophy has to be earned, it can never be handed over on a plate. (See 413 above). 28.02.00 ************
401. The churches have a vital role to play with regards to sectarian violence. The time has come for exclusivity to be dropped. So long as it is maintained, then there is a sense in which sectarian violence can be justified, because in theory, which sect you belong to is a matter of eternal life and death. 17.08.98
402. Certain attitudes and institutions act as blocks to the national psyche. E.g. the exclusivity of the churches; e.g. international confrontational attitudes. 24.08.98 ************
403. The universe is alive not dead. It is not in stasis. It is not a state; it is a process. There is therefore differentiation within the universe, and there is therefore good and evil, because the two are relative to each other. ‘Evil’ only disappears when stasis occurs, which it never will. 17.09.98 ************ ************ ************
404. The pre-industrial enlightenment focussed upon the mechanical, upon logic. It was the enlightenment of reason. This is the paradigm which still informs and drives our culture even though twentieth century science has gone beyond the mechanical. There is, however, a post-industrial enlightenment that is emerging—this is the enlightenment of meaning. 23.09.98 ************ ************ ************
405. Meaning is vital—it is central to the new paradigm. Meaning is the essence, the centre, of purpose. We all need meaning and purpose in our lives. We only achieve meaning and purpose when we construct a paradigm, create a culture, that is teleological; that sees that whatever happens in our lives is a function of ourselves, rather than that we are a function of what happens, that we are the effect of external causes, insignificant and puppets upon a string. Empowerment gives purpose and meaning—the teleological paradigm is vital. 23.09.98 ************ ************ ************
406. When we are in family relationships etc. we build a psychic nest, day by day, that protects us. Given as I woke at 5.55 am. 27.09.98
407. Mythology was so important in ancient times because the people then lived very much closer to the edge of the etheric—so that so much more of what they did was imbued with meaning [look at symbolism of myth here 14.07.07]. Our ever increasing materialistic culture moved us away from that, so that we do not create myths that bring us directly into ‘meaning’ anymore. But the ancients could sense the truth behind their actions and purposes, and spoke of them in myth. 08.10.98
408. The present Roman Catholic Church’s fight against ecumenicalism, and their struggle to maintain their present orthodoxy is the same as their struggle to maintain their doctrine of the geocentric as opposed to the heliocentric concept of the universe during the 15th through to 19th centuries. 17.10.98
409. Orthodox churches would maintain in all issues that protagonists should abide by the spirit of any contract or covenant rather than just the word; but when it comes to their own orthodoxy, their own word / contract / covenant, they are all adamant that it is the word alone that should be adhered to. 30.10.98 ************ ************ ************
410. I got this some months ago: We gravitate to whatever level in our world is necessary for us to feel things. Thus the coarser we are, the coarser and possibly more violent, will be our lives; for whatever happens we must be affected in our minds and spirits by whatever happens to us. Only then will we learn. More refined souls will appear to some to be having stationary, almost meaningless and certainly un-dramatic lives. But more refined souls need far less stimulus to be inwardly moved. 23.04.99
411. Given in meditation, when in communion with Lady Margaret: The reason why there is such a struggle to get anything worthwhile underway, besides factors such as karma, is because everything we create on this plane will be part of this plane and will reflect the pattern of this plane, which is a pattern convolutions and contradictions. Everything worthwhile, that is to affect this plane, will have to fight through troubles in order to emerge in tune with the realities and conditions of this plane. 23.04.99 ************ ************ ************
412. Part of the purpose of Buddhism is to achieve detachment as a means to avoid sorrow. This is important and that detachment can lead to a deeper spirituality. But there is also purpose in attachment, and spiritual purpose too, for through passion and sorrow etc. we learn to master the heights and the depths; and this too is essential to our spiritual progress. 19.05.99
413. Science can prove things about the physical world. One reason why we cannot prove things about spiritual matters is because no one else can make that journey for us. We have to do the proving for ourselves. 19.05.99 ************
414. This is a copy of the original note for 410, which I have just found: We are all born into conditions, or gravitate to conditions in which we can experience meaning. The less sensitive our souls, then the lower we sink in order to experience conditions that will affect us, get home to us. Thus many will sink to emotionally disturbing conditions, others will sink to very physical conditions—there they will be ‘touched’ ‘affected’, and will thereby learn. Others will rise to very placid, gentle conditions—for their souls are already awake and will respond to the slightest nuance. 13.11.98
415. The physical sun is the Father aspect of our local spiritual system. Our planet Earth is the female aspect. There is continual ‘communication’ between the two. Also, our need for sunlight is a spiritual as well as a physical need. Our absorption of vitamin D from sunlight parallels our absorption of ‘spiritual ‘manna’. 13.02.00
416. The atom is determined by efficient causality. But the world inside the atom, the world or realm of sub-atomic particles is determined by final causality. 16.02.00
417. The search for secret chambers in the pyramid complex of Giza may be a red hearing. There is this constant search for chambers that will offer up the secrets. But this could be a mere reflection of our supermarket culture that expects instant gratification. It is possible that the chambers have already been found and that their mysteries, as in the great Pyramid, are designed to have us think and search. For the perennial philosophy has to be earned, it can never be handed over on a plate. (See 413 above). 28.02.00 ************
- Mothers are goddesses in their own worlds. They create their own worlds for their children. This is of a higher order than anything most other people achieve. 13.10.00
- Astrology: Platonic year and signs and planets are marks of spiritual seasons; so each comes with its complex moods—the key is that they are moods—female rather than male—understood through intuition rather than the analytic. 18.4.01
- Traditional buildings look better than modern slabs because they look, feel, are organic. Even traditional palladium achieves something of that. New York works only in the whole, from afar—and is rather like crystals. Are crystals organic? 23.7.01
- (See above). Apart from questions of light and shade, block architecture rejects us—it is symmetrical and pure and clean, whilst we are infinitely complex.23.7.01
- In one sense the Christian idea of the Trinity is correct. The Trinity is referring to three aspects of God—perhaps male and female as God the Father and God the Holy Ghost, and then the Son is another aspect. 13.7.02
- When we meditate we are managing to transcend the illusion of separateness. All is connected. On the earth plane we lose our sense of that, and so can feel isolated and alone. We also, thereby, miss the significance so much that we see or experience. But when we transcend that illusion then we connect and can start to get a sense of how everything is linked and is part of a whole and is part of an evolving plan. We can, in fact, begin to consciously enter into the dance. 25.7.02
- ’s ultimate spiritual destiny is to link East with West. 31.07.02
- As we see the pattern of incarnation through the planes descending from the God-head; so can the pattern of our planets, and each individual’s journey through time be seen. As above, so below.31.07.02
- Our need to be in touch with nature has become clear to me at last. Our planet has a rhythm to it. It breathes in seasons and cycles and in each part of each day. When we are in touch with nature, then we can absorb that rhythm and to some extent be a part of it. This grounds us, centres us. But when we live in cities, we lose this. Our connectedness is lost and we are no longer centred. We become out of tune with our planet and out of kilter with our plane, creation and our true selves. We are diminished. 25.12.02
- ’s theory of survival of the fittest is culturally based in the peculiar conditions of the 19th century—when the old order had broken down and there was a free-for-all and extraordinary diversity and ‘evolutionary’ change: political, commercial and social. How would we explain evolution in today’s terminology and in light of the Gaia theory? ******* 24.07.01
- Every family is a country, and kingdom and queendom. All parents are monarchs—and are at the top of the tree. When we step outside of our family to pursue our ambitions (as opposed to special duties) then we diminish and become lesser, even though the world raises us onto a pedestal. 26.07.01
- Modern spirituality uses different language from old spirituality/religion. In the old the emphasis is upon God. In the new the emphasis is upon ???6.8.01
- Men and women come together because at higher and lower levels, the coming together of the male/female principle completes entities, and makes them whole. There is deep significance in the male/female phenomenon. 11.8.01
- All the races of the world with their different attributes, complement each other, and make complete patterns for world development. That is why genocide is such a great crime. It is like destroying species in the great pattern of world flora and fauna. 27.8.01
- What is the true meaning of the sword in the stone?
- How do we reconcile the east’s God immanent and the west’s God transcendent?
- Every moment of simple goodness radiates like a ‘bomb’—it is the most important thing in the universe. When we intrigue we send out darkness, but our tiniest moment of goodness creates light and radiates out from us into the heavens. 25.3.00
- Love is at the centre of the Cosmos, not as some chance, but because everything is connected and ultimately at One. In a sense it is not a loving god, it is a connectedness that pervades the universe. This makes even more sense of Hell being disconnected. When we focus on ourselves or only our kind, we are disconnecting and entering the shadows. 17.9.00
- Anyone seeking to be ethical in our world, irrespective of referring to religion, is on a spiritual journey.19.8.00
- God and devil are ‘objectifying’ unintentionally processes and energies. The truth is a Way, a Journey, not an object or a dogma. 19.8.00
- When we operate at the level of effects, we must expect side effects, because we are merely affecting those effects or symptoms. Only when we operate at the root, at the heart centre (e.g. nutrition and psyche/ mood for the human; physical environment and moral/ethos for society) can we have effects/symptoms withering away at the vine. Dealing with symptoms only, we have the problem of symptom shift, as any symptom gets suppressed, compounded by side effects as the acting agent becomes active. These will be affects not caused by our primary heart-centred problems, thereby confusing issues as we invariably deal with those effects ad infinitum.13.3.00
- All work is service—again this squares the circle between socialism and capitalism in that we must be in competition to serve, this changes the market, but keeps the market.26.9.00
- The fierce competition in sport now—win at any cost—this reflects our society and reinforces the notion of struggle and win or lose. Too many people are made to feel losers in the consumer game.24.9.
- We are taught now not to be contented with our lot—this is both exciting and dangerous.24.9
- Is gravity the opposite of love? Is it gravity that limits the speed of light?
- Our doctrine is Truth. We administer wisdom. And endow Healing.
- Feng Shui can be applied for our benefit. But most important is that we place all buildings etc. in order to enhance the totality and completion of Gaia.16.10.00
- We cannot be given too much revelation. We as a world must grope upwards—clues are given, but it all must be our doing. 16.10.00
- The understanding of number in sub-atomics and dynamics etc., as with understanding the complexities of Gaia-—g why each tree is as it is and the part it plays in the whole, is dependent on both occidental and oriental harmonics—the latter because it is less analytic.16.10.00
- To understand reality we must use our understanding of physical phenomena and connections / relatedness, to penetrate the realm of meaning. Through phenomena to purpose. 14.10.00
- The very fact that Jesus took on all the real attributes of man means that the gospel is a story about us. We are all sons of god. This is our journey! 21.11.00
- Categorise government by whether it is healing and inclusive, by its powers of being therapeutic. 21.11.00
- Healing is an inclusive thing—rather than the exclusiveness, externalisation of the orthodox.11.10.01
- Illness is meaning, every virus has a meaning. Why? What?10.10.01
- The searcher searches, and himself becomes the focus of others’ searching—even when nothing is found, the manner of the search is everything. 3.12.00
- To contemplate nature is to experience God at first hand; to contemplate the Bible is at best to experience God second hand. 27.5.01
- All nature operates at the instinctive level, and so one observes the soul of God in action. Man separates through intellect and thus embarks on a long journey of return. 28.5.01
- God is in everything. God is life. That is why the casting out of life from any plane is not to be undertaken lightly.15.08.03
- Evil is when an entity is entirely devoted to his or her own ends without any consideration of karmic balancing.14.08.03
- There is a marked similarity between town and country in that mono-cultures pervade. In the country we are used to talking about bio-diversity having shifted out of the country and that with modern farming we have mono-cultures. But this is also true in the towns in that with modern transportation, especially with cars, small communities no longer have the life and bustle and the proliferation of small shops and trades and skills because everyone can easily get to the larger conurbations, so we have a lack of ‘bio-diversity’ in our cultures, or at least a lack of cultural diversity. We need to talk of mono-culture and culture diversity. 31.08.03
- Divorce of society from the functions of society, means that individuals become isolated from each other. This accentuates the acquisitive society, which means there is even more reason for the healing process.26.09.03
- Evil is made up of negative thought forms etc.; created by man that we ourselves then get affected by. It is a vicious circle. Evil is real. It is tangible and conscious and utterly malignant. But it is our own creation.28.09.03
- Teleological argument. Aquinas was on the right line in terms of the final cause as opposed to the first cause. But his language was incorrect. Find the language and explain the universe! Because there is no accident in terms of how the universe works, especially wit regards to the atom and forces like gravity. There is a wondrous mystery here. Find the language and explain the universe!17.10.03
- Only through pain can beauty and glory and God's peace be brought into this world. That is the truth of the pain of childbirth; it is the truth of this planet. It is a mystical fact, and one that has to be understood by all. It is due to the darkness that surrounds this planet, this planet that is the tester.07.11.03*******
- When we pass over, although we are not judged as such, except by ourselves, one part of our review of our life is that we start to see all the consequences of everything we did. This will be revealing even for people who appeared to have lived a good life, for there will be all sorts of truths revealed. This sinks in and when we reincarnate we actually take with us deep in our souls a greater understanding of how we affect the world. Thus, very slightly, we are more able to adjust our new lives and take more account of consequences, and thus we spiritually grow.04.12.03*******
- Question: if the phenomenal world is one of separation—when there is space and time—and the noumenal world is the One, when there is no space and time, can there be degrees; does there have to be the dualist approach, the binary approach, or can there be degrees as with consciousness—see the note in Speech 2/3 from the Economist? This allows for planes of existence and surely there can be maths that can allow for this.27.12.03*******
- When one moves from a literal reading of scripture to a more allegorical, metaphorical or literary symbolic reading, one is not diminishing or breaking the power of the source, one is actually unlocking it and bringing forth its real beauty and sublime wisdom that is held within the metaphor. Thus one can be literal about a Muslim heaven of perpetual virgins, or one can recognise it as a metaphor of bliss, achievement, timelessness and unlocking of beauty and truth that is forever revealing and responding and of course the opening of a virgin is a wonderful metaphor for the unlocking of consciousness to unity with God.29.12.03*******
- Sub-atomic particles jumping etc. Perhaps the inside of the atom is multi-dimensional. It is like catastrophe theory when reaching a certain point the particle appears to jump, space folding over.12.01.04
- One reason why ‘Lord of the Rings’ is so popular is because we are becoming more aware of the fact that we are all on a spiritual journey and that our journeys for each of us are sagas.25.01.04
- Often in management it is best to sleep on problems and also to give time for problems to solve themselves, because invariably such solutions are more organic and have the main participants in the problem accepting ownership of the situation and/or the solution. The difficulty is in knowing when one has to step in and act. Most of the time managers do not need to.25.01.04
- You can make your life seem longer by taking out the stress from everyday life so that the days are slower. At the moment we are all too stressed and thereby cannot cope and life appears to be racing up on us; very relativistic.25.02.04
- This is one of the key things that Africa and black people have to offer: Whites personify the separation of body and mind. You only have to see white people attempt to dance, although this is undoubtedly changing. Blacks, however, are truly in tune. Body and mind and spirit are as one. That initially makes them less inclined to be analytic and objective, but the trend for humanity has to be towards the unity of body and mind, not the separation that has in many ways caused us such harm as well as having allowed us to develop. This is very much Africa’s gift to the world.02.03.04*******
- The reason that time is different at different places is because time actually doesn’t mean anything. There is no such thing as ‘time’, merely our consciousness of sequential events. Thereby the space/time continuum is actually a space/consciousness continuum.11.03.04**************
- An oak tree sustains a phenomenal variety of life, indeed the natural history of an oak tree in terms of what lives off it is extraordinary. So is it with our planet. All life is dependent upon Planet Earth. No wonder we should consider it sacred.12.03.04
- Tinnitus of the soul: ancestral voices; as you get older and memories fill you.15.03.04
- There is a pattern to everything. The races of man, the species of plants, the number and types of planets and galaxies etc; all follow a pattern, though a highly complex and multi-dimensional one.24.04.04
- Karma is balance. It is an automatic response to what we do. Balance is built into the universe. It is inescapable. Everything that happens, everything we do, will always be balanced out. In one sense this is the universe always falling towards stasis, but in fact it is more profound than that and more beautiful. For this equilibrium transcends space and time and can be discovered existing even where all might seem out of balance. But we cannot escape this. It is present at all times and so everything we do immediately instigates its balancing act. The question is; why is balance built in?11.05.05**************
- Early man gave emotions and characteristics to the planets (Gods, astrology etc, together with prediction patterns). Now scientists give moods, characteristics to sub-atomic particles—e.g. ‘charm’. So is the next step atomology and prediction?12.06.04
- When one is fully aware of all the influences of nature—ley lines, energies etc, one has entered the dream-world and the physical world itself becomes like a dream. This is true of the soul’s journey as it enters death, but can also be true within heightened awareness.12.06.04
- There are many many universes. For when we talk of universes we always seem to think of the universe in physical terms. But each and every one of us, and every animal too is the centre of our own sentient universe; we are all pools of consciousness. How typical of us to always see the universe in terms of the physical.14.07.04**************
- Many early religions are based upon the superstitions of coincidence; in other words the rituals put together are essentially attempts to repeat situations that were seen in the past and that should thereby produce the good effect seen in the original times. (This is not all that early religions are founded upon.) There are strong links here with the sorts of superstitions and rituals we have in everyday life. Sportsmen are notorious for their rituals: going through the same procedures prior to a match.01.08.04
- Stars generate the elements. Without them there would be no physical manifestation. Now just take this on board: In the beginning there is the ONE. That is one electron—hydrogen. Then there is the TWO; helium; and so on. This begins to reveal the significance of magic numbers. It is related to the elements to atomic number. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the word was God. This is the beginning of the periodic table, and it explains how the three can be one. For hydrogen is the seed of all the other elements. I am Alpha and Omega: all the elements; the complete periodic table. No wonder I have always stared at the table and felt that I was looking at the Bible. THIS IS THE KEY!!! Also see: 223.Number law, taken from a book, can’t remember which one:
- Unity –the One
- Production/productive/generation
- Perfect or utter—complete
- Physical—terrestrial—the square
- Initiate—bringer of enlightenment
- Physical fulfilment—preparation—spiritually incomplete
- Spiritual, eternal, perfection
- Rebirth
- Utter perfection
- Millennium or eternity—Messianic Age
- Physical reality, realisation, achievement
- Mankind—true men.1.6.93
04.09.04 ************** ************** **************
- God is in everything. But the more conscious anything is, then the more God is in that thing. That is why there must always be reverence for all life. Reverence for the mineral too, but especially for the vegetable and animal and human kingdoms:
“God sleeps in the mineral
Dreams in the vegetable
Stirs in the animal
And wakes in man.”
08.09.04 **************
- Joseph’s coat of many colours: It is so obvious what is being talked of there. It is the aura!09.09.04
1 Life replicates itself but so do crystals; with high but not 100% replication.
2. Metabolism, builds things up rather than breaks things down.
3. Reverse entropy, systems will run down to equilibrium, runs uphill against the entropy gradient
4. Susceptibility to natural selection.
This is crucial. The question is this. These are attributes of \life as recognised by us. This begs the question as to why are these attributes of life? These attributes should lead us unto a proper understanding of life per se. There is something to be learned here. Clearly with life we see some sort of organisation. The molecules involved begin to operate not outside the usual laws of nature but within a special field whereby the molecules, or rather the group of molecules take on an identity which begins to operate in a way that ‘ordinary’ molecules or groups of molecules do not. A lump of iron does not have an identity; there is no relationship between the atoms of iron other than contiguity. That is not the case when there is life. 23.09.04 **************
- If a scientist is able to create life from inert matter, does some link exist that requires him to be God to that life? We can certainly see the parallel here between parents giving / creating life and God doing the same: there has to be the MOTHER / FATHER aspect here!!! And does that God grow like we grow, moving from egotistical gods as with the Greeks to loving and caring Gods as of the religions of the Books?24.09.04
- When one is ill, one becomes far more aware—in a non-egotistical way—of Self.01.12.04
- Superstring theory offers the concept of multi-dimensions in the fabric of nature. At the same time we have the concept of wormholes in space. Leading us via multi-dimensions to other parts of the cosmos. In Near Death Experiences (NDE) invariably have people passing through tunnels of light to the afterlife. Could the tunnels in the fabric of existence actually be those NDE tunnels leading us through the multi-dimensions of nature to the after-life?06.02.05
- Psychic elemental forces build up through history. That pain has tpo be released and so great suffering comes and that built-up pain is released. After the ‘seismic jolt and the after-shocks comes peace.21.04.05
- We are the centers of our own universes. We see everything through our own eyes. Ultimately we must see everything through the eyes of everything. Then we are in balance and whole. So to be egotistic is to be limited. To become aware of other perspectives, to see things through another's viewpoint is to start on the long road of universal perception and thereby the end of our journey.27.04.05**************
- See No 29 of General Notes. If the catastrophic wars and revolutions of the twentieth century were a result of karmic pressures built up over the centuries of nation states acting unethically towards each other, we must ask ourselves if the poor standards of ethics and behaviour in our present societies will themselves produce karmic pressures that will in the end produce seismic shocks. An interesting, indeed vital question is what form will those seismic shocks take.02.06.05**************
- Our lives, whether we are on a sailing ship breaking through the ice of the southern ocean with an albatross trailing us, or whether we are working as an office clerk are metaphors for our spiritual evolution. Each incarnation is a microcosm of the great inner saga that is our journey. Each life forms a pattern of our ultimate self in the same way as do the plants and the fauna and that great pattern mirrors the great pattern of the whole, of God.08.06.05**************
- Reincarnation must be. This is because evolution is a fact, and thereby our own journey must be an aspect of evolution, and thereby the entire saga and meaning and existence of God is an evolutionary one. So development, the unfolding of the flower is intrinsic to the universe and to how everything operates. 08.06.05 **************
- For some people, following a particular religion’s creed and rules very strictly is exactly what they need in their current incarnation. Life on earth is tough and is very much a place of hard schooling and knocks. For some individuals creating and demonstrating strength of mind and purpose is what constitutes their current life purpose. To come through intact is a great achievement, and they are thereby very much strengthened at a soul level.25.09.05
- In the higher spheres, rather as in the effects achieved in literature and cinema, the environment we move in will reflect our moods.08.10.05
- In the higher spheres there can still be sadness. There is nothing like the great sadness at the heart of the cosmos at the separation of the male and female aspect and the joy of that slow reunion, and there is great sweet-sadness when a twin soul departs for an incarnation in the material plane.08.10.05
- Unemployment is bad because it denies people the chance to serve.08.10.05
- Must tap into ethnic music etc, because that is the music of man’s childhood and it is vital as we progress into adulthood that we maintain the child within us.26.11.05
- As mankind gropes forward out of the terrible destructiveness of adolescence, we must enter early adulthood we must enter early adulthood and then comes some form of union, once we are adults we achieve union and thus become completed and thus can enter into creation and the beginning of the next cycle; is it union with God or with our twin souls, or both? Which is it, and here we can learn something from archaeology, the opposites in astrology, e.g. Leo opposite Aquarius. Perhaps the unity is the male and female in us all, and how our societies work, and this is where the concept and power of healing comes in—then can come the birthing26.11.05
- The purpose of marriage is not always for two people to enjoy a blissful partnership throughout their lives; very often the purpose of marriage is for two people to learn to live together in harmony to learn the necessary balancing of the male and female aspects of ourselves as the problems and travails of the relationship and the world are worked through. To achieve that is success indeed!(Given as I woke from sleep)06.01.06
- Continuing cycles, circles within circles. There is the circle of each life, and of each incarnation etc. But our stories, and our global story of our humankind is also the same story of our planet. We are intimately linked to it. We cannot disengage from it. Our planet’s ultimate goal and our goal—our journeys’ end—are the same. 19.02.06**************
- To be born rich is a great privilege and a great opportunity and a great test. Most people, who are not rich, have their lives very much predetermined by the necessities of earning a living and getting by. The rich do not have those constraints. The purpose of being born rich is to actually find a way to use that freedom and to some extent power in positive and spiritually rewarding and enhancing ways. If one merely becomes a socialite, or even inflicts pain or sadness with one’s wealth, then a great opportunity is missed and a test is failed. Bering born rich presents fantastic opportunities to accelerate ahead spiritually. It is so easy, though, to fail.09.03.06
- The great new religions of Buddhism, but especially of Christianity and Islam mark an important stage in the development of the human race. The emphasis in these religions is upon the individual. Heaven and Hell are integral to the philosophy and theology. In other words there is a choice for the individual. This marks the moment when the individual emerges from, the tribe. This marks the moment when the individuation of man occurs, the separation of the individual from the group, and thus the move away from the relevance of shamanism where the individual is subsumed in the whole, to where the individual stands alone before God and his own conscience, responsible for his own actions and thoughts. Heaven and Hell are figurative representations of this new situation of choice. Thus the identity of the religion’s founder is important because that founder represents the individual and his new status. It is also possible that the source religion of Zoroastrianism also fits into this. (Given as I woke up this morning, my first proper night’s sleep after my return from Turkey where I viewed the total eclipse of the sun.)31.03.06************** **************
- 81 above also puts the ancient religions of Egypt and Mesopotamia into context. These are developments of shamanism. This will explain the use of animals (or the imagery of animals) and magic. There is so much to be pondered here. Time for me to read a history of religion. 31.03.06
- The modern academic’s approach to philosophy is very like the evangelical fundamentalist approach to theology. Everything is taken in the abstract, the philosophies of the ages seem to have been cleaned of all historical content, leaving them exposed and naked and absurd, as are the ideas in ancient religious texts when naked. By doing this they lose the excitement and the relevance and even the story they can tell us. Only within their historical contexts can these ideas, religious or philosophical make sense and even inform us for future explorations.05.04.06
- (Sensed in a meditation on passing over) The love and sense of protection that a mother feels for her child is extraordinary and profound. It never changes, it never is lost. What can be more beautiful than being rejoined by our mothers when we pass over, or more wonderful for the mother when her child passes over to her? This is never lost. Every time a mother, and to a lesser extent a father, has a child, then a connection of love is made that lasts for all eternity. What a network of love we build up over our incarnations.05.04.06
- Women like to change their men. That’s the point! The male aspect of God creates the structure; the female aspect wroughts, it is involved in, is necessary for, growth, change, evolution, progress. That is the purpose of cycles and is the purpose of organic life which must live and die and live again: to create growth, change evolution, progress. The rising of the consciousness of creation is not possible without the female aspect of change / growth. Male aspect = structure; clinical, mechanical. Female aspect = change, evolution, process, energy, healing, the empathetic. This is why the male aspect is seen as constant and unvarying i.e. the Sun; and the female aspect is seen as variable almost treacherous, winsome, i.e. the Moon. 13.04.06************** **************
- The remarkable mix of races found in Britain and other countries in Europe could well, in time, lead to a remarkable synthesis of religion, resulting in new ideas and directions. This could well be one of the main purposes of this change in the make-up of Europe.30.04.06
- When we read ancient scriptures we are getting insights into the ultimate—into god if you like. But just as much we are getting insights into the thought modes, the prejudices, the world views etc etc of the people who wrote these scriptures down. Like it or not, every single scripture—though the Mormons mighty argue differently of theirs—have been transcribed through the minds of mortals, who live in time and place. This will also, of course, be true of modern religious / spiritual writing. None of us can escape that and we need in these modern times to always be making that clear.************** 02.05.06
- The Great Synthesis. Mixing of races, mixing of faiths, will bring about the great synthesis. Cannabis efficacy is probably the result of the synergistic effect of the multiplicity of chemicals it contains. This could be true too of the great synthesis. When the great faiths are mentioned, Taoism is invariably not cited, yet it probably has the most adherents in the world.05.05.06
- In an increasingly secular world, and even with the new alternative spiritualities—where people can be consciously on their journeys but can so often lose the strong ethical codes of the old faiths to everyone’s detriment—it may well be that there is a real need for Confucianism which was an ethical code that was well formulated, and that was very aware of man’s place as part of the natural world.************** 07.05.06
- Mankind is in its adolescence. And in adolescence there is conformity to peer groups, and this will explain the terrible and deep driven need to have fixed religions and why there is such profound adherence to religions and thus conflict; the same is true of nations. Adolescence involves individuation, which had begun, and adulthood involves completion and paring and thus regeneration; but free of peer pressure of religion and nationhood etc.************** 18.05.06
- ‘In tenth century Basraa circle of scholars known as the ‘Brethren of Purity’ expressed their aims in words which would scarcely be thinkable today. ‘If one could combine Arabic faith and Jewish intelligence,’ said one, ‘with an Iraqi education, Christian conduct, Greek knowledge, Indian mysticism and a Sufi way of life, this would be the perfection of humanity’. ‘In Search of the First Civilisations’ by Michael Wood p18128.05.06
- Part of the West’s destiny has been to analyse, to separate parts from the whole. This comes with tremendous problems in terms of the west’s ability to live in relation to the whole world. But this separation into parts is crucial if we are to make the next step in our understanding of God and the Cosmos. Because in every individual part lies the germ, the microcosm, of the whole. The west will ultimately return to the fold, but it will do so bringing with it untold treasures of understanding. It is part of the new great synthesis, the new Axial Age.30.05.06************** **************
- Religious fundamentalists and constitutional traditionalists are not seeking the Truth, they are instead seeking certainty, and those two things are very different.03.07.06
- There is a diversity of different human beings, e.g. cultures, languages customs etc that is as precious as the diversity of flora and fauna. And the evolution of culture etc is ongoing as we see the amazing mixing of cultures that is happening now.28.07.06
- The nineteenth century European empires were spiritually necessary because it has ultimately brought about the creation of the global village, the growing awareness of each other, the mixing of cultures and races, and ultimately the religious mixing that along with alternative spiritualities which themselves have been triggered by the new awareness of diversity will produce new paradigms of spiritual understanding.28.07.06**************
- Omens, e.g. the twelve vultures seen by Romulus which told him that Rome would survive for twelve centuries, and all the ancient sense of the patterns and significances of everything that happened in nature—e.g. the study of entrails—shows us the ancients being on the right track though getting the detail wrong. For all is connected and all does display significance and as above so below does operate, but not defined in the way they interpreted it. 06.08.06
- Socialism ends up as being ‘command’. Free market serves the community—nothing sells unless people want it.31.08.06
- God’s desire as to how we should live our lives, the rules that God provides, are best seen as not as personal instructions. Instead we need to understand that there is an overarching logic to existence, so that only one type of behaviour links everyone in with everyone else, one with each other; creating a harmony. These are: truthfulness; humility; modesty; compassion; justice; charity and love. It would be interesting to analyse these in terms of how they form part of the overarching logic, the necessities of existence.03.10.06************** ************** **************
- Concept of God is early man’s way of talking of the ultimate reality of how everything is ordered and ultimately can make sense.05.10.06
- In a constantly changing world, one constant is a mother and father’s love for their children. These are the permanent truths.22.11.06
- Mathematical principles and natural philosophy—everything is underlined by logic, by meaning and rationality. Surely this implies a MIND.20.11.06
- Do not look for the Truth in our religions; look only for truths. Exactly the same as with novels. (Woke with this, though have always known it.)13.12.06
- At last I understand the meaning and purpose of worship. At one level it can appear rather degrading, and one cannot help but ask what sort of god it is who wants to be worshipped. But at a higher level there is something profound and beautiful in it. Worship at its highest and truest and most significant level involves a deep understanding and awareness of the presence of the creative force that brought everything into being and that maintains everything in being. It is walking with an awareness of the creator force, the love and the spirit and the wonder of all that. To ‘praise the lord’ is to enter into an awareness of the higher forces and realties. And when one is so imbued with the presence, one’s vibrations / consciousness are raised and we are more in tune, more gentle and loving, more powerful in the true sense. It is not obsequiousness. It is raising ones consciousness into the higher levels, and of course it involves a deep awareness of the glory of the creation and the creator.26.12.06************** ************** **************
- The different religions, and their sub-sects, all provide different facets of the Truth, so that we are enriched by all the different approaches, and as each is explored and developed, so collectively we all grow. Each religion is at one level suitable for a particular people or time or mindset, but also is a reflection of a particular aspect or group of aspects of the Truth.27.12.06
- This is the difference between the outer journey and the inner. With the outer journey, our greatest fear is losing our baggage. With the inner journey, losing our baggage is the whole point.02.01.07
- Was there mysticism in Assyria and other near east civilisations? What were their religious beliefs. There obviously was in Egypt. But the others?19.01.07
- The glory of war on the Parthenon frieze. Beautiful young men being tested, the quickening of their spiritual evolution, creating nobility out of it; are you brave and generous and noble and true? War is a play act of the violence of the creation out of which came all the ranges of emotions and experience. Industrial war ended much of this nobility—the destruction became nihilistic.19.01.07
- The Greeks: why realism? Why did the Greeks show their Gods in human form? Why the move away from the shamanistic approach?19.01.07
- Life is too short to be in a hurry.23.01.07**************
- When there is one great king, the danger is always that he will be followed by weak kings; then when all power emanates from the King, the country or empire goes into decline or at least stagnates. In the end that was the great strength of the western nations and Britain in particular in the eighteenth century; a growing middleclass, a many headed nation with tens of thousands of key decision makers instead of just one or just a few. That is the way to adaptability and energy and innovation. We saw the same in terms of the inability of the monolithic communist states to compete with the west. The same is true of modern government and social policy. We must move from the centralised approach.
- Evolution is not merely about survival. It is a fundamental and vital life force in which the life process strives to evolve into a harmony with the nature of the Cosmos and ultimately union with it. So as we progress up the evolutionary ‘ladder’ we do not merely become more adept at survival, we also increasingly ‘mimic’ the fundamental nature of the ultimate god force. Thus, there is something fundamental about there being the male and female aspect, and so it was inevitable that evolution should lead to a distinction of the sexes and ultimately different, but interrelated roles.15.02.07(Also in physics doc.)
- There is no such thing as Truth; only the pursuit of Truth. In other words, we must understand that none of us can claim to have found the ultimate answer. What is vital is that we try to find the truth. On this plane anyway we can never hope to have the entire Truth because this is such a limited plane of existence and experience. So in the same way that the journey is more important and fulfilling than the destination, so the pursuit of Truth is more meaningful than arriving at some sort of conclusion. This certainly means that we should not be trying to impose our ideas on others. 18.02.07
- Light is described as both a wave and a particle; never can be both at the same time. But it is described in this way because we have no way of describing it in non-mathematical language that truly describes light. We need to understand that the same is true for our understanding of God. Our religions try to explain everything via words that have evolved for use on this plane; those words cannot describe the truths about the higher planes. They are merely the best we can do. So we need to stop arguing about religion all the time.08.03.07
- Farouk’s point is crucial. With religion we all spend out time arguing about what makes our religions different. We need to concentrate on what they all have in common; for those are truly the important wonderful heart-centres of all religions; justice, caring for each other, there is a god or some essence that cares for us; etc.08.03.07
- Mathematical formulae work because mathematics is a reflection of logic, of meaning. The universe is mathematical because it is logical and has meaning.11.03.07
- Everything is predictable and works mechanically until the arrival of organisms and life; then there is meaning and purpose and thereby a new type of chaos.12.03.07
- Our possibilities are encompassed by the horizon of our own fears.13.03.07
- Given in the night. When we have a conscience about something, but are not strong enough to ‘do the right thing’, that is, nonetheless, the beginnings of wisdom.26.03.07
- We do not follow Muhammad or Jesus or any of the other great spiritual leaders. Because the essence of them, is that they changed the rules, broke the boundaries, stretched the horizons. But so often we followers just try hard to keep to what we see as their rules. We box ourselves in, when they have always shown how important it is to break out of our boxes.10.04.07
- The 39 articles and the catechism etc., have they ‘really thought this through?’03.05.07
- Our trials and tribulations mirror our life journey, and that mirrors our soul journey, and that the entire Cosmos—through Solar System. Galaxy etc.03.05.07
- The existence of different races, religions, customs etc. is vital; it accelerates our development because a huge range of life journeys are available for whatever lesson, karmic aspect, pilgrimage, service etc we need. Homogeneity will slowly down our progress.04.05.07
- Seeing the pyramids for the first time in the taxi. A strong sense of them working as nodal points on the earth.05.05.07
- The Great Pyramid: The Grand Gallery is like Jacob’s ladder—it represents the planes leading higher and higher. I saw the light leading upwards shaped like the Grand Gallery.06.05.07
- Male / female, positive / negative: at the creation all was blasted, forced apart. Now the male and female seek reunion. Why!!!???06.05.07
- The conventional Western mind is arrogant and entirely material—no sense of the sacred—as if the entire universe was created as their plaything.06.05.07
- The woman in the King’s Chamber was beautiful, but unless she develops a sense of the sacred and the ethereal, her beauty will wilt as her body wilts.06.05.07
- Great Pyramid—King’s Chamber is like Kaaba in Mecca—cuboid—so the Kaaba is one of these nodal points. Where are the others? And is there a geometry to them? 06.05.07
- Three burial chambers—could the king have been buried in one of them, with the others continuing as meditation centres? Thought of this whilst in Second pyramid.06.05.07
- Second pyramid—going down and then up gives the same sense of rising up through the heavens to the abode of the gods.06.05.07
- Perhaps the science book can be written, by providing guidelines in terms of where to look.06.05.07
- In both pyramids you descend before the ascent begins—just as in life, as in our spiritual journey.06.05.07
- The Great Pyramid: Perhaps the Great Pyramid is not a record of our past and future history. Perhaps instead it is the journey of the soul. The lower chamber which is crude then makes a great deal of sense. The gallery represents our entering into full awareness of our spiritual journey. Even the chambers above the King’s chamber will represent; initiations? [Or perhaps the life beyond the physical; the higher planes that are hidden from us?21.07.07] Do we progress through all the pyramids—representing different incarnations?06.05.07
- I realise now that politics was never where I should be—there are all the shadows of power and the need to please ‘the street’. I have been saved from that; and now I understand why that way was blocked, and why indeed I always backed away.07.05.07
- What is special about Egypt is that its builders were ‘inspired’ and were replicating the buildings they had ‘seen’ on the other side.08.05.07
- De jure and de facto view within the Christian churches makers them schizophrenic. (Jonathan Robinson’s point.)07.05.07
- Prior to the completed Egyptian religion was the Shaman period. The religion and all its details would have been based upon the shaman premise and experience. What we have to understand is that the shamans were achieving insights, intuitions that through their imagery opened windows into truth.15.05.07
- When one achieves oneness with the BEING one does not lose one’s individuality, but at last one experiences all the connectedness throughout all of creation. We become ONE with the dance and the story. We are at the singularity and yet experience the ALL.Given, nay experienced, in meditation whilst on the train from Luxor to Cairo.15.05.07
- Synchronicity and intuition are the edges of the most beautiful inner unity of the BEING of the ultimate reality. At the centre all IS, all weaves about a glorious pattern that is interconnected and active and is perfect singularity. Our intuition and our recognition of synchronicities are glimpses of that ONENESS. Experienced in meditation on train from Luxor to Cairo.15.05.07
- Life comes and goes, nothing lives for ever, perhaps there is something about life which makes it incapable of being sustained beyond finite time in the physical plane. Are vegetables (trees) the longest?18.05.07
- When big things in our lives happen, we should look at how our body is responding. E.g. Jonathan and I both ‘hobbled before entering the Great Pyramid—and I realised later that it was a sign of us—as Jonathan put it—changing pace, also perhaps direction, purpose, new journey etc.18.05.07
- THE BOOK: Politics; based on Healing Nations. Religion; basis of spirituality. Health; Complementary medicine. Education; telegraph article adapted. Culture; world not our plaything, connect and reverence. Environment;20.05.07
- We can have spiritual insights and peak moments—then for ages we don’t have them. This is because we are here to experience the earth plane, not heaven.22.05.07
- The earth’s nodal points are connected by ley lines.22.05.07
- When we embark upon the spiritual journey we are doing two things. 1. Making progress; 2. Discovering a little more as to whom we are.25.05.07
- That is where the ‘knowing’ comes from, where intuition comes from. Everything is connected and so when we enter into that connectedness—well ultimately everything is known.24.05.07
- There is a sense in which quests and pursuits of destinies never fail. This is because the journey itself is so often the actual task, not the destination. We can pursue a dream all our lives and never realise that dream and yet we have not failed. We have embarked upon the journey, run the race, aimed for the heights, and that is the ultimate purpose. The quest parallels our soul journey. Only occasionally do we need to succeed.27.05.07
- The parallels between creation myths and the periodic table may not be because the ancients knew of the elements; it may be because the same principle applies: the ONE (H) having to begat the OTHER (Helium) etc etc and the different personalities of the elements.27.05.07
- , and this will be true of all countries, must decide between what it really wants (a greater Israel) and what is in its national interest. (Given in a dream) 10.06.07 **************
- There is a profound reason for the concept of ‘as above so below’; and that is because everything in the Cosmos is connected. So when you see that even a laurel bush requires fertilization to produce its fruit, you can surmise things about the need for the original conception / creation of the universe to be sexual and to require fertilization because everything in the universe, past, present and future, EVERYTHING is interconnected. This also explains why we can say that God is in everything or God IS everything, because of that interconnectedness. As WE are all in everything or ARE everything.15.06.07
- We get our initial insight into the interconnectedness of the universe when we begin to understand the interconnectedness of ourselves; the body / mind / spirit interconnectedness of ourselves.16.06.07
- The Egyptian cult of the Aten was different from all earlier cults because it was exclusive. Thus all other cults were sidelined. We see the same thing when the great monotheistic religions appear. Because they believe in just one god they have to be exclusive in terms of discounting all other gods, and so they thereby become exclusive in terms of each other; a tragic transference of an idea.20.06.07
- My God, the western world is sick, schizophrenic, out of sync with its own story; and terribly powerful. It needs healing, it needs reconnecting, grounding. There must be a way of reconstituting, adapting, realigning the Shamanic way. Yes, that is why I always saw Stonehenge as being appropriate to the space age. AND THAT IS THE HEALING!!! Realised on the train from Crew to Euston while reading ‘Entering the Circle’ by Olga Kharitidi. My God, HUGE!!22.06.07
- At what point does our civilisation, being out of kilter with its own story, become self-destructive? Or is this manifesting more in the somnambulism of hedonism and consumerism?22.06.07
- Are the original grail and Arthurian legends actually shamanic tales with deeper shamanic significance and truth? E.g. the lake will mean something shamanic. The sword will stand for something. So will kingship. So will the round table.25.06.07
- There is so much to learn from Shamanism. The Hi-Tec world is fine, but everything we build and do must be ecological at the mechanical level, but also at the heart / spirit level; inorder to achieve beauty. We can afford that now, we can make a beautiful world in harmony with nature. Too often the emphasis is on huge structures, wanting to challenge and outdo nature. Quite the wrong approach.26.06.07
- The shaman uses earth, salt etc etc because all substances are manifestations of aspects of the divine, therefore there is a connection and therefore a power.28.06.07
- Although at many levels none of us would have wanted to have been born into the Nazi era with all its tribulations and real possibility of becoming a Nazi and even a war criminal, compared for example to being born into a nice middleclass existence in England; there can be no doubt that the Nazi incarnation would be an incarnation involving great testing and thereby great potential for spiritual progress. Even the war criminal would have made great spiritual progress, for profound lessons would have been learnt and in an extreme way, but along with that progress would come great karmic debt.30.06.07
- When we plan out our next incarnation, which could of course involve us being born into great suffering, what is being planned is not actualities but probabilities and possibilities. It is a planning of potentialities.30.06.07
- Everything in the universe is connected—that entire connectedness is God. God isn’t in everything. God is everything.05.07.07
- The great religions emerged when people were still tribal. The condemnation and instinctive fear of the stranger permeates these religions, or at least their subsequent followers. So modern people who embrace these religions continue to imbibe that tribal mindset through the exclusivity that they graft into their religious belief.13.07.07
- We can never experience TRUTH through the intellect. We can use the intellect to analyse and categorize. But to actually experience the TRUTH we must operate at the intuitive and heart level. (Given as I counselled Peter during the group meeting this evening.13.07.07
- There is a knowledge fabric of all life that can be felt and experienced by nature spirits. Every entering of life, every passing is felt and known, like a radiant fabric shimmering in bright sunlight. Everything is experienced, felt.23.07.07
- Angels do not have wings. What psychic people were seeing through the ages were the angels’ auras. No doubt the same with fairies.31.07.07
- Nature spirits are like children and this fits because they are so elemental and children also are elemental. This aspect of being elemental provides a very clear clue as to the nature and purpose of nature spirits; also clues as to our own journeys and how we should respond to nature and our planet.01.08.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: The world sings. Fairies and pixies above ground, gnomes etc below. Our world growls, their world sings. Leaves are keys to great secrets.05.08.07
- GIVEN BY LORA. The wild areas are vital. Nature spirits have real pureness of heart, for they are not affected by the need to survive and live. Their purity is vital to growth to plants and to animals and to us and to the whole Planet. They can only function properly in truly wild areas. Wild areas must be preserved and nurtured by man. Ideally they should follow the ley lines. The ley lines must be opened. David Icke was right about this.14.08.07
- The greatest source of knowledge of God is the creation itself. Science has one distinct advantage over religion—it is always prepared to revise its understanding.18.07.07
- For healing—immerse yourself in a rainbow. There is huge significance in the spectrum, and so it is important to have ones colours in balance. Lots of ill health comes from this imbalance. The rainbow can wash his through and rebalance us.19.07.07
- The advantage of believing in many gods is that we are ‘taught’ the multiplicity of all the different facets of God. The advantage of believing in one God is that we are taught that ultimately there is but ONE source.19.07.07
- GIVEN BY LORA. The thing that truly distinguishes human beings is their pairing off into man and woman, the relationship and love and care and the creation of offspring and a family.10.08.07
- GIVEN BY LORA. Western civilisation has a brutality and an arrogance to it. When we meet ‘enemies’ like fascism and communism and militant Islam we are confronting mirror images of ourselves, reflections of ourselves; so we must change our approach, we must become less brutal towards the planet and the environment and everything around us and ourselves.30.08.07
- Lora is growing; already the seed of her new self is there and can be materialised for brief periods; as she grows so she can nurture that seed and it can manifest more until she can be it entire.30.08.07
- GIVEN BY LORA. Leaves of trees are like secretions of sap that have become almost solid. The shape is almost tear shaped, and the shape perhaps mimics that shape of the tree and its tangle or otherwise of its branches, so mimics the ‘character’ of the tree.03.09.07
- Childhood is a state of innocence and it is puberty that begins the process whereby children emerge from their innocence into adulthood. But what is these term does adulthood mean/ Some people, though, do not emerge from that innocence. They are entirely self-centred and oblivious of the effect they have on those around them. It is a sort of innocence, but animalistic.03.09.07
- THE UNIVERSE IS A LOVE STORY—The greatest love story ever told. We can understand the universe and the wound that is at the centre of creation and can only be healed by us, only when we see it as the classic love story, the favourite story form of all.04.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA As you learn, gain knowledge, of something. You then have to decide whether o be detached from that which you have learnt about or to be inclusive, to take responsibility, or some responsibility for that which you have learnt about. This marks many things but especially that process that leads us to be adult. As a child we learn but are detached morally from what we have learnt. We enter adulthood when we take responsibility for the ‘object’ of our knowledge. Some ‘adults’ do not; they are then in a state of primitive innocence. 06.09.07 ************** ************** **************
- GIVEN BY LORA With trees the roots are the domain of the mostly male nature spirits of the earth. Above ground it is the domain of the mainly female spirits. It is the same for the universe and for nature: the underlying structure is male, but the flowering and life and purpose is female.10.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA Lora turns from ‘child’ to Mother. We turn from child to adult. This is necessary. It is absolutely built into the fabric and structure and progress of the cosmos; the emergence of the adult from out of the child.10.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA We save the planet by being in tune at an emotional and spiritual level with nature, not at the mental and utilitarian level. 11.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA All is connected. A bird flies and it is in tune with the All and also affects the All. This is because it operates at an elemental level, so from the animals and the birds and the skies there are always things to be learned. The shamans are right. And so—and it would surprise them—are the chaos theory proponents. But we cannot get that from human beings because human beings rarely operate at an elemental level. However very often children do, so there is much to be noted with them.11.09.07 (New Moon)
- On Sunday, at Harlech, I was doodling and for the first time looked at my doodles and wondered what they said about me. Couldn’t work them out. This is of course part of ‘Intuitive You’. But now I understand. My doodles are interconnected designs, a sort of weird Celtic art. They show my fundamental belief in the connectedness of all or my connectedness with the all. 13.09.07**************
- Organisations like the National Trust are vital, for they maintain wild areas, they conserve nature; vital for the health of the planet.17.09.07
- There is a purpose and pattern to our lives. We can unravel much of our story and purpose from the shape of our lives.17.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: she showed this in layers of her evolving self. The NOW is separate, for it is NOW. But it is obviously totally connected with the past, but is also linked with the future, layers of probabilities; seeds of the remerging NOWs to come.18.09.07
- CAME WITH LORA: There is a sense in which we become more beautiful as we age for we carry all the layers of our past; all the triumphs and tribulations. It is tragic when older people hide those and try to make themselves unmarked by life as are the young. Tragic.19.09.07
- CAME WITH LORA: Music has reflected their societies; only as nations became really powerful and industrial did the great and powerful music appear; then came the cacophonies of the twentieth century and perhaps there is hope in the rediscovery of the lyrical Celtic music.20.09.07
- GIVEN WITH LORA: Time on the other side is not about events, it is about BECOMING; everything emerging out of itself, the flowering of the plant.21.09.07************** ************** **************
- GIVEN BY LORA: She hurried away which was unusual and then told me that when the stream is running really fast it generates energy for them which they can use, so she had to go.24.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: She showed me this morning that it is the nature spirits themselves who sort of bathe and dance in the energy that a very fast flowing stream can give off; they gain energy from it and love it.25.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: She told me that ‘just BE, and then you can BECOME.’25.09.07**************
- GIVEN BY LORA: trees, when they are bare of leaves, look like brains for a purpose. Leaves are thoughts. Energy (E=MC²) is a thought!!!27.09.07************** ************** **************
- GIVEN BY LORA: nature spirits also gain energy from the moon which reflects the sun and which they can bathe in and this is especially true of the full moon.26.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: All the instinctive and at times ferocious and struggling activity of nature in any given place, for example an area of woodland, creates a ‘global’ awareness / intelligence within that area. Nature spirits are the product of this localised ‘global / collective awareness. They feed on it, they are it. They are the manifestation of all that instinctive and barely conscious activity. That is why concreted over places can be so barren. It is also why monoculture can be so barren and ‘dead’, because there is not enough activity to create a high level of awareness / intelligence in that area. Wow! Lora, this is amazing.26.09.07************** ************** **************
- GIVEN BY LORA: Music to enhance the wild places is very good; and the nature spirits miss the music of older times when people were more pastoral and sang and played in the wild places. Rock music is not good for the wild places, it creates bad vibes, but it is recognised that it can be therapeutic for people as a consequence of the jangled times we live in. but the wild places need gentle, peaceful, lyrical music.29.09.07
- GIVEN WITH LORA: Energy, as she has already shown me is thought. An atom bomb releases terrible anger. Peaceful nuclear power does not.30.09.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: Our world is dark and closed in and off by materialism. Churches and all the faiths actually help that to happen because they stick to their old ideas that most people see through. This means that there is only materialism left to them because the spiritual route is closed off by archaic and actually absurd belief systems.01.10.07************** ************** **************
- Nature sprits are invariably good and pure and essentially the physical world cannot hurt them. But the physical world does hurt them terribly in that it destroys beauty and the wild places of the earth. After I had been told this, Lora went off in her ‘adult’ form like a sower, scattering seeds—thoughts / energy.01.10.07
- There is bad energy and there is good energy in places and coming from people because energy is thought.01.10.07
- Wassailing at Twelfth Night and other such pastoral customs are actually us humans either mimicking, but more likely sharing in the ceremonies of fairydom.03.10.07
- GIVEN WITH LORA: The sun pours out energy, which is thought, which is love. The sun pours out LOVE. And it was the same with the creation. And that is also why the universe is that great Love Story. It could be nothing else.04.10.07************** ************** **************
- GIVEN BY LORA: In London and walking through the park and the meadow; Lora suddenly appeared, partly because it is new moon and she wanted to give me a blessing, and also as practice for our ley line walk. Everything arched over me which was beautiful. Then in the meadow as sort of practice I asked Lora what was the significant thing about the meadow. She said it is vital for London because it is a dream. That made me ask her and myself what a dream was. And it came to me / us that a dream is that level of consciousness when there is connectedness: with the other side. That is what happens when we dream; it is also the aboriginal dreamtime. Places like the meadow and possibly the parks of London are the dream places of the metropolis; they keep the city connected: just. Dear God, SO important!11.10.07************** ************** **************
- Nature spirits not only work with vegetation etc; they are also part of the vital link between the physical and the etheric. They work in both and thereby are vital to the health of the entire physical creation. They are the bridge.13.10.07
- I was with the pink lady and also the mother and father of the stream. The mother gave me a jewel—crimson I think—and I took it and first thought of placing it at my forehead, but instead placed it at my heart. I was then shown that how these jewels are worn has a real significance. And then is aw that the planets are similar and indeed have their own colours and they rotate around the sun as the chakras and these jewels rotate around the heart centre and the heart jewel.16.10.07************** ************** **************
- GIVEN BY LORA: Nature spirits are part of the female aspect of god. Man is part of the male aspect.30.10.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: Nature spirits and the physical world provide the womb in which humanity can grow to term.30.10.07
- ‘… through the combined male and female adoration, a new force would be born to help those in need.’(Taken from ‘A True Fairy Tale’ by Daphne Charters, p25330.10.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: We experience uncomfortable things for many reasons. Everything contains its shadow side, its reflection, its significant other. So when we experience the following that experience helps us to live, create within ourselves, the other:rejection—perseverance and inclusion; betrayal—compassion; hatred—mercy; anger—love; greed—generosity; lust—forgiveness; success—humility etc.05.11.07
- GIVEN IN MEDITATION: Grenelda said I must come every day, for instruction and also for strength and healing. She is of the deva order and is thus a healer, and she told me to note that the deva / faery kingdom are growers and healers, as is the feminine. There is great significance in that. I see the still childlike quality of the female and the faery order. The male moved from that and develops other powers.10.11.07
- MY GUIDES IN THE WOODS: Grenelda got me high again and I was in a beautiful pasture with trees and I was like a child running around and there were others I knew and they were like children, and then I realised that our ultimate goal is to return to our childlike original state of wondrous innocence and purity of uncomplicatedness only of course with such knowledge and experience and wisdom. The great paradox. (This explains the cycle of our lives that we start as a baby and a child and return to that childlike state.)16.11.07
- Woke in the night having been dreaming of being in a foreign and slightly threatening country with my cousin Clive, then woke and these words were with me: Conceptual art makes a statement about form or an idea etc, whereas true art lives and breathes that idea. It is the same distinction as between spouting Christianity through doctrine via the pulpit and living it as the two priests lived it when tending to the victims in the blitz, or when just functioning in their ordinary lives.18.11.07
- Romantic or parental love is the clue to the universe; it's what teachers us to live the great force of the universe. It is the CLUE. Understand something of it and one then might understand love which is Energy. And love is connectedness with other, e.g. lover, child, parent, friend. Connectedness with other. Such a clue there. This presumably leads us through to connectedness with the All. Now how does that operate as the energy aspect of the creation? Now E=MC²; does that mean that energy / love is what all matter and all light is made of. This also makes light and matter the fundamental of the universe, alone with their equivalents Love. This means that matter and light are separate. No It is the speed of light, in other words a quality of light plus matter. So the love of the universe creates matter and also the property of light that is the constant. 19.11.07
- Given when with the Mother and Father of the woods. Faerydom is only seemingly treacherous because it lives and sustains the dream of the wild that sustains us all. When humans appear ensnared by faerydom and led astray it is only that they have become captivated by the dream instead of the seemingly vital pursuits and interests of our material world. Yes the dream is potentially treacherous, but only in the light of our material world, not by the light of our ultimate spiritual destiny. That said, of course part of our destiny is to live in the material world and learn from it.23.11.07
- Given by the pink lady and my Master. I saw the movements of the heavens shown to me as clockwork though of course they are not really. There is a higher astrology. There are the movements in all the higher planes and for great things to occur these also have to be aligned. This is the greater astrology.25.11.07
- Technological progress is very important. That whole drive, though inappropriately utilized at times, is part of our creative instinct. Ultimately, in perhaps aeons time, we shall become creators, we shall understand all and be in control of all. That is the ultimate destiny of our human race: as individuals to return to the godhead and as a race to become a creator race.27.11.07
- Overheard this in a conversation between my parents and my guides. They were commenting on my always wanting to learn. My master explained that more advanced souls know how important each incarnation is and also want to reach the ultimate journey’s end so tend to maximise each incarnation as much as they possibly can.07.12.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: All vegetation take part in the dream, but trees especially. They help to connect this plane with the inner planes. Everything is connected and this physical earth must be connected with the inner planes and trees especially help to keep that connection. They dream of us and of the inner places.07.12.07
- GIVEN BY LORA: All vegetation and plankton etc have, for hundreds of millions of years, been converting sunlight (LOVE) into the chemical needed for life and for the creation of soil etc.07.12.07
- Because of families, right across the planet there are getting on for a billion of pools or reservoirs of love.08.12.07
- Geneticists say that for the egg the chicken is a device to produce another egg. I suggest this; for Love, the gene is a device to produce more Love. That is, the fundamental energy of the universe of creation itself. Interesting that when we are involved in creation through procreation not only is love ideally involved during that of procreation, but the result, i.e. children involves us in even more love. There is a fundamental truth in here as to that mechanism that is the gene.08.12.07
- All lives are spiritual and have their undoubted spiritual highs. Our feelings as lovers, as parents, as children towards our parents, our involvement with the crowd at football matches, our losing ourselves in a beat dance with a crowd. Etc.09.12.07
- Seen in meditation. I climbed up to an old temple. Looking out over a beautiful landscape there was suddenly rays of light radiating out from the horizon towards me, all different colours. Like a horizontal rainbow. Hardly knowing what I was doping I stepped out onto the light and as I walked forward I found myself on another, higher plane. So perhaps that is one way that we shift between planes. Though I am sure it can also be done by just raising one’s consciousness or vibration level.09.12.07
- On my walk for the paper this morning I came to the graveyard and I saw images of people mourning. Then I was aware of someone watching or seeing me. Coming back with the paper I was aware of that person again. I stopped and then I ‘saw’ a man in great despair at a grave. He was locked there through great remorse. But then in the sky above the hills I saw like a window of light and there was his family and they were yearning for him to break free at last but he could not. I spoke to him and told him that we all do things wrong—how well I know that—but that it is but part of our journey and there is always forgiveness and reconciliation if we but let it. I don’t think he would have responded, but perhaps I raised his consciousness just enough, because then, from the window in the sky a young girl broke away from her family and came down to him and there was just crying and embracing and then the man went up to the window with the girl and passed from view. The girl, she must have been about ten, then came down to me and thanked me and then returned.11.12.07
- Seen in meditation. When we are meditating and reaching higher levels, we are seen from those higher levels as trying to ‘break’ through to them sort of coming in and out of view as we concentrate and lose concentration.13.12.07
- Seen in meditation. We should read myths like the grail legends as we would read dreams, and then we can interpret them. So there are great truths in the grail legends, great spiritual truths.13.12.07
- In meditation I was trying to reach high to my pink lady and my Master. I could see them but I could feel myself going in and out like some sort of electrical system generating up and down. I could hear the pink lady talking to my Master about my trying to break through but could not make out the words. At least I am slowly doing better at this. I know they want me to reach them. Later, I was asking myself why they couldn’t just help me to get to them. But immediately I knew that this is built into the whole way that the universe works. It is built into the Cosmos, into creation, that one can only reach higher through ones own efforts. We might be helped to achieve that, and might be given glimpses, but we have to do it for ourselves. That is the reason for us incarnating all the time, getting a little higher and better with each incarnation. We can only reach the heights ourselves, under our own steam. Thus enlightenment is something that cannot be given. It must be achieved, attained. There is a fundamental reason for this. It is a key to the entire ordering of God’s creation. I am sure it is intimately linked to the true meaning of LOVE, of energy. So much to ponder.15.12.07
- In meditation. As we advance so we all become healers, because healing brings about wholeness, and the higher we become the more complete and whole we become.17.12.07
- 221 and 222 above are linked. We strive towards the goal and that is striving towards completion. Completion is something we must achieve for ourselves. The greatest healing is that which comes from within, the true wholeness is not manufactured but is lived, an organic process that leads to completion. It cannot be stuck together. It must be grown.17.12.07
- If you could look down upon the world as if from space, but not see physical things, but instead see the important things, you would see the planet aglow with the light of love: myriad pockets of love which is the love of families and couples, piercingly bright at the hub of each family and fanning outwards becoming less bright as it spans less connected people but long before it even has seemed to fade there is the next intense centre of family life. Rather like looking down on those photos of earth at night with the lights of cities, but here Africa would be as bright as Europe or America, and only the mountains and deserts where the population is sparse would be poorly illuminated.20.12.07
- Given during my walk in the woods. As we evolve and near our later initiations, the pattern of each of our incarnations more closely reflects the pattern of our overall journey through all our incarnations and initiations.29.12.07
- Given during my walk in the woods. The circle, or serpent eating its own tail process (need a better word) is fundamental to all creation. When there is not that cycle or circle or ellipse, then there is no life. For life to evolve, that cycle etc has to be created or initiated. And the circle equates to balance. These two are flipsides of the same principle.29.12.07
- Given as I awoke about 4.0 am. The journey is a quest. But the spiritual experience is not a ‘far far away place. It is imminent. The journey can take an age. But always we are touching the realms of spirit. 31.12.07
- Given by the white lady on high as I was uncloaked. Humility is vital because as we gain powers so those powers must belong to the ALL and not to the ego. So humility is intimately linked with our journey because as we evolve spiritually so we gain powers and if those powers become too much linked with the ego then they become destructive rather than creative; we have a drawing in of energies rather than a giving out; implosion rather than explosion.01.01.08
- To properly understand what love is, is to unravel the core Mystery of the Cosmos.01.01.08
- The high lady in white appeared even though I was not very receptive. She showed me higher planes and that one day these would be mine to enjoy and I knew that everything would contain its own truth in the higher planes and she agreed and then I realised that Plato was right in terms of his ideal forms etc and she agreed.07.01.08
- The Western mind’s great task and destiny was to achieve an understanding of, and a control of, the material world. This it has done with spectacular results. The Oriental min’s—or more likely a combination of Occidental and Oriental—will come into its own again when it moves our understanding of the material / physical world into the realms of spirit and meaning which underlie and underpin and make sense of material phenomena.09.01.08
- The solar system has a given number of planets. Is there significance in that in terns of shells and electrons in the atom? Does the number of planets give a certain signature or character to any solar / star system?10.01.08
- There is an intriguing link or parallel between the process as one gains higher levels on one’s spiritual journey when one becomes more and more free of the personality and the lower mechanisms of the self with the Marxist notion of the withering away of the state.13.01.08
- Through families—parents and children—there is a trail of love through the generations, linking down through the entirety of history. Of course there are a few fault lines, but there is this overwhelming trail of love that is the universal constant of human history.22.01.08
- Sheep are feeding all day; everything throughout the world is eating or taking in energy. It is a non-stop requirement. And what is energy? Love?21.01.08
- Sub-atomic particles ‘know’ re the observer etc etc. We should expect this because the higher up the planes we go the more there is connectedness and knowing. So particles are close to the etheric to the next plane, so they pick up the essence of the higher planes’ knowing.23.01.08
- Given in meditation. When in the material plane we have no choice but to be involved in travails and disappointments and struggles and pains; for that is the nature of this plane, built into the way the plane operates. It is why we must come here to learn.30.01.08
- Given in the woods by the high great soul. This is the beginning of the return time when humanity at last embarks upon its slow journey back to sacredness. This is the turning.06.02.08
- The great strength of free enterprise is that economic power is spread across a great range of people, each of whom individually has little power. They thereby require a level paying field, a culture of law and fairness in order to operate and compete. I suspect this is also why games evolved in Britain, because it was the world’s first industrialised nation and all those individual enterprises required fair rules.07.02.08
- Childhood is precisely programmed to produce the traits and constraints and opportunities and barriers that we need to undergo the learning and the mission of our particular incarnation.10.02.08
- Given in the woods: Have been depressed for a week or more; no more like a month. Felt better today, and in pouring rain spoke to my guides, said I was back and apologised for my hating them and what they have been doing to me. Asked why I get so low sometimes. They showed me that melancholy is the shadow side of inspiration, and that when we go into the depths of gloom there is actually a huge amount of stuff being poured into us which we will later be able to use, but that during that period we cannot cope with the energy levels so become very very low.29.02.08
- Given in the woods. When we get really depressed it can often be that we are being taken very high and so the lower part of ourselves is left to feel bereft and lost and low. Many very talented people suffer from extreme depressions, and it is highly likely that they are receiving very high inspiration during their low periods and when they come out of it, because the flooding of inspiration is over, they are then able to translate it onto this plane.05.03.08
- Suddenly given to me. Demons and evil spirits as spoken about in the Bible really were there. It was true. They are our elementals, so they really did exist! Our psychological obsessions are also often our elementals created by ourselves.09.03.08
- Following on from 243 above: Much disease must be elemental. (Body / Mind—psychosomatic) Some is not, e.g. poor nutrition. Our modern society fosters elementals. We live in a culture of desire. Healing possibly works best when it is knowingly, or unknowingly, dealing with elementals. Our elementals cause so much of our sickness. So we actually create it for ourselves. This will also explain why so much of what Beth and Phil are studying is correct. There may also be a possible new approach to healing that works at the elemental level, so sort of goes back to the New Testament sort of healing of dealing with evil spirits. They are not evil spirits, they are actually elementals that we have created ourselves from our own desires.09.03.08
- Given as clear instruction in a dream: There is no dues-ex-machina, no God who just rewards or punishes. The consequences of all actions is built into the very fabric of the universe. Because of ‘as above so below’ then what we see as the logic and rationality of how the causative principle operates in the material world, then it will also work that way in matters of consciousness. Karma operates to the same basic principles as those that operate in sub-atomic physics.10.03.08
- The mistake that adherents of orthodox religions make is that their leader, e.g. Jesus or Mohammad, have given them the entire truth. What they need to realise is that their leaders are great spiritual teachers who have come to give them another aspect of how to understand God and reality and that to have true understanding we need to learn from them all. To give Jews their due, they do not have Issiahists or Danielists claiming to speak for the one and only truth. They recognise that their great prophets have given—each of them—another window into the truth and that all windows are valid and necessary but even together not sufficient.22.03.08
- Kierkegaard pointed out that we live our lives forward, but we only understand our lives backwards.22.03.08
- Kierkegaard pointed out that we can live truthfully or untruthfully, so that merely having the truth as an idea is not everything because we must also seek to lead our lives truthfully; this is the essence of existentialism and Kierkegaard thereby points out that subjectivity is truth.22.03.08
- Given as I was waking. We can only understand things when we view them holistically. It is only possible to properly understand things by relating them to everything they are connected with. Relativity and quantum not fitting is a good example of this, because by relating them to each other we see that we must go much further before we have true understanding. Medicine is another important area that needs to relate symptoms with the whole and indeed medications with the whole.27.03.08
- Given as I was waking. Complex food are better for us, because the various ingredients that we need are better for us if they are always combined and thereby compatible with each other.27.03.08
- The male female operates at a fundamental level at the initial creation. But it is manifest at all levels of creation; therefore the god / goddess will be in partnership at all levels of the cosmos; presiding and creating and nurturing. That duality of male and female exists throughout.30.03.08
- One of the profound spiritual lessons that was ‘forced’ on humanity during the First World War, was that of not accepting instruction (orders) and beliefs without questioning them. All the young men and all their loved ones learnt a great spiritual lesson in the hardest of ways. That terrible war, which saw a great deal of personal and group karma paid off, also rapidly accelerated our spiritual evolution. Everyone questions much more now, everyone is much more wary of the old norms. It has led to a break up of church authority and has opened up new pathways of understanding.02.04.08
- Robert Powell in his ‘The Most Holy Trinosophia’ makes the point that the anti-Christ is actually humanity’s group karmic elemental. 06.04.08
- The work done in the emoto project where water crystals are photographed, perhaps water from Lourdes or water that has been thanked or water that has been told it is horrible, is fascinating. An area that it could be used is in homeopathy where it is difficult to validate the process. Scientists point out that once the potion is diluted there is not even a molecule left of the vital substance. But if the emoto project is correct, then the vital substance can ‘inform’ the water prior to dilution and so the efficacy is in the water regardless of whether the vital substance is still there; in the same way that if we thank water it remains thanked and beautiful regardless of whether we continue to thank it. This would be a most interesting area of research.09.04.08
- Religion as stages of man? Age 1-7 shamanism, elemental; 8-14 early pantheon, heroic child-like into strength; 15-21 individualised, obsessive, over confident, violent, egotistic; 22-28 marriage, male and female into harmony; 29-35 early parenthood, nurture, stewardship ; 36-42 maturity, 43-49; 50-56; 57-63; 64-
- Breaking down of the church into many churches over the last few hundred years may not just be with the need to dilute then power of the church and churches. It may have as much to do with the need to show everyone that there can be many paths and even paths beyond Christianity. It surely must have helped the acceptance of other faiths that is slowly now emerging.17.04.08
- As soon as there is manifestation at the BEGINNING there is ‘this and that’, ‘start and finish’, ‘to be or not to be’—so the dual principle is integral to manifestation, hence it had to be that there would be positive and negative and just as fundamentally male and female.18.04.08
- GOD IS LIGHT light is the key, the universal constant. The source of light is God, light itself is actually the manifestation of god. All planes are differentiated by light. We are sun worshippers. The Light of the World.22.04.08
- Our children do not become what we say, they become what we are. Evangelicals should not preach; they should instead live the life. Like Mary and Percy Lee who never spoke about Christianity but were true Christians; they lived the Christian life.22.04.08
- Geometry infor example Newtonian physics and also in sacred geometry is key because those connections are fundamental to the fabric of the universe. As aboe so below.22.04.08
- The family unit is extraordinary, it is a microcosm of the centre about the Godhead. There is no relationship like it. It is a tight atom of love and intensity and aspiration and has all the forces as are in the atom; those forces that threaten to tear it apart and those that draw it in and make it tight and vital and the building block for the future. If you want to understand the atom, then you absolutely must examine and understand the family. The forces are the same. The power is the same.23.04.08
- Love between lovers, or sexual love, is the creation of new love, it is a sudden eruption of love manifesting itself into the universe. However, the love a mother has for her child descends directly from God, from the Source. The mother is a medium, a direct channeller of the love that pours out for us all from the centre. It is a direct connection. So all ,others become the most extraordinary channellers of god’s love into this physical plane. At a lower key, this is also true of the love of friendship.24.04.08
- The next generation comes out of the body of the woman. So we can know from that that it was the female aspect of god that generated or brought forth the ongoing creation after the initial fusion.06.05.08
- The entire drive and purpose of the universe is towards interconnectedness, symbioticism. Love, care, compassion, sense of other, service. Why is this so fundamental?07.05.08
- Given in the woods, and following on from 264 above. As we develop so we become more aware of our need to serve others. An initial and vital stage is when we are still primarily concerned with ourselves, but have begun to recognise that what we do should be principled so that we do as little harm to others as possible. This is one of the major breakthroughs in our spiritual journey.08.05.08
- Splitting of cells is non-conscious. Sex is always conscious. It has to be; it parallels the creation which was the ultimate sexual explosion, and the creation, above all other things, was CONSCIOUS.10.05.08
- Given in meditation: when we become ONE with the NOW, then we are complete, we are without and beyond TIME.10.05.08
- In the sex act, even when it is lust, close to the climax there is ‘love’, a profound sense of identity with the OTHER, then it passes. This is why Lawrence wrote of sex being the closest poor people could get to God.11.05.08
- Given by Lora. Initiation s, major or minor, are a form of metamorphosis. It is like the trauma of birth, coming into the light. It is also like the seeming chaos and darkness and breaking down of the cocoon stage, when at last out of that ‘dark night of the soul’ the butterfly at last emerges, winged and capable of so much more and splendid. 12.05.08
- By bringing the inner ME to the fore, I lose awareness of the petty me, and become blissfully aware of the NOW and the ALL about me. To find yourself you must first lose yourself. I have found me, and have thus lost myself.13.05.08
- Time is part of the separation. By becoming ONE with the NOW, we are ONE with EVERYTHING—spatially and temporally—and thus the universe is brought to healing.15.05.08
- When old people’s legs go, that means they have nowhere left to go, nothing much more to do.17.05.08
- Healing is so fundamental because it exactly parallels the process we must undergo to, as the Sufis say—‘reintegrate ourselves with God (ba’qa—reintegration in Allah) We, as the goal of our journey, must reconnect, heal ourselves and the universe. Healing itself is a bringing of wholeness, reintegration, reconnection.18.05.08
- Curing deals with the parts. It is reductionism. Healing deals with the whole.18.05.08
- For energy to equal love, there has to be consciousness.18.05.08
- Each plane of existence entails greater connectivity, and there is connectivity between each plane—primarily through life, nature, elemental consciousness.18.05.08
- When we give, we open up to all the connectivity of the Cosmos, and thereby become greater. When we are selfish, we close down that connectivity, and thereby are diminished.19.05.08
- GIVEN BY LORAEnergy = Love. Love = the connectivity, the force that connects EVERYTHING, thus the ONENESS and the WHOLENESS.19.05.08
- We are all individual. But all is ONE. All our experiences inform the ALL. The ultimate ‘end’ is the shared experiences of ALL—we ultimately know that ALL, and then ALL is ONE again. The start, the differentiation broke us off from the oneness of ALL and ultimately we return.20.05.08
- GIVEN BY LORA: The connections that is energy which is love, is not just connections. We cannot separate any of this. That connection is also EVERYTHING.20.05.08
- The connections between everything—everything IS everything. The whole universe is connected, because it is ONE. The whole universe is in every part of the universe.
- Given in the woods. When we describe or define an electron in terms of probability we are merely describing, in mathematical terms, what we observe with regards to the electron. This does not describe the actual electron. We have to get beyond what we observe, beyond mere probability and try to understand what the electron truly is.06.06.08
- Ends and means cannot be separated. Means condition the ends; ends are part of the means; just like body and mind cannot be separated.16.06.08
- It is through sex that we learn love; they are intertwines. So the first fusion, the moment of creation necessarily was utterly bound up with love; and this is why we were given sexuality, so we could learn to love; through the rush of love in orgasm through to the manifestation of love at birth. There is nothing more dis-attached and self-absorbed than the neuter.22.06.08
- The purpose of creation is for creation to be known; namely through our consciousness.27.06.08
- Human beings are the fruits of the Cosmos. We were seeded. There was fertilization. We are the product and so in some way we produce new generation for the Cosmos.31.07.08
- We need to understand the significance of the male, female. It permeates everything. Why? It is involved with regeneration. Why?31.07.08
- Kingship reflects our instinctive sense of the hierarchy of the higher planes. Kingship should have the King being father / mother of the people; as are great souls towards those in their care and within the great hierarchy. It is interesting that the Egyptian Pharaohnic periods partly match this. In the old Kingdom the Pharaohs were looked on as Gods and had absolute control and had to perform all the necessary rituals in order to maintain peace and prosperity. In other words they were elemental forces of nature. The Middle Kingdom sees the Pharaoh as father to the people. In the New Kingdom, the people are sidelined and reduced and the Pharaoh become the conqueror and self-aggrandisement comes to the fore.11.09.08
- When people try to keep to the letter of the law of scripture, they conform to the minutiae, which allows them to conceal from others and themselves that they are breaking the higher laws, i.e. the fundamental edicts of love, openness, inclusion, good will, etc. Thus we have the Welsh miners, all good chapel folk who banished a girl at their slate mine community because she had a baby out of wedlock. (The baby became the famous blind harpist) They kept to the minutiae of their law, but denied the Higher Law.05.10.08
- Light on the stream. So beautiful. It needs human beings to experience and appreciate beauty. As we achieve higher consciousness, so we experience beauty more. At the high spiritual planes it must be overwhelming; ecstasy.23.10.08
- We have turned the Bible and the Koran etc into an idol. We worship the Word as in old we worshipped graven images; now it is the graphic image.27.10.08
- Given in meditation. We have to lose the ‘I’. Only when we are focussed on others do we become whole and complete and joyous. This has to be so, for our ultimate destiny is the realisation of the ALL. This is why healing is so important. This is why giving is so important. Only then are we connected to the ALL and thus can feel completion.04.11.08
- As we get older, we become less caught in the NOW and more aware of our entire life. This is like the Buddha becoming aware of past lives and making a whole of them. It is a microcosm of the overall waxing awareness of the ALL—connectedness with our past and our future.18.11.08
- Given by the old man in the woods. There must be waiting because everything throughout all the planes and realms must be aligned. Everything in the universe is connected; that is why timing is so vital, why astrology is part of our reality; why synchronicity is a reality and must at times be awaited.27.11.08
- If women are more emotional, more easily upset and need more reassurance than men, then we must take note of this with regards to Mother earth. She needs to know, feel that we love her etc. As we do not show this, Mother Earth is reacting against us. Also, for goodness sake, she is our Mother! We would not treat our own mothers the way we treat our planet.06.12.08
- Given in meditation. Our aura is part of our connectedness with everything. When we are not connected our aura all but closes down. The greater our aura the more connected we are. Imagine how wondrous must be the auras of the great sages!12.12.08
- Women are kind, empathetic, inclusive. Women are healers. We can make an extraordinary conclusion thereby. MOTHER EARTH IS A HEALER! Mother Earth cares for us, loves us, yearns for us to reach out to her, return to her. If we did so, then we can be healed and mother earth can be healed.19.12.08
- Given in first meditation. As we evolve spiritually so we become more aware of our bodies and how to look after it. We become more selective with the food we take and the environment we live in. It is very much part of our learning to master in the right connective was the physical plane.23.12.08
- This came to me while we were discussing these issues at dinner on New Year’s Eve. Early man was naturally tuned to the female aspect of god because they were hunter gatherers and then farmers and were utterly linked to the earth to the planet which is Gaia, the goddess. But when people began to create cities they were using the male side of their brains and thus the male aspect of god began to become more important to them.31.12.08
- Given in first meditation. When a woman gives birth and she becomes a mother, something profound happens. She becomes connected with that child in a way that presages the connection we will all ultimately have with everyone and everything, and it also manifests the connection that existed from the first moment of manifestation and that always IS.09.01.09
- Came in first meditation. People so often say there can’t be a God because otherwise the world would be a better place. This is a sort of brother to the ontological argument for God. The latter argues that the fact that we can imagine a perfect god means there must be one; the former argues that because the world is in such a dreadful state and there is so much suffering shows there can’t be a God. What came to me is that this argument is rather like an adolescent who is lying in the gutter drunk and beat up saying that his parents can’t love him otherwise they wouldn’t let him get into this mess. We all know that he would never have listened to his parents advice. Likewise mankind is continually having it whispered to him how to conduct his personal and political affairs, but does he listen? Do the churches and religions listen for that matter?13.01.09
- Given in second meditation. We do go to hell; that is when we pass across we are held back by the limits of our animal nature and the extent to which we have been bound by it. The more we have been, then the less high we can initially climb. The animal nature is necessary to exist on the material plane, but is also a great test, as we slowly and painfully learn to transcend it.16.01.09
- Given in the woods. Humbling softens the outer shell of the ego, making it more receptive and of course compassionate and understanding.29.01.09
- Given in the woods. Children are like fairies, messengers. They provide a bridge between the two realms. They do this until adolescence.29.01.09
- Given in second meditation. The high master, the Christ told me that to surrender to the will of god is not submission, but is giving oneself up to the wholeness to the beginning and the end and the purpose of the whole of creation. Only when one surrenders does one become ONE with the whole.29.01.09
- Going with the flow, in other words surrendering. This was given by Beth. Because that’s the way the universe works, in harmony.29.01.09
- Christianity so often gets things almost right. But I think it too much comes out of the Jewish way of thinking which seems to be obsessed with fault and guilt. So the descent over the ages from the purely spiritual realms to the physical is seen by writers such as Origen as being necessary for mankind’s education because he went so wrong, instead of seeing it as a necessary process for us to grow unto god. Here is no guilt involves. The Jewish Christian approach is rather like parents sending children to school and also teaching them through their childhood because they have been very naughty at being born children rather than being born fully mature and sensible grownups as they should have been. It is absurd, and it colours everything. We need to liberate ourselves from Jewish sense of failing and see our journey as a natural process free of guilt and shame. That guilt is the shadow side of one of Judaism’s great gifts to mankind, namely the insight that our lives have moral and spiritual significance, and that we have moral duties. But of course we never live up to the ideal, hence the guilt.04.02.09
- Given in meditation. Following the Christian or Muslim religions etc may be following creeds that are not entirely true, but it does not matter because the believers are learning spiritual discipline which is vital for the ultimate journey.05.02.09
- We basically have moralising rather than teaching from the pulpit in church. I think this is because real teaching would involve possibilities of doubt and with a world outside the church so filled with doubts and ideas that challenge, the last thing congregations want is for the doubt and challenge to enter their one sanctuary, namely their church. Ironically what we hear from the pulpit could as easily be given from a mosque a synagogue or a temple.08.02.09
- Given in the woods. I was told to have faith, and I was immediately shown that true faith is not really concerned with that faith that is talked about in the bible; rather it is that faith in one’s own inner light, in one’s intuition; always so long as it is grounded in good philosophy and right ethics. Faith is vital; faith in one’s own inner light.09.02.09
- Given in first meditation. When religious people ordinarily talk of worship and indeed talk of worship as our greatest duty and what God requires of us, they have actually taken something fundamental and to some extent distorted it. When we enter into the higher realms, perhaps through deep contemplative prayer or meditation, indeed the closer we get to the ONE, the more beautiful everything is, the more subsumed with bliss everything is. We cannot help ourselves but to be lifted into a state of grace, of peace, of divine bliss. This can easily be interpreted as worship. But worship carries connotations of the servant offering worship to the master, and indeed the master requiring of us such worship (which so many of us see as diminishing the whole concept of God or the ONE—my new favourite phrase), when in fact it is a sharing of the ONENESS. It is a sharing of the ONENESS. It is beautiful, it is unconditional. At the end of the day, or even at the beginning, it doesn’t entirely matter how we interpret that extraordinary experience. My only concern is that by interpreting it as that traditional ‘worship’ we run the risk of alienating those who can never again accept the old view of God. The experience remains. Redefining it, achieving new understanding of it in light of our remarkable developments in science and philosophy become ever more an imperative for our time.10.02.09
- These are remarkable times. We can go forward with gnosis, with having faith in our own inner light, because we have also made great strides philosophically and scientifically. We are far better informed interms of ethics, interms of how the world works etc. Link a faith in our inner light with our rational understanding, and we can achieve great things.10.02.09
- I would not ordinarily call the inner ecstasy worship; but when I was meditating this morning I was caught up in the ecstasy. I was so aware of an ultimate goodness, and found myself using similar prayers that I might have used in church. As I ‘came down’ I was aware of John Kenyon’s use of the word worship and also struck by what I was experiencing. The similarity. For me this makes sense of worship and understood in this way it is a very good word. When understood in the traditional way, I think we have problems. Lindy spoke some time ago of how she felt when seeing a snowdrop. We have all experienced that. Many of us have been tempted to use it as a reason to believe in God. I would merely say this, that when we feel that SOMETHING when we see the snowdrop (ah is the SOMETHING an aspect of the OTHER?) then I believe we are touching on what one can feel when one goes deep into contemplative prayer or meditation. Many in the past have used nature as a key to that higher consciousness. In the east mandalas (Sanskrit for disc) are used. Look at the rose window of Chartres cathedral and you have a beautiful mandala. Nature does it for me, mandalas tend not to. Ordinarily my key is music, and I usually meditate with music playing in the background. It is perhaps unfortunate that the idea of worship has sort of been hijacked (no disrespect to John) so that so many do not appreciate the true significance of their inner feelings because matters spiritual have been ‘captured’ by orthodoxy and bound up in a mindset and theological construction that most modern minds recoil from and even find repulsive.10.02.09
- Given in meditation. We have individual journeys and race journeys in terms of mankind as a whole. Our purpose both individually and as a race is to achieve mastery of each plane. It is thereby right that we should develop ourselves technologically on this material plane. To understand and to be able to manipulate matter at will. But true mastery involves two key aspects. There is the basic ability to understand and manipulate. But there is also the fundamental need to develop true understanding, to develop wisdom in how we employ our mastery. Both individually and as a race we still have quite a way to go on the wisdom aspect.18.02.09
- The Renaissance period saw an explosion of new consciousness, of internal horizons. The reformation exploded our consciousness in terms of where we sought authority. The Renaissance itself opened our minds to new possibilities in art and thinking; moved us away from God and the Bible to man and the physical world. Science expanded our consciousness in terms of knowledge and how we could seek knowledge. The discoveries of America etc expanded our horizons both literally and metaphorically, opened our inner soul to new possibilities, undreamt of possibilities.12.03.09
- Can there be a Unified Theory of the New Age? Go through every aspect and show how it links up.12.03.09
- The most primitive life forms experience very little, but more complex life forms certainly experience pain and fear. These are very basic but will contain within them some fundamental meaning. Higher life forms, birds and mammals that nurture their young, birds that pair for life, will undoubtedly experience loss. They may also experience higher senses on the positive side too. In humans we have a level of complexity and evolution where the range of emotions are very high. This is the true meaning and purpose of evolution. As we evolve so we are capable of experiencing a range of emotions and also of course we become capable of going beyond instinct and operating in conjunction with our mental processes.23.03.09
- It is said that Christianity marked a step forward because the sacrifice of Jesus meant that animal sacrifice was no longer needed. I suspect that the key is really that we should offer our own lives as a sacrifice for spiritual development rather than Jesus doing it for us. We might also want to consider the possibility that sacrificing animals marked a major step forward from offering human sacrifices; and this could well be the true meaning of the story of Abraham almost sacrificing his son, and God then substituting the lamb.14.04.09
- The Greek logic that Christianity was filtered through is the logic of the machine—there is no ambiguity—it is clockwork, it is mechanical. But matters of the heart, matters of the soul of God, of love, perhaps even inside the atom move to a different meaning—eastern music as opposed to western music is a good illustration of this. We should always employ the eastern way of thinking in order to understand matters of the heart and the soul, and the western way to understand the workings of matter, and of course need to achieve a fusion of the two. (See 328 below)03.05.09
- Mechanical logic only operates in the realm of form; in the higher planes it cannot make sense. Other logics operate. This rather suggests that when we are looking inside the atom we are actually touching non-physical levels. This would perhaps make sense. The structure of form is a manifestation of the next level up. So when we are able to peer very closely at the structure of form we are actually peering into the etheric, and in the etheric a different logic operates. At the very highest levels the ‘operating’ logic will be that of pure love, of non-separation. At the etheric level there is the first glimmer of non-separation operating, and thus the very underlying basis to material form cannot escape that. This is how we must understand the paradoxical behaviour of the sub-atomic particles in the atom. (See 327 above)04.05.09 & 09.09.09
- A good point made by Eric McGough at Theosophical meeting. He was talking about chakras, and referring to the various techniques that exist to enhance our chakras. He talked about possible dangers, working directly being like taking steroids, and then said that for example with the heart chakra the best way to develop that was actually to develop our capacity for kindness etc.14.05.09
- Fascinating point made by Wellesley Tudor Pole in his book ‘Private Dowding’ (1917):‘I have looked into Hell! I may have to return to that region. I shall be given my choice. Grant that I may be strong enough to offer myself freely. Hell is a thought region. Evil dwells there and works out its purposes. The forces used to hold mankind down in the darkness of ignorance are generated in hell! It is not a place; it is a condition. The human race has created the condition. It has taken millions of years to reach its present state.The angel said the power of hell was now at its supreme height. It drew its power from man!...There was a strange allurement about the atmosphere. Even the angel’s light grew dim. I thought we were lost. I hoped we were lost. So strong is the attraction. I cannot understand it. Something sensual within me leaped and burned. I thought I had emptied myself of self before undertaking this great adventure. Had I done so, I should have been safe…I felt the giant lusts of the human race. They thrilled through me. I could not keep them out.’16.05.09
- We get the politicians we deserve without realising it. Because the media is always attacking politicians and always assuming they are scurrilous; over the years this has created a self-fulfilling prophecy. Look at how Joanna Lumley did not attack Gordon Brown after her meeting with him re the Ghurkhas. And as a consequence, he stepped up to the plate and acted honourably. We need to rethink the way we talk about our politicians.21.05.09
- I was standing by the stream with the light playing on it and I had a sense of water spirits. I wondered how one could prove that this other more vibrant life exists when I realised that proof relates to the physical plane and that the higher planes operate differently. What is truly worthwhile, for example love, cannot be proved. I then realised or was shown that the key here is faith. Then came the revelation. Faith is crucial, but it is not the faith that is talked about in theology. It is the bridge that helps us to cross the divide. It is the state of mind that enables us to place our lives and our future and the security of our offspring in the hands of another. Faith is crucial, but it transcends that corrosive faith that Theologians skewer.02.06.09
- The love between man and woman (primarily) is a dress rehearsal for the union that we must all ultimately achieve with the Other. It is union, we and the Other are One. But just as with lovers, though we are One, we are still Two. The ultimate paradox; the ultimate mystery at the centre of all. From our love for each other as men and woman and in that love not only spiritual union but physicality and procreation, is the key.03.06.09
- To men, women are a mystery, a mystery to be unveiled and penetrated. Even a man’s fascination with the female naked form is part of the awareness of mystery. It is the mystical union. Even the awfulness of when things go wrong with girls’ friendships (especially children)) is part of that mystery; veiled, hidden.18.06.09
- Given in the woods by Lora. We talked for the first time for many months. The leaves are dreams, and as Hindus look upon all of the manifest world as illusion, what we need to do is look upon it as a dream; we are not in a trick, we are in the dreaming heart of God.24.06.09
- Given in the woods by Lora. There is knowledge and wisdom. In faerydom they already have wisdom because they are close to nature and live and breathe nature. Humans have broken from nature, and thereby lost the rhythms of nature and so have lost wisdom. We have to recreate it. But the purpose in this is that faerydom and early humans lived wisdom but did not know or understand wisdom. Slowly painfully that is what humanity is doing. That is also why we must still learn from the rhythms of nature and reconnect with nature.24.06.09
- Point made by Ted at TS. God is the silent watcher participating in the universe, keeping it in manifestation. This is the observer affecting the sub atomic state. As above, so below.25.06.09
- We spend so much time saying how terrible human beings are that in the end they become terrible. If we concentrated more on reminding human beings how wonderful they are, they might actually become wonderful.25.06.09
- Does Darwin anthropomorphise evolution when he talks of a ‘struggle for survival’? He is of course right, but has he chosen the best term? Would a thirst for life be better?25.06.09
- Perhaps one reason why Christianity seemed to sideline sex as somehow unwholesome was that it was a perversion of what in fact was western man’s destiny and mission, namely the mastery of matter through science and technology. The church certainly tried to achieve mastery of the body, with often unwholesome effects. It was the mission perverted. The other side, namely science and technology has been a huge success. Now we must learn to use our powers with wisdom.25.06.09
- As with what the hairdresser or masseur gets when working on someone, so when we celebrate Gaia, say Grace, tell each other we ‘love you’ honour others, esteem others, so we feel better ourselves. The feminine is not cause and effect, not utilitarian. It is symbiotic.21.07.09
- Gaia is yearning to be loved.21.07.09
- Given in our group meditation. Henrietta came to me and we talked. She told me that dying as a child, as she did, is not just a matter of karma. Such children have a very special facility to serve as they grow older. Because, they grow up in wise innocence. Most of us, when we pass over, do so with all the baggage of our lives in the material plane. These children sent early to God do not. They have not learnt not to trust. They have not struggled and fought and got things wrong. And so, when they come into maturity on the other side, and even before, they can serve those who have just passed over as also they can serve as guides to those who are incarnate. Truly they are children of God.22.07.09
- The Roman Catholic priest is supposedly endowed with many powers, just as a shaman is. The protestant minister isn’t. Is this a step up or down? Note that the Roman Catholic priest gets the power through the magic of the ordination ceremony, not through proving his powers as a shaman might.23.07.09
- Mohammad combined both ancient roles. He was the priest / king.23.07.09
- When a man enters a woman he enters holy ground. It is entering Mother Earth.27.07.09
- Given in the woods. Faerydom work through love; that is what they impart to nature that is in their care. And the love is male and female. Faerydom and gnomes. 05.08.09
- A major disadvantage of sticking to an ancient religion and all its ideas is that they can act as a major brake on our development once we pass over. This is not in surmountable and for many people that traditional creed is what they need during their particular incarnation. But when these people pass over their progress is bounded by their belief system. They believe they have ‘arrived’ and it can take time for them to realise that there is more. In fact there will ultimately be a great deal of unlearning to undergo before they can progress. I think it is possible that many individuals do not do that unlearning before it is time for their next incarnation. It seems to me possible that they will thereby have to undergo an incarnation that might be radically opposed to their previous one in order to achieve the unlearning.25.08.09
- In the same way that the manifest creation is maya (illusion, the dream of God), so too are our individual egos which are called jivatman. We are all actually extensions of the one and only Atman, or God, or our Higher Self. We separate and become individual in order to incarnate and learn and grow. But the true reality is that hidden connection with our Higher Self and thereby with the All. The world is maya, and we are maya. But of course the maya in another sense is real because it has purpose. We never truly are separate.25.08.09
- I have always seen Russia as one day providing the crucial link between east and west. But I have just realised that in a very important way it has already served in that role. From Russia came Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who tapped into eastern mysticism and gave it out in a form palatable to the west and in many ways set off the resurgence of western, non-doctrinal mysticism etc.26.08.09
- Given in meditation. Love connects everything. Love is ALL. It is inclusivity and connection and the All as ONE. That is why faerydom nurtures its plants etc with love, because love is the bridge, and faerydom are the messengers, the bridges. We can only take the ego, or live through the ego to a certain level. After that to achieve levels that are necessarily connected and inclusive, the ego must be burnt away and love must take over. At the higher realms love is all and the ego is necessarily non existent because the ego implies separation. We incarnate to learn to operate in separation, where the ego must be developed in order to survive. Through many incarnations we learn to diminish the ego and enhance love, enhance connection. We must learn to create love of ourselves, so that in effect we take ownership of love rather than be the mere recipients of love. That is the purpose of our journey. And as a corollary, all that we can do in society to enhance our connectedness and inclusiveness helps all humanity to transcend the ego and become inclusive and loving, and hence quicken all our journeys.01.09.09
- Shown in the woods. Love, Faith & Worship are the Trinity. They are the foundation of creation and of the atom etc. They need to be analysed.04.09.09
- Given in the night when I woke worrying about this and the next time I woke I had the answer. Healing is essentially spiritual. Regardless of the type of healing, it is always spiritual, involving a link with our higher selves. A spiritual healer is working at that level, and when we look to release stress and anger etc and thereby are able to heal ourselves we are allowing our higher selves, the spiritual realms, to link properly with the physical realm.09.09.09
- In modern times we suffer from the four separations. Separation of body / mind; separation from God or higher self; separation from nature or the environment; separation from each other. 10.09.09
- Shown in meditation. I was shown that across the entire planet there are shapes and geometry that mirror the stars, that are part of the life-energy of the planet. Sacred sites are nodal points of this. Is it possible that as Glastonbury has its zodiac that the other nodal points also have their astrological configurations?17.09.09
- We must learn through the physical laws, mastery of them enables us to slowly achieve command of the subtler laws of the higher planes.18.09.09
- As there are higher and lower maths and logics, so when we talk of Advaita Vedanta and monism, all being one, and everything other than Brahma being illusion we need to remember that this insight is qualified by our having to put the concept, the truth, into lower order logic and language. We cannot properly understand the point, so just be careful with it. Note that our dreams make absolute sense, but when we wake they so often appear to defy all logic; perhaps they don’t!25.09.09
- ‘The number of paths to the One Infinite, is necessarily infinite. K M Sen.25.09.09
- Jesus was a signpost. The church tried to turn him into a map.26.09.09
- With the different planes there are different logics, non-mechanistic logics at the non material planes, and thus there will be different maths. Sub atomic particles are halfway between the physical and the etheric and thus are partly conditioned by a different maths. On the lower planes the logic and mathematics are embedded in efficient causality. On higher planes they are teleological.26.09.09
- Evangelical Christians believe that as a one-off act Jesus saved them through the cross. They thereby have nothing to fear and in a sense nothing to do. They are saved and they can rejoice in that fact. I think they are touching on a fundamental truth but are misunderstanding it. The truth is that the power and energy and love of god is with us always. We cannot even take a breath without that love energy. Of course we are all safe in God’s embrace. Of course we are all sustained by Gods love energy. But we still have much to do. There is progress to be made. We cannot take a step without that love energy. And to acknowledge that love energy and accept it, surrender to is, be aware that we can do nothing alone, and that we can ask for help through that love energy is to be liberated indeed.05.10.09
- Yes, if love is the connection between everything, then when we love someone or thing, we basically identify ourselves with that person etc, we connect, diminish the separation between us and the object of our love. Love is at the centre of the Cosmos because the Cosmos is One and love is what connects the One and is what connects us as separate entities and slowly draws us together. Love / energy is a spiritually centripetal force drawing us all into the ‘centre’ the Oneness.07.10.09
- Given in prayer. Love / energy is the pervading truth of the Cosmos. Love is the conscious aspect of energy. At a material level we see energy. But at any sort of higher level we know it and experience it as love. 09.10.09
- Faith is vital to everything. There is a profound spiritual truth here. Faith is endeavour, commitment and more. It is a building block. Perhaps it is the building block within the inner realms, that as on the physical plane we must use physical labour to achieve our ends, on the higher planes it is faith, endeavour, commitment that brings things about. It is a concentration on an idea and an aim, consistent concentration that brings wishes, desires, aims into being. Richard back wrote: “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.” 14.10.09
- Let me see if I can now understand the Trinity. Love is the energy that sustains all and brings all into creation. Faith is the sustainer, the will to create. Worship is the experience of the love / energy, the determinant of whether the will is for good or ill.14.10.09
- Astrology is all about synchronicity. The fundamental force is synchronicity. It is one of the great keys. When body, mind and spirit are in synchronicity, then we are well and function well. We are in synchronicity with people, loved ones and friends. Astrology works because synchronicity works. There is the synchronicity in all the planes and for major times between all the planes. Ultimately, when we are ONE with the ALL, then we have achieved the ultimate synchronicity. All those patterns, all those lines of force. When those patterns coalesce then we have synchronicity and things can happen. So understand synchronicity and our entire story and purpose is understood. It is of courseentirely linked with wholeness and oneness.26.10.09
- Given in the woods as I was bathed in light. When we bow or Reverence a master or initiate, we are actually reverencing the God that is within them. Then I understood that as we evolve and develop spiritually so we open up more to God and become more of God. That is our journey and destiny. And when we fall in love, no matter how un-evolved we might be, we are glimpsing God as if through a window that is in that loved one. Even if love does not last, even if it ends in recrimination and resentment and betrayal, we should always Reverence and bless the love we felt, for we were touching God.26.10.09
- Given as I woke. It is vital that we do not spend our time, or spill blood over the definition of spiritual issues. This is for two linked reasons. Firstly matters on higher planes operate to a different logic; secondly and entirely linked with the first, matters of the spirit, as with issues such as love etc, are incapable of definition. They are matters to be experienced, not entirely to be understood. That is why Zen masters use their particular methodology. They are attempting to break through the logical mind of their pupil to that higher level of experience. This is also why the mystical path is ultimately the only path compared to the theological approach.27.10.09
- As we advance, karmic consequences become greater. There is something important locked into this. It is not merely the same as with a child, whereby our expectations are greater with an older child, and so we can ignore some behavioural traits with a small child but not with an older child. A stamp of a foot and a pout is even charming with a three-year-old. It most certainly is not with a twelve-year-old. It will actually also be the same as with children in that a punch from a three-year-old does not hurt, whereas a twelve-year-old’s punch most certainly does hurt, and an adult’s punch can be lethal. Thus, as we advance, so all our thoughts and feelings and actions become more imbued with power. Thus, as we advance, so must we exercise greater and greater care. Right thought, right action, etc etc.02.11.09
- On the inner planes we do not experience physical discomfort like hot and cold because they are not physical planes. But of course we can be bombarded by emotional elements and elementals, and at higher levels by mental factors. So being able to keep one’s emotions in check is very important. An angry person, or a depressed person etc will create severe problems on the other side. Best to have a sunny disposition without a doubt.15.11.09
- The universal constant regardless of different logics in different planes is LOVE. Light and love. Love / Energy.24.11.09
- The universal constants are the key to the infinite. 14.12.09 Karachi. (Speed of Light; Planck Constant.)
- The mystic ultimately becomes one with God—truly the son of God. So the deification of Christ is correct. He is not unique as Christians claim, but they are correct in essence. We all ultimately become the true sons and daughters of God.01.01.10
- The paradox of being one with the All and yet still retaining one’s identity is the same paradox as we see inside the atom. When we truly understand the atom and its particles, we will the better understand God.01.10.10
- Paradoxes. They often figure in Zen Buddhism, e.g. ‘what is the sound of one hand clapping?’. I had always assumed that these conundrums were designed to awaken the pupil, and I am sure that is partly their purpose. But I see now that they are also leading us to a fundamental truth, a truth that has to free us from scriptural based religion. The inner or higher truths (the deeper magic wasn’t it in Narnia?) do not obey the logics of the material plane. They are not bound by physical cause and effect, by efficient causality. Other logics pertain, logics that square the circles, resolve the paradoxes. If we grapple with scripture and use mundane logic in an attempt to unlock their mysteries we inevitably fail. Western philosophy cannot unlock the mysteries, because western philosophy is grounded in the logical necessities of the mundane, of the physical world. Hence our problems with what goes on inside the atom, as well as what all the great spiritual leaders were trying to tell us.10.01.10 ************** ************** **************
- Given in meditation. The fourth, crucifixion initiation, is the great tester. Only when one has achieved peace and egolessness amidst pain and dishonour and utter bereftment can one become utterly free. It is the final cleansing. It is the test. It finally drives out the ego, and at the very crisis of the driving out, one transcends the agony and shines through in love and peace. And then it is done.12.10.10
- Given in meditation. Our ultimate destiny is glorious. For when we become one with the ALL, we are the ALL. We are not lost in the infinite ocean, we are the infinite ocean. Great, majestic, all powerful. Complete. And whereas those who take the wrong path, hopefully temporarily, seek that same sort of glory, they seek to achieve that greatness and that power whilst retaining their ego, their self, without also being with the ALL. But when we are one with the ALL, we hurt nobody because we are everybody. And the clue to all the mysteries, the key, is to be found in that great and ultimate paradox, that when we become one with the ALL we do not lose our own identity, indeed we truly find it and become it at the same time. That is the paradox, and if we can understand that, we can unlock all the mysteries of creation and time. (See 383 below)19.01.10
- Following on from 368 above. There are two ways to conquer the world and become all powerful. One is to accentuate the ego and conquer by force of arms or mind. The other is to negate the ego, and thereby to become ONE with all the world.19.01.10
- Our long soul journey starts with separation, and what dominates our journey is our angst at being separate and our desire to reconnect. Sex, love, friendship, parenthood, comradeship, all are manifestations of that fundamental agony and desire. Happiness is found when we are ourselves but are connected. Peace and fulfilment only comes with our union with the All.01.02.10
- The conscious spiritual journey is vital. It is a manifestation of the final stages of our soul journey. But we need to understand that all lives are spiritual. We need to understand that the everyday trials and tribulations of life are intensely spiritual. The humblest soul, struggling and endeavouring for example to bring up a family, stay true to his or her spouse, bring rightness to his or her children, be honest etc etc, is the spiritual life par excellence. We forget that at our peril. .01.02.10
- Given in meditation. The importance of faith is that we can create at the emotional and mental level. For example we can energise ourselves at the emotional and mental levels if we have the faith in the inner working so to do. Faith is to do with salvation only because if we believe enough in our inner life, then we can do anything. Not to have faith is not to be damned. The opposite of salvation is not condemnation and death, it is merely a lack of the abundant life that can be ours, and only a lack until such time as that faith is obtained.04.02.10
- Adopted children and their adoptive parents might feel that they are not ‘linked’ in quite the way that a child and his or her birth parents are. But this is not necessarily the case. For a start the child brought up by adoptive parents has all the links of nurturing which are huge and profound. Also, that child probably has links dating back through previous incarnations. So the adoptive relationship is invariably highly spiritual and utterly linked. It is not second d best. It is the best!13.03.10
- Evil exists. But it is all caused by our karma, both individual and group karma. This grows and becomes darker and darker, more and more [powerful and is inhabited or personified by our elementals that we have created from our desires and lusts. Here come times when everything gives and shifts and erupts like earthquakes with tectonic plates. Then the evil erupts into dreadful orgies of destruction, revenge, etc etc.26.03.10
- When we love (for example our lover or our child) we become connected with that other person, our auras merge. The connection is at a psychic level. It is beautiful and painful, as love is, like beautiful music can be so beautiful it fills us with pain. This is also what we ultimately achieve at enlightenment; we become one with the ALL, yet we are still discrete individuals. We are separate but entirely connected. Just as with love. It is the retention of our uniqueness and identity when we are nonetheless entirely absorbed into the ALL as we are with the person we love that makes it all so beautiful. (See 376 above)30.03.10
- Given in meditation some months ago. I was heading on a quest towards the Tor. But there was a child or children in trouble. So I abandoned my quest to help them. I was bitterly disappointed. But it was a great lesson. The journey is within. The Grail is within us. Every pure selfless act reveals it a little more. We journey to reveal it, uncover it, discover it.31.03.10
- Each new Age is a reincarnation, so there is death then rebirth.01.04.10
- At last I understand something that has always puzzled me. Why do people in love want to consummate that love physically? Lust is understandable, but when there is love there is also that overwhelming need to come together physically. So much deeper than when it is just physical. Now I understand. Love and physical consummation are intertwined. It is the body / soul continuum. Spiritual, mental, emotional love are drawn to include physical love. There is still the need to distinguish between ‘romantic’ love that does intertwine the physical, with platonic love, parental love, friendship love etc. but romantic love is so important. Love brought about the creation. It had to. That sudden outpouring of love, had to devolve down through the planes, even create the planes, until it reached the final possibility, namely gross matter. The universe is the greatest love story ever told. The physical planes is consummation.13.04.10
- Nature spirits work within the natural flow of where they are and of the world. We need to learn from them and fit in much better with that natural flow.28.04.10
- Nature spirits are constantly healing the scars that mankind leaves as we rip through the world’s fabric for our own ends.04.05.10
- Felt in the woods. Everything is alive! The entire world. Mineral, vegetable in particular. Together these life essences are Gaia. All is consciousness. All becomes a vast consciousness that is the soul of the planet, and that shifts and responds to the overall need. This is the Gaia force. Mankind must transcend the animal and merge into that flow. Then we have heaven on earth.04.05.10
- Given twice in a dream. Pantheons, such as the Greek, are childlike, physical ways of looking at deep spiritual matters. They are like a child’s building blocks, truths given in a very basic form. But understand them in that way, and in the same way that a child learns through physical play, so do we learn subliminally through the all but physical and play like stories of the Gods.23.10.05
- Given in meditation. And this follows on from 390 above. The old, pre-scientific way of looking at things was highly symbolic and was always looking for connections. Thus a heart shaped flower was considered to be good for the heart purely because of its shape. It was of course a major breakthrough when Europeans stopped basing their ideas on such associations and actually began to experiment and test. But although our forefathers were wrong, as with their ideas of the Gods, they were actually responding to fundamental truths, but were articulating those truths in childlike, physical ways. Now, sub-atomic physics, our notion of Gaia, both are taking us back to that old view, to the teleological sense of purpose in things. But we go back better equipped, more grownup. 24.05.10
- When modern science tells us that all experiments, all scientific knowledge, tells us that the efficient causality view is correct, that final causality never shows up, they actually miss the elephant in the room. The elephant in the room is that in every single scientific experiment that has ever been conducted, the teleological process is always there. Because the experiment has purpose; the experimenter is the elephant in the room, operating teleological, with purpose, with an aim.25.05.10
- Point made by a man called Christian at TS awareness day during my talk on Gaia. The reason anniversaries are important to women is because they are in tune with the cyclical phases of the Earth and the Moon. They respond to these cycles of their lives. Men are more linear.06.06.10
- Pont made by another person in the audience at my talk on Gaia. The very fact of our tuning into Gaia changes the relationship. As we listen to someone, so the relationship between us is changed.06.06.10
- Point made by Ambrose at TS committee meeting. That homeopathy works because water has a memory. And so although all trace of the vital ‘potion’ has gone, the memory remains. Everything has memory. All is sentient. Memory pervades all, permeates all. It is the fluid within which we move. Thus the cleanliness and purity of our thoughts are vital. For we move in the memory of ourselves.07.06.10
- When the ancients created their myths of the gods and goddesses, and spoke of creation in terms of Gods, goddesses and their progeny, they were intuitively responding to a fundamental truth that we in our modern times have lost. They understood, as we do not, that the creation was sentient. They personified it, and indeed the creation can only be understood when it is personified.08.06.10
- Any experiment has a purpose, is teleological. The experiment necessarily involves efficient causality; but the purpose (the experiment in the whole) is teleological. The experimenter is the teleological elephant in the room.17.06.10
- So is it the feminine principle that ensures ‘as above so below’? Feminine is the circle, the spiral; male is the arrow, the voice. Female is the echo, always creating the web, the wholeness.18.06.10
- Druids have degrees. In Britain, do they become masons? And their degrees? The stones of druidry become the stone of masonry. Is Glastonbury Zodiac a Masonic pattern? Is the Sumerian zodiac 8 or 12?19.06.10
- Celts move to Brittany mid 9th century. Later we have the troubadours in France, chivalry, knightliness, the grail.19.06.10
- Troubadours and masons. Christian but not Christian. Remember Strata Florida abbey.19.06.10
- Druidism, Troubadours, Masonry, the Grail; they are north west Europe’s hidden mystic stream.19.06.10
- When we give esoteric qualities to numbers, we bring the logic of maths into the multidimensional depths of experience, of being.21.06.10
- How a mother feels for her children is how Gaia feels for our planet and it creatures and plants etc.21.06.10
- Shaman imagery is an attempt to explain via images profound mystical experiences. It is just as difficult a process as are the narratives of scripture. All are attempts at explaining the unexplainable, explaining and describing the transcendent.23.06.10
- We know why there is creation. We live the fact of creation in our lives all the time. The force that brought about the process of creation is the same force that brings a man and woman together, the two, to make a baby, the third. The two coming together, make three, bringing forth life and love.12.07.10
- Holograms may prove to be one of the most important scientific and technological breakthroughs of all. This is because every tiny aspect of a hologram contains the whole. And this is a near perfect representation of the truth of ourselves and the cosmos. Every tiny part of everything contains God and God is All. Every tiny speck contains the universe entire.14.07.10
- We are separated from God, we are separated from nature, and we are separated from each other.14.07.10
- Natural selection and karma are the same. One ‘controls’ or evolves physical form—adapting to perfection of form; the other is energy, and that gives a clue to energy. Energy is consciousness? Karma ‘controls’ or evolves behaviour, adapting our energies, our consciousness towards behavioural and motivational perfection.16.07.10
- We cannot understand philosophical and political discourses without understanding the culture from which they emerged. Likewise, we cannot understand scripture. All is relative in this sense and context, and we must delve for the truths by understanding that we can only sense them via the facts of their milieu.26.07.10
- This is the solution to the one becoming the many, and this has been given to me over a number of weeks. I begin with what was given to me last night as I was drifting into sleep and had to get up to write it down. As soon as there is manifestation, as soon as there is ‘the one’, then there is immediately its shadow, its negative, its other side, its reflection, its complementary aspect. This was even shown mathematically when in the thirties it was posited that if there was matter then the maths demonstrated that there must also be anti-matter, which has since been proved to be correct. This was also inferred or seen by the Gnostics and also by the Zoroastrians, who interpreted their insights of the opposite or shadow as evil. It is not, it is merely the necessary other side. In my weekly ‘Wizard’ that I received as a boy, one week a cartoon showed a boy kicking a football into the face of another boy. He asked, ‘how many sides does a football have?’ The answer was ‘two sides, the inside and the outside’. Now as soon as you have the two, consciousness enters and you then have the relationship between the two. That relationship is the three. If we like, it is the holy spirit to the father and son of the beginning. So the early Christians were even right with this in a way. The father and son have to be created at the same time, not Jesus, but the opposite, or one could even look at it as the complementary aspect to the one. Now as soon as you have three you get the seven. There is the original three, then there is the relationship of each to one of the others, which give three more making six, and then there is the relationship experienced of them all, which creates the seven. The seven completes, is holistic and is thereby very powerful.26.07.10
- The symbol of the two overlapping circles with the arrow running through them, can also be a symbol with the arrow pointing in both directions. Then it is not merely matter transcending into spirit but it also demonstrates the ‘as above so below’. Likewise the One necessarily generates or begets its reverse, its negative, its compliment, its BRIDE, because as above so below works in all directions. The one immediately becoming the two is the first manifestation of the Law. And as soon as the one becomes the two, we have as above so below, because the most fundamental of spiritual laws are necessarily multi-dimensional, including that of time.27.07.10
- Apply the significance of the initiations to the creation when the One becomes the Seven, and thereby understand both better. Thus we have the first completionvia consciousness of the Three, the Trinity. So why is the fourth renunciation and pain? Perhaps because there is a repetition of the one knowing the two? Why does the fifth which is either one knowing three or two knowing three involve escape from the world? The relationships after the three have to be understood; which way round are they, though obviously them all knowing each other is that final completion.27.07.10
- Heading for the first initiation, we are involved in a process of individualisation and this manifestation of the self—as we recognise our being as part of all beings, our responsibility, our mission, our service.27.07.10
- Link the seven initiations with the seven rays (are they reversed?); link them also with chakras; note how different chakras relate to each other27.07.10
- Initiations are to do with relationships as is the evolution of the seven from the one.27.07.10
- First initiation: Birth, physical manifestation, Male; Second initiation: Baptism, emotional, love, heart, 6th ray, Female; Third initiation, transfiguration, control with spirit embodied soul, mental mastery, Masterpiece; Fourth initiation, great renunciation, crucifixion, end of worldly work.27.07.10
- Following on from 411 and 393 above when the ‘opposite’ automatically emerges at the creation or manifestation of the One, does the fact that the creation of the three requires consciousness between one and two, requires awareness of the relationship, make the female aspect different. Not sure where the cyclical part comes into this.05.08.10
- Celtic curves and circles possibly represent the female aspect. The cross, which is two lines possibly represents the male. Thought about a month ago and just written down.06.08.10
- The female aspect at creation. The male aspect generates, then impregnates female by closing circle in spirals, creating coherency, beginning-less and endless, structure, the home, the cycles. Thought about a month ago and just written down.06.08.10
- Problem of dualism can only be resolved by the spiral embrace of the female. Thought about a month ago and just written down.06.08.10
- The Druids had no creation myths. Was this because the goddess is dominant? The circle has no beginning or end. Thought about a month ago and just written down.06.08.10
- It is possible that the Indian Gods are elementals. Thought about a month ago and just written down.06.08.10
- Homeopathy might work because the water ‘remembers’ the dilute ingredient. What is memory? Memory transcends time. It is timeless. It might actually show us pathways to the past.Thought about a month ago and just written down.06.08.10
- The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus: “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing”. This is profound and needs great thought.07.08.10
- “Now Hegel went further. He said that my thinking does more than prove my existence: it creates it—in Hegel’s phrase, ‘being is thought’—and it also proves and creates the existence of the outside world. In the dialectic, Hegel claimed, ‘the opposition between being and knowing’ is ended. The knower and what he knows, thesis and antithesis, are fused in the single synthesis of experience.” The Western Intellectual Tradition p 538. From this we see how profound is the coming of the three. When the One comes into manifestation, it necessarily generates the Two as the other side of itself. But the existence of the One and the Two cannot actually occur until there is consciousness of themselves. It is that consciousness that makes the Three truly manifest and active.07.08.10
- Love is when two souls entwine at a higher level, hence the rapture, and hence the pain if there is separation.08.08.10
- Given in meditation. “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing”. This necessarily follows. The one cannot exists without its opposite its bride, and this operates in all dimensions. So as above so below is the multidimensional facet of the truth of the one begetting the two. The inner plane necessarily begets the outer plane as a complement to itself and so on. Hence also the seven planes, unfolding as conscious existences. As above so below is male and female the two making the one, through creation.12.08.10
- See 398 above. The feminine principle is necessarily a circle, because it is the completion of the one. Its circles and spirals are multi-dimensional. Because the two complements the one, it encircles and enfolds in all dimensions, hence the two forces, positive and negative, their complementariness and the melding of as above so below. It is not really feminine; it is beyond feminine. As sexes we take the two aspects, but they are incapable of being separated. We necessarily are both.14.08.10
- Because of ‘as above so below’, so much of what we do ‘mimics’ celestial reality. We cannot help ourselves but to be continually ‘in tune’.17.08.10
- Given while talking to Jon. Seeing us all as the thieves in the night; we are part of the Gnostic archipelago, but now in these modern times, we are emerging more and more, and slowly the little pinpricks of light are growing and even beginning to merge. Slowly we are drawing the new continent of awareness up towards sea level and then ultimately above. This is the age of Everyman. We are all working towards the coming of the new Christ. Only when we have made things ready will the Christ appear. We workers of light, we thieves in the night, are playing a vital and world changing role.19.08.10
- Synchronicity is not a rare or peculiar happening. It is an integral aspect of the ONE of the ONENESS of the cosmos. It is not strange or rare. It is always ‘willing’ itself to happen. As space curves round to make the whole, so people, events, energies, curve round and round, making links creating moments of synchronicity all the time. These moments are inevitable and we only become aware of a few of them.22.08.10
- When we think of the next plane, of the after life, we think of it being like our world, with grass like we have and trees. But this is the wrong way to look at it. What we need to understand is that the grass and flowers and trees, the rivers and sea etc, ‘mimic’ those on the plane above us. They find a way or replicating their form and some of their nature in a physical environment. But the real grass etc exists in a higher state. Likewise the grass and trees on the next plane above us ‘mimics’ the grass and trees of the plane above that and so on. So at higher levels, not only do these things have form, but so their moods are enhanced, and their ability to respond to love etc is greatly enhanced, emotions and feelings and thoughts and love are their nutrients.30.08.10
- Forgiveness and healing are very much linked. They might be essentially the same. This needs to be investigated.05.09.10
- When we transcend the reductionist approach in our thinking we discover that invariably the whole is greater then the sum of its parts. This is the case with love. We could add up all the constituent aspects of our feelings for someone, or that person’s feelings for us, but they would not add up to love. These things are beyond definition. Once we embrace the whole, we enter into areas that are beyond definition. We cannot properly define love, but we all recognise it. This is also the same with God. All is ONE. But the ONE is greater than the sum of all its parts. It is also beyond defining.06.09.10
- Richard Dawkins attacks religions that have belief systems that are thousands of years old. It appears to have escaped his notice that belief systems can evolve. There has been a process of evolution; a wonderful irony. Many of us have moved on from those ancient belief systems. Yet Richard Dawkins who I believe is a good man doing good work, condemns all spiritual belief systems because he finds the ancient ones illogical .08.09.10
- Given in a dream. I was told that a church service should not follow the pattern during the year of Jesus’ life and story, but instead should follow the pattern of our own spiritual evolution and development.15.09.10
- The idea of parallel worlds in science also seems to embrace the concept of multiverses where all possibilities exist. Perhaps this is showing mathematically that ultimately all is One, and as the One is greater than the sum of the parts then all is possible and IS.16.10.09
- In meditation. I saw higher planes. I also saw that it is a huge privilege to be incarnate in the physical. To be incarnate is to be a spiritual warrior, fighting our battles, struggling, coming through. Yes, a huge privilege.28.09.10
- Given to me as I came out of a dream. Every virtue has its shadow side. This is linked to that moment of creation when the ONE automatically presupposes the TWO as its negative or complementary side. This also explains how evil enters. There is the other side to everything. When it is manifested or used negatively, then we have what one might all evil. Our task as individuals and as a race and as a people is to turn our shadow side from being negative shadow into the shining brightness of being complementary. There is much to be pondered here. Note the importance in an astrological chart of the opposite sign. This is actually huge.29.09.10
- The mystery of the TWO, which gives us sex, brings us into the situation that we can experience love, both couples and as families. We learn to serve through love and we experience love. Lust accentuates our individuality, love combines us with the OTHER. Love is not a contract, it is the ONE identifying with the OTHER. It is practice for the ultimate culmination and triumph of our journey.03.10.10
- There is enough in all religions to provide a framework for lives to be led in peace and love and joy and charity etc. There is also enough in all religions for anyone who is bent on hatred and fear and anger etc. It doesn’t depend on the religion. It depends upon the individual man or woman who is the adherent of that religion. Those who choose the way of love and peace etc, regardless of the external religion they adhere to and proclaim are actually adherents of the same universal religion.02.10.10
- The study of religion only took on an historical perspective during the renaissance. At present science is a-historical. Will the time come when science too must take in an historical perspective?06.10.10
- Astrology has to be true, for all is connected, all is synchronicity.06.10.10
- Given in a dream in which I was meeting with theosophists. Change ‘for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’ to ‘for every action there is an equal and complementary reaction’.20.10.10
- ‘The study of electricity today comprehends a vast range of phenomena, in all of which we are brought back ultimately to the fundamental conceptions of electric charge and of electric and magnetic fields. These conceptions are at present ultimates, not explained in terms of others. In the past there have been various attempts to explain them in terms of electric fluids and aethers having the properties of material bodies known to us by the study of mechanics. Today, however, we fid that the phenomena of electricity cannot be so explained, and the tendency is to explain all other phenomena in terms of electricity, taken as a fundamental thing. The question, ‘what is electricity?’ is therefore essentially unanswerable, if by it is sought an explanation of the nature of electricity in terms of material bodies. (1947 Enc Britannica article on electricity). ‘Italics Alana Watts, who continues: This is reminiscent of Lao-tzu beginning ‘The Tao which can be explained is not the eternal Tao’. This also might solve my problem of what is energy. Perhaps, energy, electricity, God, the Tao are all the same ultimate.23.10.10
- ‘The yin-yang principle is not, therefore, what we would ordinarily call a dualism, but rather an explicit duality expressing an implicit unity. The two principles are, as I have suggested, not opposed like the Zoroastrian Ahura Mazda and Ahriman, but in love, and it is curious that their traditional emblem is that double helix which is at once the pattern of sexual communication and of the spiral galaxies.’ Alan Watts, Tao p26.This profound point needs to be linked with as above so below, synchronicity, karma (where our karma is an integral part of us and not something separate tacked onto us) and also twin souls. This duality, as I have already noted with the One necessarily also being the TWO, is fundamental to the creation and to the entire Cosmos. We must always see it as duality, as the TWO complementing and completing the ONE. It is in everything. 24.10.10
- ‘This is called the hsiang sheng or ‘mutually arising’ order of the forces, and utterly fanciful as it may seem to us, it has the special interest of describing a cycle in which cause and effect are not sequential but simultaneous. The forces are so interdependent that no one can exist without all the others, just as there can be no yang without yin.’ Alan Watts, Tao p3324.10.10
- ‘What we are beginning to get at here is a view loft her universe which is organic and relational;--not a mechanism, artefact or creation, and by no means analogous to a political or military hierarchy in which there is a supreme commander. Alan Watts, Tao p3524.10.10
- Following on from Ravenscroft in ‘The Spear of Destiny’ we are Time Beings rather than souls trapped in time. Perhaps Time is both sequential and a unity, because it is primary and thereby indefinable, like light is both particle and wave, and like electrons are known either by position or momentum but not both at the same time. This is because we need to interact with the electron to get any information out of it. But the interaction changes its state. This might all link with the fundamental reality of the ONE necessarily becoming the TWO.29.10.10
- The one and only time I tried marijuana I experienced the paradox of being one with the entire universe and at the same time retaining my identity. This is one of the great mystical paradoxes. But I see now why it is possible and inevitable. It is another aspect of the ONE being the TWO. Each of us retains somewhere in our being the original identity of the ONE. We have differentiated, but we retain the unity. It is locked into us, We are both.02.11.10
- Heidegger and pragmatists tell us that we are not separate from the workld, that there is no Cartesian duality; we are in the world and part of the world. All ‘external’ objects are objects of awareness for us (phenomenology). All is ONE. This also fits in with us as the observer altering things at a subatomic level just by observing.05.11.10
- Gestalt psychology: analysis of parts (reductionism) cannot provide an understanding of the whole. Gestalt psychology aims to alleviate fragmentation of neurotic and psychotic behaviour be developing a unified relationship between the individual and his environment.05.11.10
- When we head out on the spiritual path we inevitably confront difficulties. This might be partly to do with our own issues and karma having to be burned off a bit. But it also seems that some sort of pain has to be poured into worthwhile spiritual projects. I have seen it so often, and have never really understood why. Now as I wrote this in an email I got the answer. It is personal karma as part of it, as we need to be more clear and centred and untroubled in ourselves. The other reason is for the project itself. There needs to be spiritual clearing around the project, as much as anything to create protection for the project. It is a cleansing of both the creators of the project and the space around the project so that it might flourish. It is like gardening. The best gardening is done by a gardener who is at peace, and the best gardens require the soil etc to be prepared and improved. 10.11.10 ************** ************** **************
- Love connects. We cannot break the ties, that is why everything in the Cosmos is connected, because ALL is LOVE, and therefore ALL is ONE. It can never be anything else.10.12.10
- When there is goodness towards another etc, there is thereby connection. All is connected, and when goodness flows, the connection is brightened, electrified etc. There is a completion, and as this is what must come to pass with all the connections between us before pralaya, then goodness quickens the evolution or journey of us all.11.12.10
- Given to me in the woods. I have been brought very low over this last two years. One thing is clear all sense of ambition and specialness has been driven out of me. I then saw that there might still be something for me to do, but it will come in God’s own time and in God’s will. By God I mean my guides and master and all in spirit who care for me. I saw that if I or anyone achieves anything it will be through the cosmos’s will not mine. This is very similar to justification by faith alone. Perhaps the ‘Elect’ of the Protestants is not to do with the ultimate salvation but is to do with what we have to do. Not through our own works do we achieve anything, but through the ultimate working out of universal destiny.14.12.10
- There is THE GREATER PILGRIMAGE. This is quite simply our lives, irrespective of being aware of the spiritual journey. The battle of ordinary people making their choices, struggling, putting up with things, achieving, is a profound journey and is indeed the GREATER PILGRIMAGE.11.12.10
- Connections between us all are vital, and they need to flow and be energised with love. As a consequence, communities are vital, because only with real communities can there be a multiplication of the connections and energy flows.15.12.10
- The female is the connector. Love flows through the natural and instinctive empathy of the female that connects one with the other. Without the female aspect there is no connection.17.12.10
- Near death experiences (NDEs): in the ancient mystical tradition of taking neophyte close to death (as perhaps in the great pyramid), was it perhaps possible that they were attempting to trigger NDEs, thereby achieving a real spiritual change in the neophyte. Terribly dangerous.23.12.10
- By being born male or female we take on fundamental aspects of the creation and of how the inner realms of the cosmos function. It is of huge significance.24.12.10
- Woke to this thought. We are only the journey. There is no end, there is only the journey.27.12.10
- Love doesn’t merely energize or make vital the connections; love is the connections. All is ONE. But all is only ONE because of love.14.01.11
- Our lives, indeed all of history, is centred on moral questions. Our relationships with that which is outside us. Do we link with others and the OTHER. Are we one? Or do we connect and identify with the ONE?08.02.11
- There are so many mystics now, and there are so many operating in groups. 19.02.11
- Given in a dream when I was back at school with Copernicus. In social and personal affairs etc. To every action there is a reaction (unintended consequences) but the reaction is not equal and opposite. This is because invariably the reaction is not measurable by the same quantifiable criteria.16.02.11
- When we pause, have a break, so subconsciously things get ordered in our minds, and then we find we can do things, or have found a way of understanding and resolving problems. This might explain the purpose of sleep, also of rest between incarnations, and also Manvantara leading to Pralaya at the greater cosmic level.13.03.11
- What if reincarnation, masters etc. is all true, but none of the masters have total knowledge, and it is for each life wave to create knowledge and understanding for themselves? So we all evolve in knowledge and understanding together.13.04.11
- Karma is to reincarnation as natural selection is to evolution. In both processes there is progression. Karma operates as a determinant, slowly, sometimes painfully adjusting an individual entity’s behaviour and attitude through a myriad of incarnations. It acts as a mechanism in a similar way to how natural selection operates as a mechanism.01.04.11
- This is part of an email I sent to Jenn MacCormack: Jenn in some respects we are all sleepwalkers. We catch glimpses of what we should be doing and where we should be. But most of the time we follow our star as if half asleep. It is as it should be. If nothing else it teaches us to trust. Trust our star, trust our intuition, trust the guidance that has us in its care. We learn trust in our relationships too of course. There are moments when we come close to being awake. When we actually catch glimpses of the journey. Your stars drew you and Ioanna to Wales. I was drawn too. As of course was Jon. I do not absorb the Celtic culture and spirit as you do. Or at least, I think I don’t. But I am here. Also drawn a little as a child. But knowing in my early twenties that north Wales was exactly where I should be. Part of my journey. Part of my being. I had to leave many times, but it travelled with me wherever I was. Why? Because everything is a mystery, we learn to trust. Because everything is a mystery, we learn to open portals into our intuitive centres. You are part of my mystery. So are Ioanna and Jon. You are all whispering to me of Wales and why I am here. I am blessed to have three such good people whispering to me. 03.04.11 ************** **************
- “‘All things have each their own different principle, whereas Tao brings the principles of all things into single agreement. Therefore it can be both one thing and another, and not in one thing only.’(Han Fei Tzu) this is, again, analogous to Kropotkin’s anarchy. If each thing follows its own li it will harmonize with all other things following theirs, not by reason of rule imposed from above but by their mutual resonance (ying) and interdependence.” (Tao the Watercourse Way, Alan Watts p51)21.04.11
- “Just as every point on the surface of a sphere may be seen as the centre of the surface, so every organ of the body and every being in the cosmos may be seen as its centre and ruler. This is like the Hindu-Buddhist principle of karma—that everything which happens to you is your own action or doing. Thus in many states of mystical experience or cosmic consciousness the difference between what you do and what happens to you, the voluntary and the involuntary, seems to disappear. This feeling may be interpreted as the sense that everything is voluntary—that the whole universe is your action and will. But this can easily flip into the sense that everything is involuntary. The individual and the will are nothing, and everything that might be called ‘I’ is as much beyond control as the spinning of the Earth in its orbit. But from the Taoist standpoint these two views fall short. They are polar ways of seeing the same truth: that there is no ruler and nothing ruled. What goes on simply happens of itself (tzu-jan) without either push or pull, since every push is also a pull and every pull a push, as in using a steering wheel. This is, then, a transactional view of the world, for as there is no buying without selling, and vice versa, there is no environment without organisms, and vice versa. This is, again, the principle of ‘mutual arising’ (hsiang sheng). As the universe produces our consciousness, our consciousness evokes the universe; and this realisation transcends and closes the debate between materialists and idealists (or mentalists), determinists and free-willers, who represent the yin and the yang of philosophical opinion.” (Tao the Watercourse Way, Alan Watts p53)21.04.11
- “In a similar way, what appears through a microscope to be a mass of plastic lumps bristling with spines is, to the naked eye, the clear skin of a girl. Put very crudely, mysticism is the apprehension of one thing doing everything. Taoists put it more subtly so that ‘doing’ does not have the sense of one thing, the Tao, forcing and compelling others.” (Tao the Watercourse Way, Alan Watts p94)21.04.11
- “He (Alan Watts) goes on to show, with parallels from the West, that mysticism and empiricism go together in opposition to scholasticism—that they base themselves on the nonlinear world of experience rather than the linear world of letters. What is important for the mystic is not belief in the right doctrine but attainment of the true experience, whereas the scholastic theologians would not look through Galileo’s telescope because they considered that they already knew, from Scripture, the order of the heavens. The scientist and the mystic both make experiments in which what has been written is always subordinate to the observation of what is. Confucians, along with Hebrew, Islamic, and Catholic scholastics, as well as Protestant fundamentalists, are like tourists who study guidebooks and maps instead of wandering freely and looking at the view.” (Tao the Watercourse Way, Alan Watts p119)21.04.11
- One reason we like to contemplate nature is because it is outside history; nature is timeless.(These notes, and the few that follow were not entered into the computer at the time) 03.06.01
- Vegetarianism is ‘new age’ because it is an identification with nature, and with animals in particular. Oneness.02.06.01
- In dreams, are we sometimes getting glimpses of our past lives, but couched in contemporary imagery?24.06.01
- When the aged begin to delve into early memories of their life, especially those with Alzheimer’s, they might actually be beginning the process of reconciliation with a ‘judgement’ of their past acts, which they will complete on the other side of the grave.24.06.01
- Was the holocaust a huge magical human sacrifice? Every day a magic rite of death to further the aims etc of the fatherland?28.06.01
- Was human sacrifice of holocaust (see 480 above) done to aid world conquest, or was conquest undertaken to enable unleashing of the holocaust sacrifice? If the latter, then Hitler achieved what he wanted; what are the consequences?01.07.01
- Nazism was perversion of spirit (Lucifer). Communism was perversion of materialism (Ahriman)01.07.01
- To take the Bible literally is to diminish it. The virgin birth, as an example, is one thing when taken literally, but when meditated on as an allegory it can lead us to far more profound a truth.10.05.11
- Scientists assume there was only a physical creation. But what we need to remember is that it started on the inner planes, spreading downwards, plane by plane. So when the physical at last manifests we get the instantaneous inflation as it is the etheric manifesting outwards onto the physical as the central impulse on the physical ‘calls’ that manifestation into being.29.05.11
- With regards to the fundamental duality, we should talk of male / female rather than positive / negative. This is because male / female gives us that vital sense of sentiency and quality rather than something that is merely quantitative. Also, within the male there will always be female aspects, and vice versa, and also ad infinitum.19.07.11
- With much of shamanism, whether it is seen as spiritual or whether it is that shamanism that unconsciously operates in football crowds and dances etc, we have in operation a fundamental key. Within the shamanistic experience there is a profound sense of oneness with each other. The football crowd responding together, for example, to a goal. That is a form of magic. And rather like maths operates in both directions, we see that heightened or peak experience all but ‘manufactured’ as each individual becomes momentarily part of the whole. That is our ultimate quest. We can achieve it through meditation and we can also generate a form of it when responding with many others, achieving a semblance (more than a parody) of the ultimate divine oneness. As in maths, of course, there can always be a negative aspect to this: the crowd bent on mayhem or revenge for example. Interesting to consider to what extent the individual in the rioting mob is in a heightened or transcendent state.17.08.11
- I woke in the night where I was actually experiencing the fact that everything we do and think and feel is present in all the planes of being. All complete. A full circle of that experiencing. Always we are at all the levels. Everything we do and think and feel affects and reflects all the levels of being. This was more than a knowing. I was experiencing this.25.08.11.
- This is speculation. But I ask myself this. Is the female form more indicative of our higher self form than the male form. I ask this because as children we are more female-like. I note that with former pupils it is easier to recognise the grownup girls than it is the grownup boys. The boys change to much as they become men. The girls do not as they become women. Is the female form our fundamental and spiritual form? So is it possible that boys necessarily have to ‘deviate’ from the true form in order to become strong so that they can fulfil their roles as providers and protectors in a physical world? In non-physical worlds this would not be necessary. Also, (and I hope this is not me just being a man speaking here) I note that the female form is more ethereal, more spirit like and spiritual. Quite simply more beautiful.26.08.11
- Parents, and especially mothers, try to create an environment of magic for their children; something of wonder that spiritually embraces them. Is there something to be learnt from that?20.09.11
- Woke in the night to this: the creative urge (sex) is very powerful, but it is the ‘creative’ urge; and parallels the original impulse of the creation. .
- As above so below, and the action of karma are integrally linked. As above so below is the female aspect, it encompasses all, the female impulse to empathy is part of the all embracing interconnectedness that permeates the entire cosmos and makes it One even when it appears to be Many. Action, and the karmic consequences of actions are the male impulse. This is the impulse that informs and constructs and shapes the all. It is separate, because it is action that affects something else; but what it affects and the impulse that creates the action is always connected. Karma happens because of the interconnectedness of the all. Karma has to happen, because action affects the interconnected all. Action ripples out through the tapestry of the all and karma ripples back. Karma can only happen because of the interconnectedness, the as above so below. Bad karma is a product of us as individuals or groups acting in a separated way, for ourselves. But the karmic consequences are unavoidable because we are never separate. We are always connected. So we only avoid karma when we act totally in synch with the interconnectedness of the All.22.09.11
- The female aspect of ourselves leads us to empathy with everyone, and this can already be seen operating in a horizontal fashion as we become empathetic with those around us, and even as groups recognise others as being linked with ourselves. But the female aspect also operates vertically. Thus we are using the female aspect of ourselves when we meditate and link in with higher levels. It is the same impulse.22.09.11
- I at last understand the New Age movement. My instinct that there could be a grand universal theory covering all the extraordinarily disparate topics that new agers are drawn to has proved to be correct. It came as I was reading a book onmedieval monasticism and Bury St Edmunds and its early years was mentioned and I found myself wondering why new agers would see it as significant (ley lines). And there it was. Every single topic is there because it is seen as being significant. The underlying belief system is that each of these topics is interlinked with other topics, and time-wise with past and future. New Agers are responding to the impulse of the age; that everything is linked, is interconnected (as above so below; alpha & omega). Thus absolutely everything is speaking to us of great truths if we can only hear them. They must be, because the simplest thing is intimately connected with everything else and with the very motivating impulses of the cosmos. IT IS PROFOUND. Even when some New Agers link on to something that seems absurd, they are actually responding to the impulse of our age and are thereby not really wrong.26.09.11
- Of course dark forces exist—they have been created by us, as some (perhaps all of us in different incarnations) have broken spiritual / moral law to achieve our ends. And so the dark power created builds up, feeds off itself and us. How follish of me to have ever doubted it!11.10.10
- As above, so below, vertical and horizontal—all fauna, flora etc are part of the whole, part of the web; they are all manifestations and reflections of the ultimate source, the ALL.11.10.11
- Given in meditation: To understand the order and the meaning of the elements, one must delve deep into the highest planes; there will be found the true order and the deep meaning of all the elements, indeed of all the lower manifestations of creation. Thus oxygen and hydrogen and how they come together to make water which is so vital for life, have profound inner and deep significance, purpose and meaning.18.10.11
- Coming round from sleep, and I was drifting into meditation. Suddenly I was given this: that the opening chapter of genesis, and the six / seven days of creation refer to the formation of the seven planes.21.10.11
- With early Islam and Christianity orthodoxy was vital. With the emergence of the wild Arab and Germanic tribes orthodoxy was essential to ensure reasonable personal and social mores and behaviour. It would have been chaotic otherwise and even more bloody. There is a deep atavistic element to the Germanic and Arab races; orthodoxy was vital to balance this.23.10.11
- In the inner planes, especially those of pure spirit, all beauty is within us; not the beauty of our surroundings, but the experience of the beauty that is ourselves. That is why the nurturing of beautiful thoughts and feelings is so important, for it builds our wondrous eventual selves. The purpose of our journey through countless incarnations is to send an aspect of ourselves down into separation, so that our inner beauty is not merely a legacy of our divine creation, but actually becomes our own construction, our own achievement. And when that is done, we are at last ONE with ourselves.07.11.11
- Everything has to be cyclical, because all must be ONE, and all can only be ONE when it is bounded by its own manifestation and becoming. The return completes its oneness. It becomes, but always IS.12.11.11
- The one true religion is LOVE. Given in a dream.18.11.11
- When different religions or sects clash, they do so because the presence of the other makes them feel insecure, because the other also exposes a creed or belief system. Each is exclusive, sees only one path, and thus the other is an intellectual and above all a psychological threat. It all happens at the boundaries, where change is always threatening.30.11.11
- The linear process leads to entropy; only a cyclical process ensures revitalisation. Do we have a boundary at the completion of the circle? Or not? Is the completion of the circle a boundary, a resettling, a rebirth?Linear / entropy, taken from ‘The Magic of Findhorn’.21.12.11
- The old does not pass for the new to arise; with the cyclical process the old becomes the new; the new is the old, but the passing of the barrier / boundary wipes clean, refreshes, makes new.21.12.11
- The journey is more important than the end. In life, how we play the game is more important than whether we win or lose. There is a great cosmic secret here that our progress is predicated on the shape of the journey, onevery moment of the journey, and not on the completion of the journey. In our hearts we know this, though so often we ignore it. But what we have missed is that in inwardly acknowledging this we are on the brink of on e of the universe’s greatest secrets.28.01.12
- When we eliminate self from our dealings with others, we begin to live the oneness of the ALL.29.01.12
- There are many pathways to God; all are valid; also all of them (in their essence) are necessary. We must experience and achieve all the ways. Thus in Hinduism there is jaana (knowledge), karma (action) and bhakti (devotion). They are all to be known and undertaken, and this probably gives us an important insight into the essence of the Cosmos and our journey which is of course the journey of the entire cosmos.30.01.12
- The ancient mysteries taught us that we are all sons of God; and this truth can take us deeper into greater mysteries.25.02.12
- Jesus & Dionysus did not die for the sins of the world. This is actually the symbolization of our own journey; that the crucifixion is undergone to cleanse ourselves of our own sins (our karma) in order that we might be born again free of the troubles of the material plane, and free to be pure spirit.19.02.12
- Male and female are like different species. They are now melding as equality becomes manifest. This is a huge spiritual transformation, a gateway, a healing, a great initiation process for mankind.03.03.12
- The emergence of the feminine, the merging of Male / female, constitutes for our time a great healing.12.03.12
- Given in a dream. Because all is conscious, as activity goes round and round, repeating; after a number of cycles there is an inevitable qualitative difference and thereby there has to be an inevitable leap to a new cycle at a higher level.16.03.12
- The tree of knowledge is gnosis. It is also vertical, and therefore is a gnomon. The female is reviled for eating of the gnosis. We see the apple with Eve and also with Newton.20.03.12
- There is a reason why people who take the spiritual path almost automatically become interested in health food, healing, the environment etc. It is because the spiritual path opens up awareness of the ONENESS of all, so one automatically embraces the holistic all, identifying with the All.22.03.12
- The Gnostics were the New Agers of their time.12.04.12
- Being part of a community is vital to our psychic health. In a community we connect with each other, with the All; we live with the Oneness and are thereby whole. Likewise, we only become the whole when we become the All, the One.17.04.12
- Importance of Oneness also applies to why healing is vital. Awareness of the One, living the One. Healing occurs when the One is begun to be lived. This is also why marriage or commitment is vital, for the two become One. This can also explain why people hark back to the comradeship of the war and the forces, and even the attraction of the free Korps and of gangs.17.04.12
- When you save a soul you open a gate for them to pass through into new Being, new awareness. It is a form of initiation. All is door / window, passing.24.04.12
- All is ONE. All the physical world we now know is indeed One. Sub atomic particles are all made of the same elementary particles.03.05.12
- Looking at reality mathematically / analytically is clearly powerful. But the ultimate reality transcends analogue and digital; mathematical / digital is discrete bits, when ultimately all morphs into All for All is One.04.05.12
- So much religious doctrine becomes dreadfully convoluted as a consequence of not believing in reincarnation and karma. Without those two fundamentals it is very difficult to square all the circles.04.06.12
- Pain and struggle etc before an initiation is vital. As we become psychically more powerful after an initiation it is vital that our ego is diminished. If it is not, then the left-hand path becomes a potential option.13.06.12
- Who created God? What came before the Big Bang? Perhaps this is an unnecessary question. ALL is ONE, and that includes Time. Before and after are part of the ONE.15.06.12
- Science is dualist and reductionist in its methodology. But we are entering a stage when at last we are recognising existence of systems and the interdependence of everything in nature. Eg eco systems and the extraordinary chain of interdependences. This new understanding will ultimately transform scientific methodology.. In other word we will move to more holistic approaches.24.06.12
- The sins we feel guilty of are sins that in others we would readily forgive.26.06.12
- Our purpose is to bring up each generation. It is through reincarnation that we progress; all else is peripheral. So we must procreate and nurture; and by doing so humanity’s progress continues.01.07.12
- Through these latter centuries humanity has lost the ability to have a proper relationship with nature, with Mother Earth, with the Goddess. We have become divorced, separate. But an extraordinary thing is happening. We are re-learning. Because at last Man is merging with Woman, becoming coequal. We are re-learning, our culture is becoming more feminine, and thus with our profound new knowledge we can at last achieve reconciliation with the Goddess.02.07.12
- All is impermanence, and necessarily so, because all is cyclic. But when space and time are ONE then all is permanence and that is God. The male is ONE I. The female is God in manifestation, in cyclic flow. Yet all is held in the ONE, in the generating Wand. Manifestation can only occur when the One that is Male creates the O that is female. So the Biblical creation of Eve from the rib of Adam at a deep level is spot on. 07.07.12
- Impermanence is built into manifestation, as soon as anything ‘becomes’ then there is change from the state before. But the female, cyclic evolution / ovulation is held in the eternal stasis of the ONE, the single point of everything; space and time.07.07.12
- Laws of physics apply everywhere in the universe. This is the same principle as ‘as above, so below’. 08.07.12
- Having families teaches us incarnation by incarnation to live by and through LOVE.10.07.12
- When we have associations e.g. plants looking like hearts so being used as medicine for hearts, or the Valley of the Kings having a pyramid shaped mountain at the head of the valley, this is people instinctively responding to the oneness, interconnectedness and synchronicity of everything, of the All.24.07.12
- In the 19th century existentialism appears; this is the beginning of linking the rationally analysed phenomena and concepts and the inner experience and Being.27.07.12
- I am reading the Miss Read books. I was sitting lamenting the loss of community of those interknit village communities that she writes about so beautifully. Then I heard a quiet voice, like someone whispering from far away. The voice was saying that this is a necessary stage, that mankind is learning individuation, a breaking free of that interdependence that I mourn, in this man will grow and later can return to being part of communities.31.07.12
- It has to be ‘as above so below’, because ALL is ONE.14.08.12
- Pyramids and other symbols are important to us because deep in us is an innate ‘ancestral’ knowledge of the meaning of these symbols. They speak to us, but we are not entirely sure what they say. If we could interpret their archetypal symbolism we would understand much.16.08.12
- Intuition is powerful because All is One; the intuitive process, unlike rationalism, does not go step by step, but is feminine and embraces all possibilities and thereby makes connections that the analytic process cannot.20.08.12
- The ultimate creative Reality – the ONE, the CAUSE – is / are the LAW itself. Pralaya is when the LAW simply IS, and that which must manifest and abide by the LAW simply IS NOT. ‘In the beginning was the WORD’.22.08.12
- God is the Law itself. Herein lies a Mystery. As the Aquarian Age got underway, LAW became key. The Laws of Science and the Cosmos came to be slowly revealed, and the Rule of Law became manifest within many nation states.29.08.12
- With regards to 22.08.12 above we must consider the spirit of the word. Perhaps that is the male / female aspect. The Word as a commanding LAW is a male structure. But it cannot exist without the interpenetrating and above all the informing female aspect of the SPIRIT of the LAW. So male is structure of creation, and this is informed, given life and relevance and purpose and shape and life by the female spirit.02.09.12 (and added to 02.08.13)
- With regards to 02.09.12 above: SPIRIT is LOVE.05.09.12
- When a child is born there is the mother and child’s birth pain. When someone dies, there is the pain of dying, and the emotional pain of the bereaved.27.09.12
- “Seeing all your lovely trees in worship of God’s beauty.” – ‘Letters from Lancelot’ p1327.09.12
- “Life begins through light.” – ‘Letters from Lancelot’ p4702.10.12
- “Love and light are the same.” – ‘Letters from Lancelot’ p4702.10.12
- “We make each other through procreation, so all is One body.” – ‘Letters from Lancelot’ p4702.10.12
- Given in a dream. It is not the end result of our life that matters, it is the shape of the journey, the story in its entirety, not the linear end result. So we must see our life just as much through our female, cyclic selves, as through our analytic male selves.08.10.12
- The seven ages of man – birth through childhood through old age through death – are vital. They are part of the pattern, because our lives must follow the same cycle as does evolution. All is cyclic, evolutionary, and in synchronicity with all the other cycles (above and below). And synchronicity must be, because ALL is ONE.02.11.12
- Given in dream. A priori and a posteriori . One, a posteriori, proceeding from effects to causes, is for man to create and know the world. The other a priori, proceeding from causes to effects is about the direct unravelling of God’s creation. Do they weave about each other?25.12.12
- This has been nagging at me for a year or more. The problem with astrology. Then it came just this afternoon, on my birthday. Astrology is correct in seeing the interconnectedness of absolutely everything, but because it seeks to grapple sense and even advantage from this great Truth it simply becomes a mechanistic exercise. The interconnectedness of the All is not machine-like. It is more subtle, and all information flows in both directions and all directions simultaneously.07.01.13
- Why is love important? Because through love we transcend self. Through love we practise our ultimate destiny: becoming One with the Other. 17.01.13
- It is our sexualising that draws us out of the innocence and wildness of childhood into the completion and complexity of adulthood. Again there is something profound in this – our sexualisation parallels something vital in our spiritual journey and evolution, and also in that of the great Cosmos itself.27.01.13
- Sexuality sees us reaching out for our opposite (male or female) to achieve completion BALANCE. There is such a great mystery hidden in this.27.01.13
- Given as I woke. I remembered a couple I used to see at the Concorde Jazz club in Southampton. They were so in love and so right for each other. I was shown that they had to have this perfect union this incarnation, and that how our incarnations pan out is a result of an incredibly complex weaving of patterns. Karma is only part of it, the future – missions etc – plays its part too. I was then shown that we can only understand these things at an intuitive level, which means being cognizant of the whole, of everything, all the connections past and future. So ultimate knowledge is unintuitive, but as we go higher so that intuitive knowing becomes more real and more substantial and more substantiated. It is our destiny. I was then given the sense that the playing out of a soul over myriad incarnations is a weaving that is like a great symphony; complex and surprising and ultimately beautiful and ultimately suffused with purpose and truth.16.03.13
- Man / woman come together. It is a form of complementarity and completion. Out of it comes the urge for procreation / creation; and then the nurturing and even more profound the loving of that which is created, the progeny. So the original cosmic creation was an inescapable imperative of Love. (See 04.04.13 below)19.03.13
- We should note this. The woman leans on the man, seeks his strength and steadiness as she swims through her sea of connection and empathy. She is the nurse, the healer; he is the bridge, the foundation, the structure, the fabric. She is the life that flows across that structure.21.03.13
- Is energy the female flow, and man the matter? E=MC². Interchangeable. So much to learn here. 21.03.13 ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** **************
- (See 19.03.13) When children we operate at an instinctive and elemental level. But puberty—the awakening of sexuality and the need for the OTHER separates us from our origins (mother / father) and ‘transmutes’ the elemental so that we become responsible, independent and rational. The Cosmos must during its enfoldment do the same.04.04.13
- (See 04.04.13) Given as I awoke this morning. During the Pralaya (night-time) of Brahma the Cosmos is ‘infantile’ and elemental, it is in the dream of childhood. Prior to manifestation and the Manvantara (daytime) of Brahma there comes separation into male / female and thereby the imperative of creation. The great love story then begins.06.04.13
- Is it possible that the explanation for all the paradoxes within the atom is because the subatomic particles exist on the inner astral / etheric planes?12.04.13
- The resolution of paradoxes is achieved within the all encompassing ONE. Opposites become ONE.12.04.13
- All manifest life takes in food to receive energy from it. As we process up the planes we need less energy because we become more and more pure energy until ultimately we ARE energy. So what is energy? Is energy thought? What does that mean? Or is energy ‘SELF’? (09.10.13)16.04.13
- The animal kingdom act at an instinctive level. This is part of a complex ‘web’ of life that is part of, a manifestation of, Gaia. So all the animal kingdom and to some extent the vegetable kingdom, moves and shifts and acts to the needs and moods of Gaia. So the instinctive is also the intuitive? They are clearly linked, the former at a physical level, the latter at an emotional and mental level.17.04.13
- As one gets older, one becomes more aware of all our ages – so in every child we see the grandparent, and vice versa. ALL is ONE in time also, and the great purpose of old age is to live and be in that timelessness that is ALL Time.21.04.13
- We can only make sense to ourselves when we see ourselves over time – in narrative. This is one reason why Manifestation and Incarnation are necessary. Only when we step into Time can there be narrative, and thus true knowing.24.05.13
- Great changes, e.g. Christianity emerging out of Greek / Hebrew / Mystery Cults / Eastern thinking; and the Renaissance coming out of Greek philosophy / European culture / Christianity; and modern thinking as East and West merge, are syncretic; they are male and female fertilizations. Perhaps the universe could not become manifest until the male / female energy vibration occurred. When male / female merge, there is field interference, and out of that come enormous energy, potential and creativity. It is FUSION.09.06.13
- ALL is ONE. This even includes matter and energy, for E=MC² 15.06.13 **************
- The mystery religions, and most importantly Christianity, can make sense if we see the Christ figure, the Adonis, the progeny of a virgin, as our higher or inner selves. AS OURSELVES!!!!20.07.13
- The key is in PARADOX. Because we see within the atom that particles can be two things at once. So with the ideas that lie at the heart of the ultimate TRUTHS. Impossibilities bound up in paradox. And why? Because ALL is ONE.
- Evolution is not accidental. It is a fundamental aspect of the Divine of the ultimate reality. Understand why the journey, the evolutionary process if fundamental, and we take a step closer to understanding.20.07.13
- Evolution is not only a result of efficient causality. It is also TELEOLOGICAL. Has to be.20.07.13
- The world, nature, all the plants and creatures are beautiful because all are manifestations of the Divine and the Divine is necessarily and intrinsically beautiful.22.07.13
- There was no First Moment of Creation. But there was a First Moment of Procreation. (See 19.03.13 above)30.07.13
- ALL is ONE. That also means that ONE is ALL. We become ALL, but we retain our ONENESS. There appears to be a paradox in that, but within that paradox lies the beautiful mystery.14.08.13
- There was, perhaps, no sudden inflation immediately after the Big Bang. Creation was multidimensional. So-called inflation occurred on the higher planes and eventually ‘expanded’ out into the physical plane.30.09.13
- ALL is ONE. The ALL is the female aspect; the ONE is the male aspect.08.10.13
- Love. We have the fusion of male / female, but also that of mind / body. So the ALL becomes ONE. We recognise it as LOVE because that is the ultimate destiny of the Cosmos andourselves; we instinctively recognise that. When the ultimate absorption into ONE occurs there is an explosion in opposite direction of Love. What happens to it? New universe?07.11.13
- Golden Age. Not an Age that has gone before, but the higher realms which are indeed from where we came, and within us is that soul journey memory.24.11.13
- (See 559 06.04.13 & 558 04.04.13 above). New research on the brain shows that male / female differentiation within the brain does not occur until puberty. Sex and brains Vive la différence! A new technique has drawn wiring diagrams of the brains of the two sexes. The contrast between them is illuminating. Dec 7th 2013 MEN and women do not think in the same ways. Few would disagree with that. And science has quantified some of those differences. Men, it is pretty well established, have better motor and spatial abilities than women, and more monomaniacal patterns of thought. Women have better memories, are more socially adept, and are better at dealing with several things at once. There is a lot of overlap, obviously. But on average these observations are true. Suggesting why they are true in evolutionary terms is a game anyone can play. One obvious idea is that because, in the days of hunting and gathering, men spent more time wandering away from camp, their brains needed to be adapted to able to find their way around. They also spent more time tracking, fighting and killing things, be they animals or intrusive neighbours. Women by contrast, politicked among themselves and brought up the children, so they needed to be adapted to enable them to manipulate each other’s and their children’s emotions to succeed in their world. Finding out why sex differences are true in neurological terms—in other words, how the brain is wired up to create them—is another matter altogether. To play this game you have to have a lot of expensive kit, not just a comfortable chair from which to pontificate. And that is exactly what Ragini Verma of the University of Pennsylvania and her colleagues do have. As a result, as they outline in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they have been able to map out differences in the ways male and female brains are cabled and match them, at least to their own satisfaction, to the stereotypes beloved of both folklore and psychology.Sugar and spice or puppy-dogs’ tails?Neurology has been revolutionised over the past couple of decades by a range of techniques that can scan living brains. Dr Verma’s technique of choice is diffusion tensor imaging. This follows water molecules around the brain. Because the fibres that connect nerve cells have fatty sheaths, the water in them can diffuse only along a fibre, not through the sheath. So, diffusion tensor imaging is able to detect bundles of such fibres, and see where they are going.Dr Verma and her team applied the technique to 428 men and boys, and 521 women and girls. Their results are summarised in the two diagrams above, which show connection trends averaged from the sum of participants’ brains.The two main parts of a human brain are the cerebrum, above and towards the front, which does the thinking, and the cerebellum, below and towards the back, which does the acting. Each is divided into right and left hemispheres. As the diagrams show, in men (the left-hand picture) the dominant connections in the cerebrum are those, marked in blue, within hemispheres. In women, they are those, marked in orange, between hemispheres. In the cerebellum (not visible because it is under the cerebrum), it is the other way around.What this means is open to interpretation, but Dr Verma’s take is that the wiring differences underlie some of the variations in male and female cognitive skills. The left and right sides of the cerebrum, in particular, are believed to be specialised for logical and intuitive thought respectively. In her view, the cross-talk between them in women, suggested by the wiring diagrams, helps explain their better memories, social adeptness and ability to multitask, all of which benefit from the hemispheres collaborating. In men, by contrast, within-hemisphere links let them focus on things that do not need complex inputs from both hemispheres. Hence the monomania.When it comes to the cerebellum, the extra cross-links between hemispheres in men serve to co-ordinate the activity of the whole sub-organ. That is important because each half controls, by itself, only one half of the body. Hence men have better motor abilities—or, in layman’s terms, are better co-ordinated than women.Dr Verma’s other main finding is that most of these differences are not congenital. Rather, they develop with age. Her volunteers ranged from 8 to 22 years old. The brains of boys and girls aged 8 to 13 demonstrated only a few differences, though all were of the type that later became pronounced. Adolescents, those aged 13 to 17, showed more. Young adults, over 17, more still. Sex differences in brains—those visible to this technique, at least—thus manifest themselves mainly when sex itself begins to matter.Dr Verma’s work is important not only for what it has shown, but also as a demonstration of the power of diffusion tensor imaging. Studying the brain, particularly the living brain, is a uniquely hard scientific problem. The American government has recently promised to spend serious amounts of money doing so, through what it dubs the BRAIN initiative—the inevitable contrived acronym supposedly standing for Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies.As that name suggests, advances in brain research depend on the development of better ways of looking at brains while they are alive and firing. This will be hard. But work like Dr Verma’s shows the rewards of doing it. 15.12.13 ************** ************** **************
- Evolution is not a mere accidental process that happens to be linked with creative design. Evolution is fundamental to creative design because the ALL must flow from the ONE, naturally evolving / emerging.16.12.13
- (See 580 16.12.13 above) Evolution is a perfect demonstration of the ONE becoming the ALL. We see evolution of living organisms starting with a single cell and then slowly evolving into multi-cell creatures and ultimately the rich diversity of plant and animal species that inhabit out planet today.17.12.13
- ALL is ONE. ONE becomes ALL. Everything is evolved from atoms. All atoms are made from the same stuff. Will we find that ultimately all subatomic particles are made from the same primeval sub-particle / force / field? 19.12.13
- Astrology is part of the great evolutionary progression, emergence of the ALL is ONE; the ONE becomes ALL: it’s inescapable. Astrology is MOOD music, not quantifiable or mechanical, but fluid and feminine aspect – cyclical, empathetic.30.12.13
- ALL is ONE, therefore astrology must be at some level correct because ALL is connected. ALL is ONE, therefore healing must work because everything must be dealt with as connected. Astrology and healing must therefore be interlinked and must operate in the same way.31.12.13
- Astrology. Doors, Janus, January, two-faced God of doorways, beginnings and transitions.01.01.14
- The Universal Law of Gravity, the weak force (field) that permeates everything. Why gravity? Because ALL is ONE. The attractive force / field is fundamental, omnipresent, and has a mathematical value (maths is the logic of the universal mind, of meaning, of the entire ground of being. STUFF = the Field of Attraction – the stuff – the various energies or fields.07.01.14
- In efficient causality A & effect B are separate, connected in some way by force or energy. In teleology or final causality, A & B are two parts of the whole. They are contained within each other.08.01.14
- Homeopathy is said not to work because it is so dilute. The argument is that as solutions or substances are diluted they lose strength or efficacy. But graphene is pure carbon that is just one atom thick, and at that level of ‘dilution’, the carbon’s properties are suddenly enhanced and magnified. Graphene is incredibly strong. A very interesting parallel here. The remarkable properties only appear when then ‘dilution’ is at its maximum, i.e. just one atom thick.14.01.14
- The cycle of the signs of the zodiac; do they symbolize the great spiritual quest journey?28.01.14
- When you take the individual parts of nature, all is fear and blood and hunger. But as a whole it is beautiful. So too with our bodies. Our internal organs are grim, but our bodies as a whole are beautiful. It is only when we embrace the whole, the All, the holistic – as in healing – that we see the truth and the beauty.24.02.14
- Synchronicity is not coincidental or haphazard. It is how the universe works. Because ALL is ONE. So synchronicity is all around us, the fabric of our being, the field through which we journey,24.03.14
- One God. In the Bible: John 10.30 I and (my) Father are one. The Lord is One. Monotheism touched on the great truth that ALL is ONE. But they missed its significance.02.04.14
- ALL is ONE. Therefore All is connected and interconnected, therefore synchronicity. Astrology is an aspect of the synchronicity. But the connectedness is not only spatial. It is also temporal. Of course it is! That means that Space and Time either have a quality, or are illusory, or looked at from different perspectives are both.11.04.14
- The Golden Rule: ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. This is central to all faiths. And it is indeed central and fundamental. Because it is the vital recognition that we are all connected, that none of us can be an island. All is One. Along with the vital insight that we are made in God’s image, because All is One, so we are indeed parts of God, the Golden Rule is all we need to know. As that pre-Christian rabbi quoted by Karen Armstrong said. All else is commentary.14.05.14
- ALL is ONE. John 17:21: ‘that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.’18.05.14
- Fundamentalists work harder interpreting ancient scripture for modern times, than if they just worked it all out for themselves.02.06.14
- ALL is ONE. The ALL is in constant flux; but is unchanging and opermanent when seen as the All encompassing the ONE.18.06.14
- Jung sees the psyche as a self-regulating organism that seeks inner and outer harmony (as with Lovelock’s Gaia). Its products are not, as with Freud, merely the effects of past causes, but are teleological, looking forward to goals yet to be attained. (Sea of faith p75 § 4). Perhaps discrete (individual) items / units are exclusively subject to primary causes, but organisms, when holistic, can be teleological.18.06.14
- ALL is ONE. Destiny of everything via time is to be ONE with the ALL. Thus, our own destiny is to achieve that through our own inner endeavour.30.06.14
- The Singularity of the Big Bang is the First Cause; All unfolds from the One.02.07.14
- The love within congress transcends into the love within parenthood. There is something profound in this: a symbol, a link with the higher purposes of our journeys.01.09.14
- Self-consciousness allows us to be aware of consciousness. Consciousness defies definition, as does God. Consciousness is God (or at least an aspect of it) so with self-consciousness we actually begin to touch, see, experience God.23.09.14
- Love is a response to the eternal drive and impetus of the universe that embraces the ALL into the ONE. Thus when we love our identity and motivation becomes linked with the OTHER. We become as ONE.27.09.14
- All the issues we deal with in our lives are metaphors for the Great Journey – aspects of which make us the WHOLE, the ONE.14.10.14
- Physicists tell us that laws of physics apply throughout the universe. This is an aspect of ALL is ONE; the same law applies in every direction; ultimately there must be just ONE law. What would it look like?09.11.14
- Thought for the Day on Radio 4. Greek mind sought the good as a logical process. Christianity introduced love as the motivation. She said we are not rational creatures but desiring creatures. Self-love, or love of others. Many women give up smoking for their unborn child, who they now love more than themselves.15.11.14
- Electrons and quantum entanglement. Love is two souls in entanglement.26.11.14
- Reincarnation is necessary – all must be connected, including the past with now and with the future. We are the connecting thread, the weave of consciousness through Time.05.12.14
- An act of kindness opens up the universe – hugely powerful – linking everything, for it connects, lives, manifests the Oneness.05.12.14
- Many Christians will say that Christianity should stay true to is roots and not bend to changes in social mores; but that begs the question as to whether modern mores are worse or better. If better (e.g. slavery, role of women) then of course the church / religion must change.06.12.14
- All is connected, but in what way / ways? Causal; evolutionary; empathy? But also teleological, connected in purpose. Connected back (causal), now (empathy), future (teleological). When there is that frisson of attraction / love / kindness, which involves the embracing of other, we ‘glimpse’/ God; we become clolser to that oneness with God.02.01.15
- We operate in the world through mind and senses. But also through empathy; conscious connections.18.01.15
- In science, all is number – maths. This is given a narrative purely to help lay people have some sort of sense of the science. BUT… The key to science is to find the right narrative to make sense of it all. Narrative is NOT a poor substitute for the maths; the maths is in fact the KEY to our discovery of the narrative.28.01.15
- The holistic approach is a recognition of the ultimate Oneness of the All.03.03.15************** ************** **************
- Are the grail stories (the spiritual quest) all about initiation?12.03.15
- Does each New Age herald a general initiation of all humanity?12.03.15
- Digital / Analogue. The atom is the tinniest BIT; but sub-atomically it is fluid. The particle-digital atom is composed of particle-digital / wave-analogue fluidity and inter-changeability. So what is at the core of stuff?05.04.15
- I thought I was here to change the world. What I have now discovered is that I am here for the world to change me.15.04.15**************
- Cartesian duality – body / mind separation. We have done this with our lives, made ourselves separate from nature, each other, and from God. We need to reconnect, we need to heal the fissures.19.04.15
- Glastonbury, crop circles etc; it doesn’t matter if they are true or not. They are all centred around nodal points where the great spiritual inflows are appearing or are about to appear.22.04.15
- The Christian notion that God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent is actually correct. ALL is ONE. Perhaps God is the ALL, and each of us are part of the ALL so are aspects of God. ALL is ONE, so everything is interconnected, so ‘God’ is everywhere and all-knowing, and as each one of us has some power, so as part of the ONE that power, shared between us all is universal and thus omnipotent.17.05.15
- When we face a paradox, it is like the ambiguities in the answers at Delphi; we are forced back upon ourselves to find the Truth. (Know Thyself)24.05.15
- I woke with this. I had been dreaming that I was trying to store some pieces of wood in a cellar like room in the school where I worked. They were needed as I travelled between school and my home at holiday times. As I came round I started thinking of my recurring dream of finding or re-finding old disused rooms in my house. Rooms I knew about but had not been into for years. Suddenly I understood. This was about me, about my need to re-explore or re-find my inner-self. Likewise I realised that the Christian story is also about us, not about Jesus. All is One. These are OUR journeys. Jihad also, as indeed Farouk always said, is about the inner struggle with the infidel part of ourselves, not with anything or anyone outside ourselves.26.05.16
- Tolstoy, ‘War & Peace’, 1371 para 2 through to p1372; importance of family; a function of monogamy.12.06.15
- ALL is ONE. ALL is connected, but not randomly; connected in patterns (as in sacred geometry) ley lines, platonic solids. Multi-dimensional, but geometric patterns.13.06.15
- The ONE. Gaia is the ONE manifesting through the many of what makes up the planet and all its life. The ONE is ALL. Our body functions in a similar way, without our having to do very much, in that the ALL is also the ONE. Atoms at quantum level: entanglement means that to affect any ONE entangled qubit, is to affect them ALL.26.06.15
- ‘God’ is not an object, but is the ALL, and also the process or journey. Likewise, we are not just ourselves here and now; we are our entire journey. (See A20 19.08.00)02.07.15**************
- We need to be linked, to be part of the whole. When we separate in adolescence from parents / family, our need awakens for an OTHER, a mate.05.07.15
- Binary is dualism.10.07.15
- Knowing about reincarnation, and that in each incarnation we will be a different type, helps to shed ego, because we become aware of the transitory nature of the SELF we know.17.07.15
- Is astrology to do with the stars, or is it a recognition of patterns that go beyond the patterns of planet and stars?28.07.15
- If axial age religion saw us move away from the shamanic group into individuation, we have now come to the point where that wound must be healed. Back to the group, in a new way, but stronger and wiser as individuated souls. (See A83)04.08.15
- The universal constants are the key to the infinite. 14.12.09 Karachi.
- We are all at the ends of chains of love, dating back to the beginning of humanity, and we are a link for the chains to continue into the ever onwards.29.04.16
- God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, because ALL is ONE. God is everywhere, and everything, and everyone.05.05.16
- The Christian notion that God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent is actually correct. ALL is ONE. Perhaps God is the ALL, and each of us are part of the ALL so are aspects of God. ALL is ONE, so everything is interconnected, so ‘God’ is everywhere and all-knowing, and as each one of us has some power, so as part of the ONE that power, shared between us all is universal and thus omnipotent.17.05.15************** ************** **************
- Christians believe we only go to heaven if we truly believe, have belief, and correct belief. Looked at in another way, we can say that we can only make progress in the inner journey and the psychic phenomenon if we have open minds, have belief in the possibilities.08.08.15
- Shamanism aims at the Oneness of us all with each other. This relates to the ONENESS of the ALL.25.08.15
- (See 114 21.07.91 above) Night and Day of Brahman. Perhaps the ultimate destiny of the physical Cosmos is neither implosion back to the singularity, nor entropy, but is the final absorption of the physical plane into the etheric via black holes. And then the etheric into the next plane up, and so on.14.10.15************** ************** ************** ************** ************** ************** Following on from above, perhaps this is how the Day of Brahman occurs, stepping down, or exploding into each lower plane, plane by plane until the final out-welling on the physical plane.14.08.17
- Kindness is vital, because it is a recognition of another’s existence and need. It is an opening up, a servicing of the connection between us and another, and thereby of us and the All.24.02.16
- The Word is linear. A picture is the Whole.29.03.16
- Just found this in my diary document: 20.05.16 Sue was at Tescos so I was walking on my own. Down the path I stopped at the field and just mused. It was sunny and pleasant and everything was so beautiful. Then, I had a vision of Mother Earth, of Gaia, and of all the plants and trees and birds and animals being part of her consciousness, shifting her consciousness as they shifted and grew. We used to be part of that, that One of Gaia, but now we are like a virus within her very Being. How do we change?20.05.16
- I woke with this. I had been dreaming that I was trying to store some pieces of wood in a cellar like room in the school where I worked. They were needed as I travelled between school and my home at holiday times. As I came round I started thinking of my recurring dream of finding or re-finding old disused rooms in my house. Rooms I knew about but had not been into for years. Suddenly I understood. This was about me, about my need to re-explore or re-find my inner-self. Likewise I realised that the Christian story is also about us, not about Jesus. All is One. These are OUR journeys. Jihad also, as indeed Farouk always said, is about the inner struggle with the infidel part of ourselves, not with anything or anyone outside ourselves.26.05.16
- When the End justifies the Means, the Means become the End.15.09.16************** ************** **************
- To find yourself, you must first lose yourself. We lose ourselves in love; we become complete and ONE, when we surrender ourselves to the OTHER.15.11.16
- The atom is a manifestation of the quantum effect, nothing is infinitely divisible, fields and stuff the same; all come in packets.02.12.16
- The judgement we face is not of what we have done, but of who we are now. The judgement of what we have done comes in future incarnations via karma.04.01.17
- When we put our faith in our religion above humanity, compassion, mercy, justice, etc; then we raise our religion into an idol – a false idol.03.08.17**************
- Belief does matter, but not in terms of whether we have chosen to believe the right religion or not, but in the sense that the beliefs we hold affect our psyche, affects how we behave to others. At the end of the day, ‘by their fruits we shall know them’, not by what they believe, but our beliefs about God, about ourselves, about our fellow men and women, affect us at our core.14.08.17**************
- For a physicist to translate what he or she discovers through maths into a language based narrative, is as difficult as it is for a mystic to translate what he or she discovers within him or herself into any language based narrative.28.08.17
- The Greek and Roman gods existed. They were the higher guides of the Greek and Roman people; half seen, half understood; sensed and half seen and thereby worshipped.20.01.18
- Love between a couple is so extraordinary, and indeed leads to the creation of new life; it is our best clue to that fundamental and elemental core principle of truth at the beginning of everything, and forming the linking fabric for everything.01.05.18
- There may be no true faith; but there certainly isn’t just one. There is either none, or there is many.06.06.18
- When a baby is born, a channel is opened up between this plane and the higher planes. Love pours through. It is not mere hormones, it is mystically profound, an in-welling of the essence of the higher realms. It is LOVE.25.08.18
- We recreate the universe every time it happens: when boy and girl come together in attraction and enchantment. That is how the universe came into being, and the universe is the unfolding consequence of the ultimate consummation.25.09.18
- A zero-sum game is an example of non-inclusivity. Win-win is inclusive and enhances the manifestation of the ultimate Oneness of the Universe.09.10.18
- The periodic table is the key. ALL is ONE; the elements have no ‘choice’ but to have the characteristics they have; because all creation is in harmony – ALL is ONE – everything follows the pattern, the shape.18.02.19
- The universe as it unfolds is a great flowering of the Other into the something of manifestation.06.04.19
- Our lives are patterned; every part of our life a fractal resonance of the whole. The whole can be discerned and discovered in the fractal part; the fractal part discerned in the whole. Every part of our life is a waypoint of meaning, a marker of the road that has been travelled, a sign to the way ahead. Our labyrinthine journey is the macrocosmic story of our microcellular waypoints.(Avebury)23.07.2019
- The depiction of Gods with animal heads (eg Egyptian and cave roof) is possibly a depiction of the unity of all creation, that God is in everything, that ALL is ONE.(Axminster)24.07.2019
- God is in everything. Of course God is in everything, because ALL is ONE.24.07.2019
- It is not that ‘God’ is in everything; it is that ‘God’ is everything: not a separate entity, and evolving as the universe evolves. The wholeness and Oneness of everything is integral to the universe, is a function of our Allness, our Oneness, that is our Godness.14.09.19
- What is love? Love is the connections between people. That is why it is vital and significant and symbolic and powerful. All is One, and through love the Oneness is restored, healed, made new, link by link, between one and one, between one and all. Came as I woke this morning.29.09.19
- The reason why love is central, why it must define the universe and all that we do, and why Christianity was so right to place so much emphasis on it, is because love ‘entangles’ us with OTHER. It is through love that we manifest the ONENESS of ALL, that we become that ONENESS, either as a glimpse, as a foreshadow of that ultimate glory, never to be lost, always to be remembered, or as the herald of our ultimate journey.26.10.19************** ************** **************
- Is Energy, Mind? If so, what do we mean by Mind? Do we mean Consciousness? If so, what do we mean by ‘Consciousness’?Integral to this will also be ‘Meaning’. 12.11.19
- God is everything, because ALL is ONE, because love is the essence and being of the entirety of creation, because ALL is ONE, and that is the essence of love, that is how we experience love, and love is first and foremost an experience.25.11.19
Interesting letter to the Economist from Professor Galen Strawson (son of Sir Peter Strawson whom David may remember from philosophy at Harlech). The Economist recently ran a series of articles on the fundamental issues in science. The last article was on the problem of consciousness.
This is part of what Professor Strawson wrote:
“It is beyond serious doubt that conscious experience is wholly a matter of brain activity, but this doesn’t show us that we don’t know what consciousness is. It shows us that we don’t know what matter is. The hard problem is the problem of matter. Matter is even more extraordinary than we thought, as physicists have been demonstrating for a long time.”
I know it is against the rules in these emails to firstly express a belief in the Other (No, I don’t know what I mean by that; how awful and mundane the Other would be if I did); and secondly to tap into non-Christian writings on the Other. But rules are sometimes to be broken, as I am sure David explained on numerous occasions to his parents.
So, I would just say that I think Strawson has raised an extraordinary point, and it brings to mind an old saying that I think originates from the East:
God sleeps in the mineral
Dreams in the vegetable
Stirs in the animal
And wakes in man.
R 04.10.15